stupid fuckin slang term getting on my nerves.

You know what.... you are VERY RIGHT.... I don't know what it's like to walk in your shoes. For the record... I've been arguing grammar and spelling and slang on this thread.... it wasn't my intention to slip into the "job" debate.... but somehow I did bongsmilie.

I'd like to apologize for anything you took personally as I meant my posts in a "general sense". With that being said, I agree with you. I have no right to pass judgment on anyone's job......( ok except human traffickers, radical religious groups/cults and communist governments...... we should all pass judgment on them!) .....

Anyway, I'm not judging you, in fact I think I have a better idea of where you are coming from (well done and +rep for getting your point across).... and I'm sending good wishes your way that things turn around in a positive way soon. :peace:

That's all i wanted to get across good look Florida.

RKM will never understand or even try too, but he condones smokin tree and says his friends get it(dey went to a dealer). How else are you going to get smoke unless you buy it or grow and last time i checked both thats illegal.

I saw he could only comment on how i live and make a living but when i flipped it on him I don't think he liked dat very much at all.
That's all i wanted to get across good look Florida.

RKM will never understand or even try too, but he condones smokin tree and says his friends get it(dey went to a dealer). How else are you going to get smoke unless you buy it or grow and last time i checked both thats illegal.

I saw he could only comment on how i live and make a living but when i flipped it on him I don't think he liked dat very much at all.

I do understand, I dont have to live it to understand and see. Of course I condone smoking weed, but only responsibly by adults. Yes, I smoked as a teen and its not being hypocritical, its just a shift in maturity.

Did I miss where you flipped it on me?
no i dont know what it's like to work a 40hr week. And i said i dont shit on it.

You have no drive, willpower, or self respect. But if you don't have what it takes to dig yourself out of your situation then that is your choice. You are not getting my sympathy, you said it yourself 'fuck it'. So fuck it, why should anyone do anything for you if you dont help yourself first.

Who's fault is this? What? Is starting at the bottom beneath you?

Yes, I am shitting on your work. A dealer is scum. I rate them between a cockroach and that white stuff that accumulates in the corner of your mouth when you are really thirsty.

They are if they are contributing to fucking up others lives. Meth, coke, crack, heroin. Dealing weed only is one thing, but then if your selling it to kids then......

UHHH, go to school.....

Find a role model. Get involved with activities.

See, you started something positive.

I dont watch the news, so I have no idea what they say.

Saying fuck it wont put food on the table either. Its a choice man, thats all. Wouldn't it be nice to not always having to look over your shoulder for the fear of someone jumping you or the police watching you. Thats no way to live man.

Actually sayin fuck it puts food on the table if i stop slinging wont noone help me out. Well my boys would but that would get old.

Well you still stereotype on dopeboys bra. You want everyone to be like you and it's not gonna happen
Yea but as i said before who's gonna hire somone in the same position as me. I'd rather sling and be able to see my kid whenever i feel like it.

I feel you just think you're right and noone can tell you anything. At least I admit guilt and wrongdoing but you can't even say you do illegal things like buy weed and smoke it fuck where or who you got it from(still came from a dopeboy).

So post on bra cause my typing aint even worth it.
We don't know that...we have no idea who is reading this forum. Perhaps even parents trying to get a handle on what's going on in their kid's life and trying to learn a little more about the pot they found in their kid's room. Seeing posts filled with iz, da, dis, dat, ur is only going to reinforce in their minds that smoking mj makes people stupid.

For the ones that are trying to promote legalization it sure doesn't help when stoner X gets popped for growing mj and the news crew catches a snippet of stoner X being taken away in handcuffs while loudly declaring "Diz iz bullshit, da man juz tryn' ta keep a bra down".

This forum is public..... just because no one knows who we are doesn't mean we shouldn't at least attempt to present ourselves in a positive light. I mean it wouldn't kill folks to throttle back on the slang a bit.... say keep the slang down to about 20% so others can at least comprehend what's being said without having to read a sentence 4 times. ;)

Agreed, but that's the point of discussing the topic. I choose to state how ignorant it comes across when people use 80% slang in their posts while others choose to tell me "I dooz as I likes n if u don like dat, den u cn fuk off". (Which just proves my point .... and in writing nonetheless ;) )

:joint: :peace: peace right back at ya.

I mean I hear what you saying to an extent. But it ain't really even like that on this site. Not at all to be honest. I mean yeah folks is on here abbreviating or shortening words by subtracting a letter or two that is not making or breaking the word so to speak. And I have no problme deciphering what they mean or wat word they are chopping or screwing. It's not like chinese or anything, it's easily identified and understood.
I mean I hear what you saying to an extent. But it ain't really even like that on this site. Not at all to be honest. I mean yeah folks is on here abbreviating or shortening words by subtracting a letter or two that is not making or breaking the word so to speak. And I have no problme deciphering what they mean or wat word they are chopping or screwing. It's not like chinese or anything, it's easily identified and understood.

LOL... here comes zeke .... I predict 20 posts to catch up to the current wind of the thread ;) :) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: (just razzing you a bit)
Somebody forces people to sell drugs? I dont think so. I agree, dealers make damn good money. But I am sorry, if the person would just use their brain they could find something they are good at besides contributing to fucking up peoples lives. You are right I did not grow up in the ghetto, but I was raised to be a productive responsible person. No, I never associated with people in the hood to get my weed. I have always maintained a close tight knitted group of friends that only dealt with each other. It kept us safe and virtually eliminated us getting caught. And I hate hearing "I grew up in the ghetto, blah blah blah", thats not a reason. It is a cop out and they are blaming society for their misfortunes. Like it was mentioned, the world does not owe anybody anything. If you dont like it then do something about it. If you feel strong enough about getting out of the ghetto then the choice is yours, do it. Nobody is stopping anyone.

This post further proves you really have no clue. You have no idea what it's like to be unfortunate, or less fortunate than you have been. And it is far from a cop out, by any means. Folks that are from the ghetto or live in the ghetto, are much farther from the resources than you are, that you take for granted every day. I am not even gonna begin to enlighten you, but you have proved how ignorant people can be. You speak so confidently on something you know nothing about. To me that is ignorance.
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Actually sayin fuck it puts food on the table if i stop slinging wont noone help me out. Well my boys would but that would get old.

Well you still stereotype on dopeboys bra. You want everyone to be like you and it's not gonna happen
Yea but as i said before who's gonna hire somone in the same position as me. I'd rather sling and be able to see my kid whenever i feel like it.

I feel you just think you're right and noone can tell you anything. At least I admit guilt and wrongdoing but you can't even say you do illegal things like buy weed and smoke it fuck where or who you got it from(still came from a dopeboy).

So post on bra cause my typing aint even worth it.

I dont want people to be like me, I want people to stop making excuses and blaming others for the position they are in. And I do see my kids, trust me, my schedule is very flexible. I said at the beginning I made mistakes and one was even pointed out to me, I took it in stride and kept moving. I dont buy weed. I grow it.

Now I gotta go kick 5 teenagers asses in guitar hero.
im not sure if its been stated yet as i did not read all posts but if you havnt heard the term bra you havnt been surfing in australia, new zealand or hawaii there is even a movie called bra boys about a gang of aussie surfers who become the best in the world, this is a commonly used term in australia.
I dont want people to be like me, I want people to stop making excuses and blaming others for the position they are in. And I do see my kids, trust me, my schedule is very flexible. I said at the beginning I made mistakes and one was even pointed out to me, I took it in stride and kept moving. I dont buy weed. I grow it.

Now I gotta go kick 5 teenagers asses in guitar hero.

Okay i have to post cause noone is makin excuses. I never said "oh feel sorry fo mane he gotta sling" I was just stating my case.
Good you flexible(never said you dont see your kids i was sayin i can see mine anytime i feel). I follow my own rules so im very flexible.
Even worse you cultivating(u smoked when you was kid i know you weren't growing unless you were like me at 14).
If someone can not understand your writting then you are not communicating, just scribbling, thus WHATS THE FRIGGIN POINT? Quit being lazy and spell !!!
If someone can not understand your writting then you are not communicating, just scribbling, thus WHATS THE FRIGGIN POINT? Quit being lazy and spell !!!

...............Said the poster who spelled writing... "writting"

:mrgreen: j/k with you!!! You can't expect to post that and not get called on it :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
This got me laughing like a mutha!

Thank you... I'm here all week ;)

Although truth be told....I'm high at first I knew there was a problem with it..... but for some reason I zeroed in on the word "your". Took me a good 30 seconds to realize the problem was with "writting".

What can I say.... better late then never ;) :joint:
This post further proves you really have no clue. You have no idea what it's like to be unfortunate, or less fortunate than you have been. And it is far from a cop out, by any means. Folks that are from the ghetto or live in the ghetto, are much farther from the resources than you are, that you take for granted every day. I am not even gonna begin to enlighten you, but you have proved how ignorant people can be. You speak so confidently on something you know nothing about. To me that is ignorance.

No my friend what you just said is ignorance..have you ever been to a "hood" or anything like that..there mostly at most 5-10 minutes away from a main city..from where theres people who dont shoot people up, who dont sell that crap, and where there are no gangs..rkm is right, it is a cop out..if you REALLY wanted to get out of the hood and not be a bad person..apply to a school thats 10 minutes away in a good neiborhoood..or if your past school go get a job in that one is forced to stay in the "hood" its a choice..people say they have no choice..bullshit. there just to damn lazy to get off there ass and drive or even walk 10 minutes to find a decent school or a decent job..they wanna take the easy way out and sell drugs and join gangs