Jesus Christ, go to the manafactuers web site and you'll see that they DO NOT put out 600,000 lumens.
Right from the data sheet:
JESUS CHRIST i clicked on that link and unless im seriously missing something, this is what i saw, plasma international tesla 1000 sp lamp
0.57million lumens full and continuous spectrum, source jena university 2007.... Excuse me if wordings not exact but Isnt this what i said in my very first post quoted from the magazine?? Isnt
0.57million the same as
570.000 then?? It mentions nothing of the 600.000 lumen claim at the volkwagen factory in 2008, so whos to say that the 600.000lumen sp is even made by plasma international? The magazine already states LG are making them so who knows how many other companies have jumped on the sulphur plasma bandwagon and are developing theyre own versions? That data sheet also states that the first prototype sp lamps produced something like 140 lumens p/watt, little more than a 1000w hps. But it states its the new(2007) tesla 1000w sp produces 0.57million lumens thats fucking 570 lumens p/watt!!! And u said 447 lumens p/watt is impossible with broad continuous spectrum light!! So if they can improve on the technology that much from the first prototype 140 lumens p/watt models to the 2007 models 570 lumens p/watt, why is so impossible for you to believe that the 2007
0.57m lumen could have been tweaked to produce 0.6m lumens by 2008 possibly even by a rival company? And even if the 0.6m lumen 2008 claim at the volkswagen factory is untrue then fuck me isnt
0.57m lumens from a 1000w lamp good enough for you...?