I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

my derision comes from years of busting ass to attain some little bit of well earned comfort and is aimed at those who seem to feel that such sacrifice is somehow a source of great evil in the world.
I feel your pain, as that is exactly where I'm at, trying to enjoy my (well earned) sunset years. I do, unlike you, feel for the forgotten masses that have no chance for this menial existance that I endure, but will die from some disease such as black lung, mesothelioma, or lack of revenue, or fucked to no medical, the largest killer. So go on back under the ice and get your prose together so you can tell us how fucked up we are.
i've become busy and slightly bored with the same ol' same ol' of the political discussions that do little more than attempt to glorify or demonize one of the two sides of the completely irrelevant upcoming presidential election. i can only continue for so long before i tire of struggling against the ignorance of the pro-socialist/anti-freedom stance of mindless nouveau-liberals. it sometimes seems futile to argue with those who can't seem to look beyond immediate desires to the endless path we are creating for ourselves. when i get a bit too weary of this foolishness, i tend to temporarily retire my delusions of normality and relax as the demented foole that i am.

i'm not some puerile post-pubescent punk nor am i a jaded retiree, living on past glories. i'm just an aging hippie who has resigned himself to working the rest of his unnatural life because he knows nothing else. my derision comes from years of busting ass to attain some little bit of well earned comfort and is aimed at those who seem to feel that such sacrifice is somehow a source of great evil in the world.

we will return from under the ice in due time, refreshed and once again ready to bore you with bits of the real world. we are seldom gone completely and are always watching.:mrgreen:

I am also being worn down by the onslaught of ignorance on this forum, and it knows no restraint. After a long and vicious exchange of arguments, philosophy, threats and compromises, I gaze on battered thread wearily and I dare to hope that the conclusion would alter some perceptions in the end.

Then the very next day, like they hit the reset button on their forehead, I see newly spawned threads filled with the exact same bullshit found on the previous thread tucked away on the second page like it never happened. Composed of various audacious accusations and questions with blatant lies and since its a new thread its bound to attract WeTarded's sea of stupid links. I know their tactic now, its the zerg attack. They will win not by reason nor logic, but by flooding. They will hammer out the opposition with their unyielding ignorance. Also by a mathematical logistic, new comers will see these threads more and buy more into their bullshit since the competition have left in disgust. I am exasperated with this, and I have not visited here as frequently as I used to.

However, I greatly enjoy reading your bits of insight, Undertheice. I can appreciate your use of vocabulary and well conceived reason. It would be a great loss to morale and sanity to this forum if it ceased UTI's clarity.
No esoteric goals. No hate mongering, just enlightenment and peer reviews. No running around playing soldier. No radicals at the helm. No "flim flam militia". No need to know what state I'm from. No tin foil hats here.

Rather, just community enlightenment and ready for self preservation! We have a plan of action should martial law be implemented and they try and put us in FEMA camps or whatnot. So, its basically its a community watch that is prepared and armed against a rogue gov't just in case we need to protect our way of life. Most of us are men that care about our families and our rights!

Live free or die!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


I'd like to hear more, how do you get your nieghbors to iniciate a "militia". Do you go door to door and say, "hey folks, we're starting a militia, do you want to join"? Then what? do you go to the nearest school and hold meetings talking about what you're going to do when they come for you to take you to the FEMA camps. You really should have some firearm training to be a real Militia. I just would like to know more, hell, I might start one here in my neighborhood, Viva Villa. Come on We, clue me in. I've heard of the Michigan milita, but they are a bunch of rednecks that live in the boonies of Michigan. Do you live in the "Boonies"?
I am also being worn down by the onslaught of ignorance on this forum, and it knows no restraint. After a long and vicious exchange of arguments, philosophy, threats and compromises, I gaze on battered thread wearily and I dare to hope that the conclusion would alter some perceptions in the end.

Then the very next day, like they hit the reset button on their forehead, I see newly spawned threads filled with the exact same bullshit found on the previous thread tucked away on the second page like it never happened. Composed of various audacious accusations and questions with blatant lies and since its a new thread its bound to attract WeTarded's sea of stupid links. I know their tactic now, its the zerg attack. They will win not by reason nor logic, but by flooding. They will hammer out the opposition with their unyielding ignorance. Also by a mathematical logistic, new comers will see these threads more and buy more into their bullshit since the competition have left in disgust. I am exasperated with this, and I have not visited here as frequently as I used to.

However, I greatly enjoy reading your bits of insight, Undertheice. I can appreciate your use of vocabulary and well conceived reason. It would be a great loss to morale and sanity to this forum if it ceased UTI's clarity.
The Zen is back, Hail hail! Reason now abounds. It is small wonder that you are the only two with reason, but even if I accepted this mental pillory, I'd be nutzo.
"However, I greatly enjoy reading your bits of insight, Undertheice. I can appreciate your use of vocabulary and well conceived reason. It would be a great loss to morale and sanity to this forum if it ceased UTI's clarity."

Amen to that!

I am also being worn down by the onslaught of ignorance on this forum, and it knows no restraint. After a long and vicious exchange of arguments, philosophy, threats and compromises, I gaze on battered thread wearily and I dare to hope that the conclusion would alter some perceptions in the end.

Then the very next day, like they hit the reset button on their forehead, I see newly spawned threads filled with the exact same bullshit found on the previous thread tucked away on the second page like it never happened. Composed of various audacious accusations and questions with blatant lies and since its a new thread its bound to attract WeTarded's sea of stupid links. I know their tactic now, its the zerg attack. They will win not by reason nor logic, but by flooding. They will hammer out the opposition with their unyielding ignorance. Also by a mathematical logistic, new comers will see these threads more and buy more into their bullshit since the competition have left in disgust. I am exasperated with this, and I have not visited here as frequently as I used to.

However, I greatly enjoy reading your bits of insight, Undertheice. I can appreciate your use of vocabulary and well conceived reason. It would be a great loss to morale and sanity to this forum if it ceased UTI's clarity.

Well put.....:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
I do, unlike you, feel for the forgotten masses.....
i'm sure your momma would be so proud knowing her son has become such a compassionate man, just as i'm sure mine would be incredibly perturbed and a bit confused to find her son considered such an uncaring schmuck after years of devoting so much of his time and assets to various charitable organizations. i guess it all depends on your definition of compassion.

i'm pretty sure your dreams for the future and mine are very close. we both envision a world where everyone is capable of leading a free and fulfilling life, where no one is abused for the sake of another's pleasure and the swords of mankind are forever bent into plowshares. the difference seems to be that my vision is one where the people are able to create such a world for themselves instead of having it thrust upon them through totalitarian means, where the poor are enabled to create the wealth they so desire instead of having a pittance handed to them by some bureaucratic machine after ripping it from someone else's grasp.
And that bureaucratic machine does nothing other than stifle self sufficiency and destroy families and family values in the poor communities. Therefore, we have the predictable outcome of more poverty today than we did when the "Do Gooders" of the Johnson administration started the War on Poverty and the beginning of the slide down the Three-Trillion-Dollar-Rat-Hole.

i'm sure your momma would be so proud knowing her son has become such a compassionate man, just as i'm sure mine would be incredibly perturbed and a bit confused to find her son considered such an uncaring schmuck after years of devoting so much of his time and assets to various charitable organizations. i guess it all depends on your definition of compassion.

i'm pretty sure your dreams for the future and mine are very close. we both envision a world where everyone is capable of leading a free and fulfilling life, where no one is abused for the sake of another's pleasure and the swords of mankind are forever bent into plowshares. the difference seems to be that my vision is one where the people are able to create such a world for themselves instead of having it thrust upon them through totalitarian means, where the poor are enabled to create the wealth they so desire instead of having a pittance handed to them by some bureaucratic machine after ripping it from someone else's grasp.
I agree with your dreams of the future, but man in his present incarnation is far from being willing to share his "hard earned" wealth, a wealth that if shared would more than likely end starvation and misery on this planet. If we were to wait for man to become this charitable, I'm pretty sure without divine intervention it will be a few millenia before equality is achieved. One must look at the big picture, not just his immediate surroundings,, to find answers to lifes larger problems. I don't have the solution, but I'm pretty sure you can rule out charity.
I agree with your dreams of the future, but man in his present incarnation is far from being willing to share his "hard earned" wealth, a wealth that if shared would more than likely end starvation and misery on this planet. If we were to wait for man to become this charitable, I'm pretty sure without divine intervention it will be a few millenia before equality is achieved. One must look at the big picture, not just his immediate surroundings,, to find answers to lifes larger problems. I don't have the solution, but I'm pretty sure you can rule out charity.

I don't either, Med. But I can guarantee you one thing ... and this is based upon history throughout the Ages ... trying to bend Man's will through the force of government is not the answer. Countless pools of blood have proven this to be true throughout time.

..... man in his present incarnation is far from being willing to share his "hard earned" wealth, a wealth that if shared would more than likely end starvation and misery on this planet.
so the solution is theft and slavery? government proves its ineptitude daily, its corruptibility and lack of foresight are obvious, yet you still seem to believe we can trust it to spend our funds wisely to combat suffering.

One must look at the big picture, not just his immediate surroundings, to find answers to life's larger problems.
i couldn't agree more, but "the big picture" extends through time as well as space. where will we be when this scheme of wealth redistribution has created a population dependent on the tender mercies of the state for a fair distribution of funds? what will be left to distribute when the greater portion of the nation's wealth has left our shores for friendlier climates? your "big picture" and mine diverge once today ends and tomorrow begins.

I'm pretty sure you can rule out charity.
it sounds as if you already have. considering the fact that you live in a country that gives a higher percentage of its wealth to charity than any other nation on earth, i'm led to believe that this is mostly a personal problem. this infatuation with the idea that government knows best how we should spend our money has absolutely no basis in fact and seems more a lacking in the ethical base of the left. those who are unwilling to give on their own tend to impress that failing on the world around them and see a world filled with people as miserly as themselves.
Because the U.S. decided to go to war is why there is a depression similar to the 1920's. The cost is from using resources that are needed within the country and wasting it for conflict. That is the price of war.

The decision for invasion is not something any of us will agree upon but the effects are clear.

Whether you like Bush or not is up to you but the facts are that everything sucks right now. No doubt about that.
Because the U.S. decided to go to war is why there is a depression similar to the 1920's. WRONG The cost is from using resources that are needed within the country and wasting it for conflict. WRONG That is the price of war. WRONG

The decision for invasion is not something any of us will agree upon but the effects are clear. RIGHT

Whether you like Bush or not is up to you but the facts are that everything sucks right now. WRONG No doubt about that. WRONG

Sorry, I did it again..............

(1/6; you fail, again. Better luck next time, kid.)
Undertheice sez ...

i couldn't agree more, but "the big picture" extends through time as well as space. where will we be when this scheme of wealth redistribution has created a population dependent on the tender mercies of the state for a fair distribution of funds? what will be left to distribute when the greater portion of the nation's wealth has left our shores for friendlier climates? your "big picture" and mine diverge once today ends and tomorrow begins.

i couldn't agree more, but "the big picture" extends through time as well as space. where will we be when this scheme of wealth redistribution has created a population dependent on the tender mercies of the state for a fair distribution of funds? what will be left to distribute when the greater portion of the nation's wealth has left our shores for friendlier climates? your "big picture" and mine diverge once today ends and tomorrow begins.

Exactly correct, and that is exactly what has been happening. The U.S. has the second highest corporate tax rate on the planet, second only to Japan. Those on the left want to tax them even higher. The results will be more U.S. companies moving off-shore ... and more job losses to boot.

Why can't they see this? Or, do they see it and promote it in their fervor to destroy capitalism? As the world as we know it is destroyed by their policies; as we become a nation where everyone is equally poor; as the blood of total poverty and brutish government control is running red in the streets, will they then wail ... "But, I didn't mean THIS!!!"


I'm thinking CC and VI ought to move to a foriegn country, take their wealth and start a Jason lewis state. A place where the radio blares 24/7 with hate rhetoric and tries to brainwash the citizenry onto giving up their wealth and labor for the greater good of, you guessed it CC and VI.