Baltimore Riots, WTF is going on, is this my country?

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OMG let me just address this black on black violence thing. When you plan a crime, you're going to plan around what you freaking know, OK? If i'm going to get angry and murder someone, it's most likely going to be someone I know. If i'm going to rob a store, it's going to be one I can observe. When the fuck can a black man observe a store in a white neighborhood? Um, maybe when he'd like his spine broken? When can a white man observe a store in a black neighborhood without everyone around knowing there is a freaking white guy watching the store?! Neighborhoods in America are extremely segregated by race. So when a crime takes place, of course it's most likely to be people of the same race. That just makes sense. Literally everyone in my class is white. If I strangle a bitch in there, it's going to be a white on white crime. Is it because I hate my own race? No! It's circumstance. It's a common circumstance. When a black person has some beef with someone, it's probably going to be another black person, because that is who they are freaking interacting with most often. That is how we have set up our living arrangements here in America. It doesn't make black people animals. I don't even know why people ever even thought to bring that up, seeing as how it is the same in every. freaking. race. We are most likely to kill, or rob, or hurt, or whatever, someone of our own race.
nearly 4000 peaceful protesters, a few dozen troublemakers, and the right wing media goes crazy with "race riot" headlines.


less reported is the fact that many protesters put themselves in harm's way to do the job the police were supposed to be doing in the first place.


Plenty of Freddie Gray protestors attempted to quell the violence yesterday. This woman tried to protect cop cars.

and then there is of course the obvious and ugly racial double standard in riot reporting.

Brian Joyce‏@the_brianjoyce
When, oh when, will these white sports fans stop destroying their own neighborhoods?? #thugs #OhioState


and unfortunately last, but the opposite of least, is the ignored problem that lit the whole fuse.

Samuel Sinyangwe‏@samswey
Police in Baltimore killed more unarmed people than 93 of the 100 largest US cities. None were white. #FreddieGray


after being detained for 45 minutes in police custody, freddie gray had his spinal cord 80% severed. think about that. then he was denied medical care for a prolonged period of time.

but let's get in a hissy fit about a few troublemakers smashing some lifeless property.
OMG let me just address this black on black violence thing. When you plan a crime, you're going to plan around what you freaking know, OK? If i'm going to get angry and murder someone, it's most likely going to be someone I know. If i'm going to rob a store, it's going to be one I can observe. When the fuck can a black man observe a store in a white neighborhood? Um, maybe when he'd like his spine broken? When can a white man observe a store in a black neighborhood without everyone around knowing there is a freaking white guy watching the store?! Neighborhoods in America are extremely segregated by race. So when a crime takes place, of course it's most likely to be people of the same race. That just makes sense. Literally everyone in my class is white. If I strangle a bitch in there, it's going to be a white on white crime. Is it because I hate my own race? No! It's circumstance. It's a common circumstance. When a black person has some beef with someone, it's probably going to be another black person, because that is who they are freaking interacting with most often. That is how we have set up our living arrangements here in America. It doesn't make black people animals. I don't even know why people ever even thought to bring that up, seeing as how it is the same in every. freaking. race. We are most likely to kill, or rob, or hurt, or whatever, someone of our own race.
The original post was Extremely inappropriate and immature. Whoever liked it should be ashamed of themselves.
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I'm not about to play the race card here. I suppose the race card is playing itself right?
Maybe we should just have lawlessness everywhere. ?
Something needs to change ?
Sure it does, but in the meantime people that have to try to uphold some sort of peace are made up of humans prone to mistakes just like any other.

Ferguson-- This thug walks into a store and just helps himself to a box of cigars and just strongarms the old man shopkeeper ( who probably paid for those cigars) and the end result was indeed rather tragic. BUT, if this kid doesnt do that then none of this ever happens. Why is it that nobody wants to see that for what it is?

You can call me names I guess since your daddy or whoever owns the joint but thats ok. I'm not offended.

exactly but some people want an excuse to loot burn destroy. nothing better to do, no work no future. Kinda like the terrorists - no hope, no future, what they got to lose.
oh, sweet fucking irony.

first of all, the storekeeper never even reported a fucking robbery.

second of all, the officer who shot michael brown was not even aware that any robbery had taken place.

so maybe it is you who doesn't want to see that for what it is. no, not maybe. definitely.
racist bozo.

Ohhh hell you mean it never happened then ? And here I thought this thug ( I dont care if he's black white or green ) was trying to take his gun off him.
Can't resist calling little playground names can ya. Does that add emphasis to all of your posts ? Does that give them some power ?

what if your best friend went into police custody perfectly OK and a few hours later his spinal cord was 80% severed?

I sure as hell not gonna run around yelling throwing and burning shit! Oh, and beating innocent people too..
People act like this shit only happens to black people,gimme a break...
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