Medical Marijuana In Vancouver Should Be More Regulated: City

Well regardless...of centering out Chris...for being smart enough to realize that some change in the basic right direction is better than....the alternative...
WE are all old enough know exactly what you are saying...however,,,,by voting and taking the high road... just more of the same...will only result in a split vote....and arsehole gets back in....
don't you think he knows it.....winner by default...its what he did last time....and managed a majority....ffs
If we don't at least get our act together and vote....collectively....we are going to be screwed,and served up
to harpies prison system....
who is the only one with at least a remote chance of managing to bring the country COLLECTIVELY TOGETHER.....Yes its Justin.....
I Frankly liked his dad....and that's reason enough for me....
see his father.Pierre one of those with enough foresight to see what politicians are capable of doing without being held in check by something like a constitution......
without ,,,,Pierre...and a select few others....we would be taking it so hard up the arse....right the supreme court would be lucky to see the light of day a medical mj patient.
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Chris is from the 'anything but Harper = rainbows and Unicorns' crowd. I'm guessing he's too young to know any different.

Hopefully enough in this community are old enough to know the government are not our friends, no matter what color uniform they wear or how big their smiles are. Just look at Obama down south to see how that works out.
Apparently you are unable to have an intelligent conversation without attacks and name calling when I never once attacked your point of view or you personally. My turn.
I don't have a hardon for any politician, but I am in the anybody but Harper crowd. Rainbows and unicorns? Go fuck yourself CON clown. So "politicians are not our friends"...what a profound statement. So why don't you take time out from being a little bitch and calling down my posts, and bless us with some of your knowledge. Explain to us your theory of a magical civil society without government or rules.
Clean the shit out of your ears and listen up...Harper's response to legalization "not on my watch", Trudeau's response to legalization "we will legalize marijuana". If you want the ability to grow,smoke and possess weed for recreational purposes, the choice is clear.
And I am plenty old enough to know of what I speak...I probably have a few years on you son,so how about if you don't agree with me you respond civilly or not at fucking all.
I like you're a bit off colour but would you have people react/respond? There is no other politician offering what JT is....yes it's government and I think most of us here are old enough to know what that means....there is nothing wrong with wanting anything but Harptler - he is a tyrant that needs to go.
I used to tolerate Dizzy...I'm done
sorry i turned this into a bit of a sht-storm there
my point was simply; it's not legalization, even where they say it's legalized. it's decriminalized (as evident by Uruguay *i thought they were legal too :( )

i will never consider cultivation limits, legalized. and have a hard time calling current and proposed laws legalization.
I'm a little bummed that everyone else does though, as there's a big difference in 'legalized' and 'decriminalized' to me.
sorry i turned this into a bit of a sht-storm there
my point was simply; it's not legalization, even where they say it's legalized. it's decriminalized (as evident by Uruguay *i thought they were legal too :( )

i will never consider cultivation limits, legalized. and have a hard time calling current and proposed laws legalization.
I'm a little bummed that everyone else does though, as there's a big difference in 'legalized' and 'decriminalized' to me.
I know what you were/are's just that I don't think it is ever going to go that way and we'd be better off getting the best situation we can. Go back to my alcohol's the definition of legal that is the issue, but I think our options are a) legal and regulated in a civilized society or b) the status quo, or at best fines instead of court for possession. Things may look different in a decade, but right now it's what we got.
Man, $35k gets you a dispensary. Thats interesting. But does it protect the grow site? Or just the sale site?
Man, $35k gets you a dispensary. Thats interesting. But does it protect the grow site? Or just the sale site?
Just the sale site...and it won't protect you from Harper's Gestapo should they choose to go that route. Honestly, I think the entire province should adopt that policy. Health care is a provincial responsibility. Controlled substances like alcohol and tobacco are provincially regulated. Just like Washington and Colorado etc, BC needs to tell the feds to back off and let us deal with our own issues. The rest of Canada will soon follow.
Apparently you are unable to have an intelligent conversation without attacks and name calling when I never once attacked your point of view or you personally. My turn.

Every time I respond in kind to *your* unprovoked personal attacks, you act like I'm a bully. Man up for once and take your lumps, you hypocrite. You attack me every time I express my opinion here and then cry like a child when it gets returned in kind. You're just too young to know that the Liberals are just Harper lite.
Every time I respond in kind to *your* unprovoked personal attacks, you act like I'm a bully. Man up for once and take your lumps, you hypocrite. You attack me every time I express my opinion here and then cry like a child when it gets returned in kind. You're just too young to know that the Liberals are just Harper lite.
Who's cryin'? Show me one example of an unprovoked personal attack by me against you or anyone else on this "decriminalized internet'. I'm a pretty laid back guy...I only attack in retaliation. I am long past the age of taking shit from anyone. Don't like it? go won't be missed. Again with the "too young" bullshit? How in the fuck do you know how old I am? Here's a clue, John Diefenbaker was prime minister when I was born. attract more bees with honey.

We all know that legal doesn't mean legal. Is it better than what we have in place now?

We all know Trudeau is a "Harper light"...Would we be better than what is in place now?

Do you have any constructive ideas?

Attacking Chris shows what you are all about...I think Chris is one of the most important contributors here.
Go ahead and bash me now Dizzy, I know your gun is all loaded to call me out as a LP loving douche bag...
again I ask you, call you offer some constructive suggestions on how to handle the current issues we are facing.
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I think Elizabeth May might be the key, along with the Quebec votes.
Cooperation from the opposition, although perhaps a fool's dream, would be the way to bring an end to this current brand of tyranny.
If the Greens had focused on say 6-12 ridings last election and backed off entering candidates in all the ridings, I think they would have 6-12 seats now. A bold move like this can perhaps start change, real change.
Maybe we should ask our Liberal candidates about this, and push the request. ( assuming it is a good idea, and not the meds fucking up my head right now ). attract more bees with honey.

We all know that legal doesn't mean legal. Is it better than what we have in place now?

We all know Trudeau is a "Harper light"...Would we be better than what is in place now?

Do you have any constructive ideas?

Attacking Chris shows what you are all about...I think Chris is one of the most important contributors here.
Go ahead and bash me now Dizzy, I know your gun is all loaded to call me out as a LP loving douche bag...
again I ask you, call you offer some constructive suggestions on how to handle the current issues we are facing.
I think Elizabeth May might be the key, along with the Quebec votes.
Cooperation from the opposition, although perhaps a fool's dream, would be the way to bring an end to this current brand of tyranny.
If the Greens had focused on say 6-12 ridings last election and backed off entering candidates in all the ridings, I think they would have 6-12 seats now. A bold move like this can perhaps start change, real change.
Maybe we should ask our Liberal candidates about this, and push the request. ( assuming it is a good idea, and not the meds fucking up my head right now ).
I would like to see the Greens with a bigger role, but I don't know about them forming a government anytime soon. I think May is one of the most well spoken & intelligent politicians we have but the party is still viewed as a BC fringe party.
I would like to see the Greens with a bigger role, but I don't know about them forming a government anytime soon. I think May is one of the most well spoken & intelligent politicians we have but the party is still viewed as a BC fringe party.

And keep it that the seats you can, and help the LIBs in the other ridings.
Be happy with what you can get.