Medical Marijuana In Vancouver Should Be More Regulated: City

the joke was tons knew of his addictions...
I doubt he'll beat his cancer,,,,"they say" he good for long is now anyway...a couple months...weeks.
I'll give him a year maybe with what he has...I hope I'm wrong about that too.
Sorry but how did anyone but rob ford fuck rob ford? Smoke rock in video and the whole rest of his antics sunk him IMO. Btw he only stepped down due to being diagnosed with cancer. He's still a city councilor iirc.
i thought he got ousted but now that i think...I am wrong-he was stripped of a lot of his powers as Mayor...oops
i thought he got ousted but now that i think...I am wrong-he was stripped of a lot of his powers as Mayor...oops
That is true he was limited to what he actually had power over. He is as much a victim of his own undoing as the press vilifying him. If he would have manned up an publicly spoke about his addictions when he was being blackmailed he would have faired far better in the media IMO.
Id love to know where the idea comes from that pot is tolerated in toronto anywhere near the way it is in vancity.
There are a few dispensaries here that i know of but they all have hidden addresses that only members get to know and all the ones ive contacted want as much documentation as an the lps.
And the prices ive seen for the toronto dispenaries dont screem patient friendly either.

I loved rob ford. I think a politician with obvious faults is alot easier to respect because it shows they are still human. He isnt the only politician with an addiction and the way everyone turned on him was wrong. Human rights look at all addictions as a sickness and they wouldnt have tolerated the abuse he took at the end towards anyone else. At least he didnt hide he even went on kimmel ffs lol
funny that really..
what is the difference between a self made addict or one made by our system?
one is viewed badly the other is ok ?

funny that really..
what is the difference between a self made addict or one made by our system?
one is viewed badly the other is ok ?

Psychologist would say that there is no difference. An addict is an addict and if your a drunk which everyone knows one of. They have rights.
Cant fire a drunk for showing up at work hammered an employer has to send him to rehab on their dime more than once before firing. And heaven forbid if hr told anyone. But a non legal addiction wow front page news.
Addiction is addiction.
Mine is reading bullshit and finding the odd nugget of truth lol
And haggling with u fukers.