
Well-Known Member
That's a pretty dumb thing to do in the light of this, my advice is to shut down immediately.
thinks for the advice man.. I just look at it this way if he smells it its not going to be from in his house it will be from out side and I been doing good at keeping the smell non existent,hell i had dinner with the next door neighbor they was 6 ft away from my room and they did not smell shit, they let there kids come over and play the ps4 and they never smell shit i also cut there hair, im cool with my neighbors but I do know they would tell on me for growing if they knew so i try to be friendly and normal, hell if that cop knocked on my door as a neighbor and asked for somthing i be like sure step in and i will get it for you, he has to let me know what he is at my door for if it is over complaint or to search my shit he has to say so , my room don't stink like that unless i open the grow room door, if you act like you got something to hide then you got something to hide and he did not move down there kuz im growing pot... I under stand the risk but I just see things different, you may think im stupid but im actually pretty slick....


Well-Known Member
yea thats what im going to do i got tattoos all over me but they seam to like me Im actuly friends with 3 cops around here its a small hick town with cops living every where, i just don't think they will expect some 1 having enough balls to grow pot on top of a cops head lol literally.. KNOCK ON WOOD, I knew she rented to cops when i moved here just did not plan on growing in doors
A lot of police around me especially the tourer group are tatted with sleeves etc so


Well-Known Member
Take a hit..when he's at work break into his place and move your whole grow op into his house..then call the more cop neighbor. I mean your talking crazy're not looking for advice but reassurance nothing is going to's your life, take chances you can deal with.


Well-Known Member
You've already made your mind up as to what you are going to do. All you really seem to be doing is seeking reassurance and you're not getting it. Do what you will. You obviously are prepared for the consequences or don't deem them severe enough to not carry on. As a side note your posts are hard to read. A spell checker would help make them easier to read. Best of luck!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
You've already made your mind up as to what you are going to do. All you really seem to be doing is seeking reassurance and you're not getting it. Do what you will. You obviously are prepared for the consequences or don't deem them severe enough to not carry on. As a side note your posts are hard to read. A spell checker would help make them easier to read. Best of luck!
So is your writing. .,


Well-Known Member
Hey guys should i cultivate this illegal narcotic while living next to this officer sworn to uphold the law? Ima do it anyways cuz the two zips i get will be worth it :).....helllll yeahh!


Virtually Unknown Member
a patrolman makes corporal makes sergeant makes detective by keeping his eyes open and taking advantage of any situation that presents itself


Well-Known Member
Wow! You are the ultimate grammar police. A simple mistake vs bad spelling. I wouldn't say that makes mine hard to read. Kudos!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol


Well-Known Member
I did not say it was smart lol, but the fine is smaller then what the weed Is worth, If there was jail time I not do it, but there is no jail time over 4 plants where im at and Im only growing 3, but I wont do it till the cop that works for the police department moves out and the cop that works for 7 eleven moves in....


Well-Known Member
I did not say it was smart lol, but the fine is smaller then what the weed Is worth, If there was jail time I not do it, but there is no jail time over 4 plants where im at and Im only growing 3, but I wont do it till the cop that works for the police department moves out and the cop that works for 7 eleven moves in....
Dude this sounds like a fairytale, 3+ is jail time but just three isnt? That doesn't make sense at all. First if its illegal no matter the amount its still illegal, second what about the cop coming in after u harvest? Third u kno to many cops! Ur suspect in my opinion


Well-Known Member
Dude this sounds like a fairytale, 3+ is jail time but just three isnt? That doesn't make sense at all. First if its illegal no matter the amount its still illegal, second what about the cop coming in after u harvest? Third u kno to many cops! Ur suspect in my opinion
no 5 is 2 years max and 4 is a fine,but Im not going to grow no moor my plants will be dun in 3 weeks and i will stop till he moves. I dont see how get where i said any thing over 3 is jail time? it was simple the way I explained it
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