Medical Marijuana In Vancouver Should Be More Regulated: City

i'm starting to fear we'll never see true legalization at this point. everyone wants to cash in and exploit it. notice how tight even the "legal" US sates rules are for cultivation? :-( 6 plants? legal? i guess i misunderstand the term ;)

This is what I've been telling all these naive kiddies who think Trudeau is going to 'legalize'. People wont wake up until it's too late and they realize they voted for corporate government weed, not the end of prohibition.
This is what I've been telling all these naive kiddies who think Trudeau is going to 'legalize'. People wont wake up until it's too late and they realize they voted for corporate government weed, not the end of prohibition.
We have 'corporate government weed' at the moment...and none of us got a say. Is your argument that rec users will only be allowed 6 plants? What's wrong with that? The only people needing more are medical users and sellers. If you want to grow to sell, you have to become a government corporate clown, otherwise you will be able to grow more than enough for personal. Government will tax the hell out of commercially sold weed (see Colorado) but your garden is free. Not government.Not corporate. And absolutely the end of prohibition. It sounds like you got a hate on for Justin which I find peculiar. He has promised to end prohibition, he has done zero to indicate he is not serious or has ulterior motives. I'll take my chances with Trudeau over "not on my watch" Steve.
that's the thing, not really 'legal' when it has stipulations on it, right?
if you want to say lessen the laws, or "decriminalize", ok.. but don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining by calling it legal. (a far as i understand, that's not the correct term. because you'd face problems going over X amount; thus it's not legal, its decriminalized for certain amounts)

i'm still waiting to hear Justin's full stance/plan myself (but anything's better than Hitpers)

by their definition i'm recreational.. but realistically i'm medical and just wont play their game. 6 plants is tough. (heck admittedly i'm both; was smoking before medical problems, and would smoke if i didn't have them)
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that's the thing, not really 'legal' when it has stipulations on it, right?
if you want to say lessen the laws, or "decriminalize", ok.. but don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining by calling it legal. (a far as i understand, that's not the correct term. because you'd face problems going over X amount; thus it's not legal, its decriminalized for certain amounts)

i'm still waiting to hear Justin's full stance/plan myself (but anything's better than Hitpers)

by their definition i'm recreational.. but realistically i'm medical and just wont play their game. 6 plants is tough. (heck admittedly i'm both; was smoking before medical problems, and would smoke if i didn't have them)
I think you are wrong there. It will be legal and regulated. Booze, smokes, guns and many other things are all legal, but there are limits and rules. That's like saying driving isn't legal...if you go over a certain speed or drive on the sidewalk, you are going to face problems.
what's your definition of decriminalize and legalize, chris?
you make good points with tobacco, alcohol, and driving.. but by definition;

here's webster's;
to remove or reduce the criminal classification or status of; especially: to repeal a strict ban on while keeping under some form of regulation

to make legal; especially: to give legal validity or sanction to *note no "while keeping some form of regulation"
There's a big difference between rules intended to keep us safe and arbitrary numbers really intended to keep profits flowing in one direction...
Full on 100% legalization is never going to happen in any of our lifetimes.
It doesnt exist anywhere on the planet currently.
Best anyone can hope for is some bs quassi legal status where the gov can dictate the commercial gmo grown stuff for rec users and tourists and the rest of us will be left with the 6 or so plant model.
The 6 plant argument on here is gonna get some people upset because alot of you have the old inflated mmar numbers but to the rest of us that arent legally allowed to grow any right now 6 would be awesome.
I dont think anyone would actually only grow 6 but its a start.
what's your definition of decriminalize and legalize, chris?
you make good points with tobacco, alcohol, and driving.. but by definition;

here's webster's;
to remove or reduce the criminal classification or status of; especially: to repeal a strict ban on while keeping under some form of regulation

to make legal; especially: to give legal validity or sanction to *note no "while keeping some form of regulation"
I can't think of one single thing that would be 'legal' in society using your definition. I can type what I want on here, but I can be arrested if I cross a line into threats or hate. Is the internet legal...or just decriminalized? Society has rules everybody is expected to follow, otherwise it's anarchy. Every second of our lives is regulated by rules. Giving "legal validity" as Webster's defines it does not mean a Wild West free for all. While it might be a fun thought to picture legal meaning plants growing like dandelions on Parliament Hill, that simply is never going to happen. Legal like alcohol is good enough for me. I'd go after making driving 'legal' first...I hate all those bullshit speed limits!
I think with legalization and regulation we are going to see lots of things we don't like beside plant count about medicinal property limits? buy seeds...
I watched a doc on uraguay its not legal to grow. Farmers grow it anyway but the government seizes crops all the time.
And i wouldnt be looking to north korea to prove any point myself but to each their own.
We have 'corporate government weed' at the moment...and none of us got a say.

Which is why 'legalization' won't be an improvement, will it?

Is your argument that rec users will only be allowed 6 plants? What's wrong with that? The only people needing more are medical users and sellers.

Recreational? No, everyone? And why the fuck should a 'recreational' user be limited to six plants, Mr. Harper?

Not government.Not corporate. And absolutely the end of prohibition. It sounds like you got a hate on for Justin which I find peculiar. He has promised to end prohibition, he has done zero to indicate he is not serious or has ulterior motives. I'll take my chances with Trudeau over "not on my watch" Steve.

You sound like you have a hardon for Trudeau and refuse to see he's just Harper-lite. I'm so tired of you drones telling me Justin is any different than Harper. I'm old enough to remember he voted FOR mandeTORY minimums and voted FOR C51.

"Legalization" is not the end of prohibition, it's just Chapter 2: Government profits. People will still be arrested for all kinds of marijuana offenses that don't feed the beast.
I watched a doc on uraguay its not legal to grow. Farmers grow it anyway but the government seizes crops all the time.
And i wouldnt be looking to north korea to prove any point myself but to each their own.
Exactly. Any idiot who thinks 'legal' means anything other than 'government controlled' is a moron who gets what they deserve when they vote for a pandering politician.
what's your definition of decriminalize and legalize, chris?
you make good points with tobacco, alcohol, and driving.. but by definition;

here's webster's;
to remove or reduce the criminal classification or status of; especially: to repeal a strict ban on while keeping under some form of regulation

to make legal; especially: to give legal validity or sanction to *note no "while keeping some form of regulation"

Chris is from the 'anything but Harper = rainbows and Unicorns' crowd. I'm guessing he's too young to know any different.

Hopefully enough in this community are old enough to know the government are not our friends, no matter what color uniform they wear or how big their smiles are. Just look at Obama down south to see how that works out.
Chris is from the 'anything but Harper = rainbows and Unicorns' crowd. I'm guessing he's too young to know any different.

Hopefully enough in this community are old enough to know the government are not our friends, no matter what color uniform they wear or how big their smiles are. Just look at Obama down south to see how that works out.
I like you're a bit off colour but would you have people react/respond? There is no other politician offering what JT is....yes it's government and I think most of us here are old enough to know what that means....there is nothing wrong with wanting anything but Harptler - he is a tyrant that needs to go.