Amusing or annoying former riu members

CarneSaca (spelling might be off, but he was an amazing member), Cannabineer (my very favorite old bear), and JohnnyGreenFingers...orrr thumbs? Johnnygreensomething. He's on my RainbowBrite profile. Which I cannot get on *ahem*.
Post them toes again girl....
What is it with you trolly trolls about THIS picture?

This was a picture of me when I was suicidally depressed. I posted it, to share my pain. Thanks a lot for making fun of it, really a stand up thing to do.

You're really bad guy, eh?

Meh - I could tell. I have a good sense of these things...
I got a couple questions.
why were you so sad?
are your pussy hairs blond?

If you feel uncomfortable answering the first question I'd understand.
Post them toes again girl....

I got a couple questions.
why we're you so sad?
are your pushy hairs blond?

If you feel uncomfortable answering the first question I'd understand.
I suffer from Bipolar lite. My down times can be VERY down. I was sad because I was smack dab in the middle of a depressive EMO sad face time. I cried A LOT.

I usually write a lot, but in my saddest times, I can't write. Or talk really. Or do much of anything.

But, this last time, I took pictures. So I would remember how I felt. And make sure that I could do everything in my power to never feel like that again.

My natural hair colour would be DIRTY blonde...and yes the curtains match my pubes.
My gorilla toes? lol
I never got to see them clamped.
I suffer from Bipolar lite. My down times can be VERY down. I was sad because I was smack dab in the middle of a depressive EMO sad face time. I cried A LOT.

I usually write a lot, but in my saddest times, I can't write. Or talk really. Or do much of anything.

But, this last time, I took pictures. So I would remember how I felt. And make sure that I could do everything in my power to never feel like that again.

My natal hair colour would be DIRTY blonde...and yes the curtains match my pubes.
I Cried once...
OK I can't remember this chicks name. Someone help me out. She lived in Hawaii. She was white with blonde hair. She dated a few guys on RIU, idk if any of them worked out or not. She'd been in a car accident, gotten a head injury. Her and April used to go at it. She was in her 30's or 40's if I remember...which I don't lol. Does anyone know who i'm talking about?
OK I can't remember this chicks name. Someone help me out. She lived in Hawaii. She was white with blonde hair. She dated a few guys on RIU, idk if any of them worked out or not. She'd been in a car accident, gotten a head injury. Her and April used to go at it. She was in her 30's or 40's if I remember...which I don't lol. Does anyone know who i'm talking about?

you mean the marginally retarded bible thumper?




Nevermind - found it.

The word “stahp” is an intentionally misspelled phonetic transcription of the word “stop,” which was introduced earlier in August 2011 through Stawp it, Rahn, another image macro series that pokes fun at the MTV’s Jersey Shore cast member Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola’s accent (shown below, left). The earliest known captioned instance of the series based on a photograph of a scornful-looking dog (shown below, right) was uploaded by Tumblr[1] user jmiliam on March 18th, 2012. Within six months, the post received over 124,300 notes.

On May 4th, 2012, jmiliam’s set of dog photos were highlighted on the Internet humor site 9gag.[2] On August 11th, Yahoo Answers[8] user anna posted a question titled “What does stahp mean?”, to which user Fair responded that it was “an onomatopoeic way to say ‘stop’.” On August 18th, the Cheezburger site Memebase[3] highlighted a comic with several panels featuring the mythical creature Slender Man (shown below, left). On August 23rd, FunnyJunk[6] user destaice published a comic featuring screen captures of the characters Twilight Sparkle and Cadance from the animated television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with the caption “Cadance / Wat r u doin / Cadance / Stahp” (shown below, right).

On August 25th, Redditor Jakethedog8200 submitted a post titled “Steve Stahp” to the /r/Minecraft[7] subreddit, which featured a comic showcasing several screen captures of a pig from the indie video game Minecraft with the captions “Waht r u doing / Steve stahp / STAHP.” On August 28th, YouTuber OzzyIsSoRandom uploaded a video titled “Staph”, featuring a comic with screen captures from the fantasy film franchise Harry Potter accompanied by a voice over narrating the captions (shown below). The meme has continued to spread on Tumblr[5] under the tag “#stahp.” As of September 5th, 2012, a Facebook[4] page titled “Stahp” has accumulated over 5,700 likes.

Notable Examples

Omfg Konagirl! Yes. That is it. Kona.

i'm gonna keep a deck of cards around for when you post.

if i pull a spade out of the deck, i'm gonna fuck with you. diamonds, clubs or hearts and i will trwat you like any other OK member.

just a heads up.
i'm gonna keep a deck of cards around for when you post.

if i pull a spade out of the deck, i'm gonna fuck with you. diamonds, clubs or hearts and i will trwat you like any other OK member.

just a heads up.
Go for it. (What was it?)
It's true.
^That's why lol. Too much love for that hate to make it through.
Careful there @RB86 - Swarth is kinda super duper uber gross.

Just a slight warning, so you may be able to avoid the inevitable PM conversation that leads to you getting the photo of a steaming pile of cock and him talking about wanting to choke you so hard duding sex that your head pops off.

Or something...

I'm not making that shit up. Totally said it somewhere. He comes across as HELLA rapie.

Although, I have seen him write to you, and the words appear charming. So - he's is kinda like Ted Bundy and the other psychopaths. He CAN appear to be normal.

But when he lets his crazy hang out - it's full of rape and semen.
Careful there @RB86 - Swarth is kinda super duper uber gross.

Just a slight warning, so you may be able to avoid the inevitable PM conversation that leads to you getting the photo of a steaming pile of cock and him talking about wanting to choke you so hard duding sex that your head pops off.

Or something...

I'm not making that shit up. Totally said it somewhere. He comes across as HELLA rapie.

Although, I have seen him write to you, and the words appear charming. So - he's is kinda like Ted Bundy and the other psychopaths. He CAN appear to be normal.

But when he lets his crazy hang out - it's full of rape and semen.

He and his puppet's have been banned - hopefully he heads down the internets road to the sleazy part of town & stays there.
Creepazoid for sure.