Amusing or annoying former riu members

I wouldn't want our children to inherit their fathers RAPIST wit.

You should be sterilized.
What the hell is rapist wit?
I'm starting to think you might have some kind of fetish. It's cool though. You don't have to admit to it. Gotta maintain the integrity of those puritanical values for the public.
What the hell is rapist wit?
I'm starting to think you might have some kind of fetish. It's cool though. You don't have to admit to it. Gotta maintain the integrity of those puritanical values for the public.
I was being clever GENIUS.

rapier wit (ˈreɪpɪə wɪt)
  1. ability to deliver witty and cutting remarks ⇒ Julie Burchill is famous for her precocity and rapier wit.

But I changed the word to RAPIST - because you are a sexual predator. And I would not want you to pass that trait on to your offspring.

Because you're gross.

Stay in school buddy.
I was being clever GENIUS.

rapier wit (ˈreɪpɪə wɪt)
  1. ability to deliver witty and cutting remarks ⇒ Julie Burchill is famous for her precocity and rapier wit.

But I changed the word to RAPIST - because you are a sexual predator. And I would not want you to pass that trait on to your offspring.

Because you're gross.

Stay in school buddy.

Ya if i could, I would stay in school all my life. Young naive Chicks everywhere

But i prefer the beach scene, ,,,in another country. More chicks. Less rules.
@Trousers is one of the most annoying RIU members I have had the displeasure of "chatting" with.

Please come here and tell me more about how YOU are a bigger Feminist than I am?

I'm suuuuuuuper interested.

Oh, have you met @SwarthySchlong ? Think you two will be BFF's!

EDIT: awwwwwwwwes. Looks like he only wants to fight in private. I'm more about MAKING A SCENE.

Now run home to mommy...
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I was being clever

What is it with you trolly trolls about THIS picture?

This was a picture of me when I was suicidally depressed. I posted it, to share my pain. Thanks a lot for making fun of it, really a stand up thing to do.

You're really bad guy, eh?

Meh - I could tell. I have a good sense of these things...
I had no idea about the back story, eh.
You want to stalk me and threaten me but I went over the line?

You are a precious child. I hope you can find the love you crave, not the love you deserve.
I had no idea about the back story, eh.
You want to stalk me and threaten me but I went over the line?

You are a precious child. I hope you can find the love you crave, not the love you deserve.
You started this buddy. I just posted in a thread, and then you started getting all fucking ornery.

I called your mom fat, and then you went in with saying I'm stupid. hahaha

You know nothing about me.

I do know you are a little butt-hurt whiny prick though.

How many times have you "report buttoned" things? Bet it is THOUSANDS.
CarneSaca (spelling might be off, but he was an amazing member), Cannabineer (my very favorite old bear), and JohnnyGreenFingers...orrr thumbs? Johnnygreensomething. He's on my RainbowBrite profile. Which I cannot get on *ahem*.