Health minister warns Vancouver not to regulate ‘illegal’ marijuana dispensaries

i love "“Legitimizing and normalizing the use and sale of marijuana can have only one effect: increasing marijuana use and addiction.” i don't believe you can get addicted to MJ. i might be wrong but the stuff i read have indicated that it's not addictive.....but i have heard people say they ARE addicted..??
i love "“Legitimizing and normalizing the use and sale of marijuana can have only one effect: increasing marijuana use and addiction.” i don't believe you can get addicted to MJ. i might be wrong but the stuff i read have indicated that it's not addictive.....but i have heard people say they ARE addicted..??

The center for addiction and mental health disagrees but what do they know.
We have to think of the children and all the dispensaries selling to them!:wall: Just regurgitating the same old scare tactics used since the onset of prohibition. Do you know how crazy it sounds when your replace dispensary with liquor store? Now try presenting augments based on facts..................that'd be something new
Do you think dispenceries would still be popular if they obtained their product from LP's?

Where are these 86 dispenceries getting their product from? MMAR?
No telling where your "medicine" is coming from, or what's been done to it. Or if it's black market.

People should be able to grow it for personal, and commercial growers with licenses (MMPR) should be able to sell it to dispenceries and Mail order.

I agree with patients being able to grow their own. However, fuck LP's ever selling to anyone outside of the model they have now(Dispensaries being an example mentioned) They got what they wanted with the current program, if it doesn't workout for them, that's the fuckin way she goes. Just like any other business out there that can't hack it in their industry.

I know I'd go out of my way to avoid dispensaries supplied by LP's, and be sure to pass that info to others. None of these fuckers wanted to help us or the industry before a easy cash grab presented itself in the form of over charging patients for shit meds and bilking investors by fooling them into believing this is all in the bag before they even broke ground

..think of the children that letter reads as to me.. sounds about the last ditch hail mary effort of the war on drugs eh?

seems they're moving more to have control of it now rather than fight it (or have their bigwig buddies control it)
..probably why she's visiting. some backroom meeting; "shut them down instead, we're gonna set something up were we profit real good soon.. don't want the peons benefiting from this"
I agree with patients being able to grow their own. However, fuck LP's ever selling to anyone outside of the model they have now(Dispensaries being an example mentioned) They got what they wanted with the current program, if it doesn't workout for them, that's the fuckin way she goes. Just like any other business out there that can't hack it in their industry.

I know I'd go out of my way to avoid dispensaries supplied by LP's, and be sure to pass that info to others. None of these fuckers wanted to help us or the industry before a easy cash grab presented itself in the form of over charging patients for shit meds and bilking investors by fooling them into believing this is all in the bag before they even broke ground

It's unfortunate that you lump all LP's/potential LP's together? I agree the first out of the gate are corporate power houses and monstrosities that bought their way into the system, and are only in it to please their stockholders. News flash....dispenceries are for profit, who charge comparably to LP's without the overhead or QC. who get there product from any source they can.
There will be "good guys" out there eventually, we are just waiting for our chance to show what a cannabis farm is ment to look like. Run by patients for patients. Hopefully people will do their due diligence and choose the right farm who share the same ideas of fair priced, safe meds. its a matter of having that choice on where to get your meds, some people will prefer the MMPR, it's their choice. Bottom line.. People should have the choice.

Rona... Your job is almost done!!! :lol: :hump:

Here is a great opportunity...
Provided in writing from HC and the super duper intelligent Rona....

Send her a reply letter and ask....

Why is Canada the only country that doesn't recognize the medicinal values of mmj?
If it is clear that mmj causes all these problems, that has to be based on studies....please release all the studies done for peer evaluation. Including the positive mmj studies that have been buried by our own government.
Really eh?
...think about the way she is coming across... She comes across like a lunatic who has her facts assbackwards.
Anyone put up to contend what she has to say will only make her look silly.
Kinda like what the judge did to the crown at the last trial.
Say what's on your mind so it can be disproved once and for all to see.
Go rona go!!!