Health minister warns Vancouver not to regulate ‘illegal’ marijuana dispensaries

itsmehigh, suppose your group becomes an LP, how much $ would it take for you guys to sell your biz to a corporate wannabe? because that is what is going to happen, any small fish that gets a fancy piece of paper immediately becomes a target of corporate acquisition..
itsmehigh, suppose your group becomes an LP, how much $ would it take for you guys to sell your biz to a corporate wannabe? because that is what is going to happen, any small fish that gets a fancy piece of paper immediately becomes a target of corporate acquisition..

That's a tough question, personally for me it's about my garden and not the money. Unfortunately money can be very tempting at times, I'm at the point in my life where money isn't everthing. I would prefer to be happy at what I love to do. If I didn't have fiscal obligations and responancabilities I would work for free. I have first hand seen how cannabis helps people, and that is reward enough. I'm not for sale per say, but I must admit, to become a millionaire over night would be tempting.
