2,500 plants!

It could be good in a way. You could have 2500k fat as colas (no popcorn). But he is packing it in tight with big ladies. It could lead to.big mold problems or dew issues. But i want to c how it goes and if they have a website just for it it must be legal in some way.
Ill be watchin homie. best of luck to ya just remember failing to plan is planning to fail. ill be trying to get 30 plants outdoor this year using recycled promix some fish, poop, n seaweed. keep us posted.
Its possible to get all those ladies in there but when its time to inspect them, its gonna take days to look threw. Then how much space is it gonna be to move around in? Then when they flower how the fuck are you gonna do anything? Its better be one hell of a drip system. All those plants will help breakdown some wind damage but if you put up netting? Shit! Lol i just can't wait to see how this turns out!
A couple of years back a board member posted pictures of his grow in Mexico, there was folks here asking if his plants were all femmed and others would ask how could he possibly pick out the males and hermies. I don't know his total plant count but it had to be in the thousands.
No hate the player who don't play by the rules or the laws, messing it up for the ones who do!! Besides 2500 plants on one acre is STUPID. They will be small ass plants and crowd each other because I couldn't fit 2500 plants my size on one acre, let alone 1000. It's dumb and dumber but it ain't none of my business, go full retarded, I don't give a fuck.
Most of the people growing aren't playing by the rules so your comment is very STUPID, and if you feel it's none of your business and you don't give a fuck then maybe you should try shutting the fuck up.
When I joined this forum over a year ago people laughed when I was seeking information about growing 1,000 plants now we'll be planting much more than that. I tried to start a journal but don't have permission and frankly don't have the time. I have been documenting our journey at greensource.farm and post updates weekly. If you want to see how to grow thousands of plants using True Living Organics check it out. We currently have 2,200 from clones to 6'tall plants and they will all be going in the ground next month. Peace out-
Only an idiot would brag about that many plants. Recess is over little boy, time to go back to class.
It's not about bragging man it's about letting those here see it happen. Why are there so many haters on this site?

A lot of people live in states where it's not legal, and they are not paying attention or reading what you actually wrote, they are assuming you are some random yahoo boasting about growing insane amounts of weed in your backyard. They just don't get that you are a sanctioned commercial enterprise doing a large-scale legal grow.

Happy farming. :cool:
Like I said, 2500 on one acre is wack........I don't have to shut fuck up and if I have a opinion, too fucking bad.

Rest assured I have more than an acre of land to my name, thats like saying I'm going to do 100 plants in tiny grow tent........Sure I could do it, but they will be wack.