Flowering, no fan leaves!?


Well-Known Member
sorry for opening another thread about my tiny lil plant, but no one responded to the updates and i really want this one to live,
this is an outdoor bagseed 35 days into forced flowering, its now on 14/10.
it suffered some nute burns once before and during flowering. thanks to mg plant food. i flushed and placed in a new pot using mg organic 10-5-5, and now its just burning really slowly especially on the leaf tips and im debating on flushing again but i dont want to over water..

so my problem is as you can see im missing all of my fan leaves that died. then only ones alive are the top set and one leaf on the side, which is also burnt. can my plant still grow properl and grow buds without these leaves. ???

this is my first grow, i dont know if its already buding or not but some white hairs are turning orange, and small inner leaves are forming that are very crystalized!! i know im not going to yeild very much since its a small plant but i dont really care, im just doing this for fun and experience of growing your own.


Well-Known Member
It should grow just fine. There is plenty of leaf material left to allow for photosynthesis. A lot of growers around week 4 will pull off a lot of the fan leaves that are blocking the other bud sites. It is believed that this allows for the other buds to more light a prduce more resin, increase in size, etc. I don't know if its true or not, but I pull off quite a few of mine throughout the grow.


Well-Known Member
yea ive heard of that also, but they usually trim leave
s or only remove the lower branches, although my plant BARELY only has the top set only... is that bad?


Well-Known Member
In my grows, it seems the more I use to mess w/the fans, the smaller the buds would end up . . . plenty and powerful, but even smaller than the usual sweet medium nugs fluro's produce.


Well-Known Member
in your growing experience do you think my plant will grow buds even on the bottom sites??

i heard if you give your plant 14/10 light mid flowering you will get fluffy but leafy buds, still potent however..???


Well-Known Member
I don't see why not, I mean, there's nothing blocking their light. Looks like you could possibly get a lollipop-ped stick . . . a single, solid, mass of buds covering the entire surface? I've never tried that, but am sure there's plenty of info here, if you seek it. Good luck. Is this pic of one of several branches?


Well-Known Member
WHy do you have it at 14/10?? Make it 12/12 for better results. The plants need closer to 12hrs of darkness to trigger flower. WIthout that extra 2hrs, your plants are not building up as much of the chemical inside that causes flowering.


Well-Known Member
i had my plant on 12/12 for about 32 days then i switched to 14/10.
this is a sutible change for the plant and will only take longer to grow but buds will be more fluffy and leafy... remember my plant is outdoor and the natural light is 14/10...

12/12 is optimal for inoor grows...

this is what i read at least someone correct me?

and that pic is the WHOLE plant, i know... its tiny...

also, for the most part my plant is in the shade because temps overhere in cali are over 96'.
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Well-Known Member
even outside your plat needs 12 hours of darkness as well just like inside has nothing to do with making fluffy buds or anything it is just the cycle it needs to produce buds 14 - 10 it will never finnish


Well-Known Member
even outside your plat needs 12 hours of darkness as well just like inside has nothing to do with making fluffy buds or anything it is just the cycle it needs to produce buds 14 - 10 it will never finish
not according to this FAQ on this website...
it says plants can flowering 12-14 hours of light
12 is just optimal for indoors, i dont mean fluffy buds, but less condensed, and leafy.. i also heard once the plant is in full flowering mode it will continue to flower as long as the lights are short....
hopefully im correct:-?


Well-Known Member
even outside your plat needs 12 hours of darkness as well just like inside has nothing to do with making fluffy buds or anything it is just the cycle it needs to produce buds 14 - 10 it will never finnish
hey buddy
this qustion is for bong as well..
where i live i dont get 12 hours dark till maybe october or so..
and it is cold maybe 8-10c degrees and freeze at night..
so will my plants finish or will i get feather bud


Well-Known Member
I would cover the plants during the warmer months to get them to finish before your first freeze. Just use a large trash can or something. Check with the sunset and whatnot in your area so you know when to cover and uncover. But if you cover later in the evening, you can uncover it once its dark out so that humidity doesnt build up.


Well-Known Member
I would cover the plants during the warmer months to get them to finish before your first freeze. Just use a large trash can or something. Check with the sunset and whatnot in your area so you know when to cover and uncover. But if you cover later in the evening, you can uncover it once its dark out so that humidity doesnt build up.
my plants are like 6 feet tall,,
they are also out in bush..
will i get feather buds if i dont get 12 hr dark


Well-Known Member
feather buds you mean leafy buds?
yea man your going to have to cover your plant for the last 2 or whatever hours before dark to make it 12/12.
but dont forget to remove it when it gets dark!


Well-Known Member
sorry guy i have been having fun with you guy...
my freezeland have been budding for about 1 month now,
the buds are about the size round as a nickle..
my leda she is just starting to twist..
i have acouple of mostly afgahs..
they are in middle small buds...
they will bud very well with 14 hrs of daylight.
my indoor i run 14/10 for bud..
the big thing is when it is dark no light interuptions..
complete darkness..
my buds are great not leafy,not feather ..
just hard and dank..
sorry again guys was just having fun ha ha


Well-Known Member
You are easily amused if thats all it takes for you to have fun.
With 12hrs of dark you will end up with better buds. The plant doesn't have enough time to fully create/store the compound that triggers flowering, resin production, etc. This is why so many growers will give their plants 24hrs of darkness about a week before harvest. This is also why a lot of growers give their plants 24hrs of darkness before they start 12/12. More of the compound that causes flower production will be in the plant, and less of the compounds that contribute to veg growth. So you will end up with less leaf and more flower. Give it a shot Weezer, I bet your buds will be much better.


Well-Known Member
You are easily amused if thats all it takes for you to have fun.
With 12hrs of dark you will end up with better buds. The plant doesn't have enough time to fully create/store the compound that triggers flowering, resin production, etc. This is why so many growers will give their plants 24hrs of darkness about a week before harvest. This is also why a lot of growers give their plants 24hrs of darkness before they start 12/12. More of the compound that causes flower production will be in the plant, and less of the compounds that contribute to veg growth. So you will end up with less leaf and more flower. Give it a shot Weezer, I bet your buds will be much better.
i have been playing with lights and plants for close to 20 years
i have books of light time and weight comprasin and other stuff i have done over the years..
it also depends on strain on how much leaf you get..
try to have fun at evervy thing i do..:hump:.:joint::peace:
ya maybe easly amussed but it is better than going around calliing bullshit and being a prick to people like some on this site ..
was not saying you or anybody eles in this theard is aprick:joint:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
With 12hrs of dark you will end up with better buds.
that make sense... i dont care if my buds are leafy or feather or watever, as long as its dank and gets me high!

hey weezer?
what about triggering 14/10 about 4 weeks into flowering from 12/12?
have you tried that in your 20 years?


Well-Known Member
Whoa, wait a minute everyone.
Outdoor plants can flower anytime after the solstice(June 21) as the days start getting shorter. In most cases outdoor plants will produce full dense, heavy buds
without any forceflowering. Im on my 5th outdoor grow and have never had the fabled feather buds appear on my girls. Give them water and food and mother nature will do the rest. the exception is if you have a sativa that will flower for 12 or 13 weeks. In that case you may want to force flower a little early if you live in a northern area.
Buy outdoor seeds for an outdoor grow and you wont have to worry bout much.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, wait a minute everyone.
Outdoor plants can flower anytime after the solstice(June 21) as the days start getting shorter. In most cases outdoor plants will produce full dense, heavy buds
without any forceflowering. Im on my 5th outdoor grow and have never had the fabled feather buds appear on my girls. Give them water and food and mother nature will do the rest. the exception is if you have a sativa that will flower for 12 or 13 weeks. In that case you may want to force flower a little early if you live in a northern area.
Buy outdoor seeds for an outdoor grow and you wont have to worry bout much.
This is all going to depend on your location, the strain, whether it was started indoors and moved outdoors, etc, etc. If you notice most outdoor bud is not as high of quality as indoor weed. Because the growing conditions can't be kept at the perfect point.
Not all strains will flower under 14hrs of light. Some will continue to veg under these conditions. But the ones that do flower have more of the chemicals in them that cause veg growth and thus more leaf compared to a plant that has a build up of the compound that causes flowers that was grown under 12hrs of dark.