Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I always wanted to go to an asian massage parlor. Not for the hand job but I want to find one that has the fish that eat the dead skin off your feet.
I'm afraid of dying in a car accident. I think that would be a horrible way to go. I've been hit by a car as a pedestrian, and hit head on at 30mph. I don't want to die in some twisted metal. My grandfather went out in a bed with his daughter holding his hand telling him it would be ok. He was a great man, a high ranking officer in the greatest generation. It was a nice piece of dignity in a less than dignified setting for him.
If you dig deep enough through my 7,000 posts or so there are a couple of sex stories. Also one food service story that I received a bit of misdirected hate messages from.
I'm better when someone gives me the link, I only like playing detective when it comes to tatters and peen. Or get Uncle Buck to find it, he's got some kind of quoting Asperger's or something. Sounds funny though.
Stream of consciousness. Kinetic Spam
hahah, You write many posts of one line each. Maybe write a big one. For fun. haha

Just sayin...

I'd like to lick her lollipop.;-)

and by lollipop I mean penis, I just want to be clear on that.
"some people was born in heaven
with a silver spoon in they mouth
and had everything handed to them on a silver platter
and never had to work hard for nothing
Then there are some people that was born in the opposite world
of those that was born in heaven, which is called hell
and had to work hard for everything they got
and never had nothing handed to them... and never will"

- Big L
@Football, I just hope you know that everyone was on their best behaviour the last 24 hours in the naughty thread. Except for, well you know who.

Please don't punish us all for one jerk face's jerky faces.

I like it there and I want to go back soon.

Thank you very much - you're great!