Anonymous Declares Cyber War On ISIS Twitter Users..


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Anonymous declares cyber war on ISIS Twitter users
Published time: April 11, 2015 17:46
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Reuters/Stephane Mahe

me thinks anonymous is NOT caucasian:mrgreen:

Hacktivists from the Anonymous group have attacked hundreds of pro-Islamic State websites and thousands of social networks’ accounts used by the terrorist group. ISIS has hit back though, threatening another 9/11 terror act against the US.

A faction of the Anonymous group, called GhostSec, is carrying out a cyber campaign called #OpISIS against the Islamic State (IS). They are looking to target members and supporters of the terrorist organization, who want to spread propaganda over the internet.

Anonymous are monitoring social media accounts as well as websites operated by the group formerly known as ISIS/ISIL to disrupt their online operations as they try to “cure the ISIS virus.”

The GhostSec division of Anonymous has been keeping itself busy. They have been compiling a list ( of websites “frequently used by the Islamic State through Twitter and other social media platforms for transmission of propaganda, religion, recruitment, communications and intelligence gathering purposes,” the group said in a statement.

On Wednesday, the Anonymous group reported of "casualties" among the enemy ranks, which included 233 websites, which had been attacked, 85 websites that had been “destroyed” and 25,000 “terminated” Twitter accounts.

Not everyone is happy with the actions undertaken by Anonymous. Security services have criticised the group for taking matters into their own hands. These intelligence bodies say the elimination of jihadist websites and social media accounts prevents them from gathering valuable information concerning their activities.
These accusations were dismissed by Anonymous, who pointing out that public websites and social media accounts are used to spread propaganda and for recruitment purposes. The group added they are not used for communicating valuable military and strategic information.

Twitter on anti-terror crusade
IS has taken to Twitter to try and spread its extremist messages to a wider audience, however the social media platform is striking back.

Twitter prohibits “direct, specific threats of violence against others” and has started its own crusade against those looking to spread pro-Islamic State propaganda. Over the last few months, Twitter has been suspending about 2,000 IS-linked accounts per week.

The UK publication, the Daily Mail reported on Friday that the micro-blogging service has already suspended a total of 10,000 ISIS-linked accounts in just 24 hours. However, thousands more are being registered to replace those that have been closed down.

IS and its supporters have not been happy with the stance taken by the social platform and co-founder Jack Dorsey has already received death threats from irate jihadist sympathizers.

Your virtual war on us will cause a real war on you,” the Islamists told Twitter via the image-sharing site, They warned that Twitter employees and its co-founder have become “target for the soldiers of the Caliphate and supporters scattered among your midst!

When our lions come and take your breath, you will never come back to life,” extremists linked to IS stated.

The threats against Twitter are just a small part of a much broader terrorist effort under hashtag #WeWillBurnUSAgain. The hashtag was created by a pro-IS media group, Rabitat al-Ansar, on April 8.

What happened in France is not far from you and will be repeated, but this time in the streets of American cities. The word will be what you see and not what you hear,” Rabitat al-Ansar wrote.

The #WeWillBurnUSAgain campaign started on Friday with thousands of tweets referring to Osama bin Laden and the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York. According to the INSITE on Terrorism organization, the hashtag was used on at least 15,000 accounts.
Who says this is a bunch of terrorists? Perhaps these are just revolutionaries that are tired of the oppression? You know, average Joes who take up the cause because they can no longer live under such tyranny?

What do you think the British said about the American revolutionaries? Think they called them terrorists in order to drum up support for armies needed to go to the new world and impose "order and peace?" Remember, if you supported the crown you were called a Loyalist, which is the same thing as calling you a patriot for supporting troops in foreign lands.

No one learns from the past, they hear about it, but never make a connection.
Careful, might set David off into snitch mode!

I prefer the term alternate account"But then again, I'm not a snitch.
Butthurt snitch says what?
He says he "outed" me and "blew my cover", yet he can't admit to being a snitch.
Snitch says what?
I got it.I'm a total snitch
This does not belong in the snitch section.
Because he is a snitch. He wishes Federal prison upon me.
So you just walk into the bank and say "I'm a snitch"?
What a desperate attempt at exposing me. I feel sorry for you, you snitch
We know you are a drunk. We know you have never worked a respectable job in your life. We know you sell dime bags to school kids. We know you have no life. We know you cry and snitch.
Have fun in prison, snitch.
Better watch yourself then, snitch.
Report him.He's a snitch.
Pretty sure you bring it all upon yourself with your own snitching. Stop snitching and see what happens.
So you'd have no problem outing an illegal grower to the feds?Why would you snitch like that? Snitch!
I snitched on his raping ass this morning. It is under investigation right now.
Did your wittle feelings get hurts, snitch?! .
So you are done denying that YOU snitch?
You snitch every time someone calls you a snitch.
Are you still crying, snithc?
My posts calling you a snitch didn't get deleted. You better go cry to admin.
Can you cite an intelligent conversation that does involve you, snitch?
You banning people now, snitch?
Report me to the mods, snitch.
And of course Uncle Snitch Buck likes your snitching.
Make sure to file a snitch report with admin.
He's a whining little snitch and he runs to the mods crying.
You're drunk Snitch. Go home.
You say a lot of stupid things. Like when you snitch on people.
Are you crying? snitch
You seem to know a lot about him. But then again, that's what snitches do.
He cries to admin more than every else on this snitch site put together.
Wasn't talking to you, snitch.
I prefer not to share other people's business. But that's just me. You snitch, how do you feel about the DEA you snitch?.
You grow dope. You claim you have a lot of money and a lot of free time. What are you doing with it?And way to go on snitching out your fellow dopers, just to make yourself look better.
Of course you do, snitch.
He backed out but you went ahead and followed through. Good job, SNITCH!!
Keep pointing your finger. Snitch.
Because that's what snitches do.
The biggest coward here is YOU. Snitch. Enjoy that status. You worked hard enough to earn it.
. You're a snitch like that. You are lower than a racist, you are a snitch.
Of course you do, snitch.
He backed out but you went ahead and followed through. Good job, SNITCH!!
Partners in snitching.
You talk in circles.
I don't need to snitch on anyone. Eventually Karma catches everyone. Loser.
You suck at it. Maybe you should just snitch on one at person a time.
When did I ever say I snitched on you?
You're precious, you snitch,
Let's stay focused on you for now. You're backed into a corner and trying to snitch to my attention. I'm not that dumb.
So you agree with Kynes? Snitched?
Kill yourself, snitch.
Ask me again for my picture. Snitch.
Why you so concerned about my face? Snitch.
Ahh, the little bitch is butthurt again. Go get drunk, snitch.
You only want to see my face so you can find some way to snitch me out. I'm a girl and I'd knock you flat on your ass, Bitch.
So what exactly do you get out of sharing other people's personal information, snitch?
So you admit to being a snitch. Doesn't it feel good to be honest?
Like I said... snitch.
As long as it's true it's not "telling". Right? Snitch.
Naming names is snitching. Asking someone to name names is being a cop.
Dude's a snitch. I wouldn't trust him either.
. You're a snitch as much as you're anything.
STFU, you dumb, snitching bitch.
It sounds to me like you are defending snitching.
And a snitch on top of it all.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
you know in class we were discussing prison rape's really 'in the movies' reality sex is almost always consensual in prison even those who identify hetero on the outside.

they just resign themselves to homosexuality for the time being and then when they get out..go right back to hetero.

is that what happened to you, david?
it's kinda funny..they tell you 'cooperation' will go a long way..pity, people really believe that..again, in the movies.

is that why you turned, david?