Obama pokes at Christianity

Likely the President with the smallest ego and biggest heart in recent memory was Jimmy Carter, while I might differ with him on the need / function of government, I think he is a good man. He was talking decrim. of pot back in the 70s..

You allready mentioned President Carters willingness to legalize & im of the mind he woulda fully decriminalized mj had it not been for the cocaine scandal involving his staff , after that he couldn't support legalization.
If i were forced to speculate i think i'd chose " Other " from the choices you gave , possibly a deep mistrust of all politicans , or being tired of the hypocrisy of politics in general

except there is zero evidence of that, no distrust of any other politican's faith, ever.

a wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.

Why do you think his post has sinister overtones ?

a lot of it comes from the fact that he is a 9 time sock puppet with a long history of blatant racism. he's trying to be more subtle about it this time, but his history speaks for itself.

stop just taking people's word for things and examine the evidence yourself.
19,998 lives don't matter? Iran, Iraq, etc. were once non-Muslim. The Muslims immigrated there, and when their numbers were great enough, they slaughtered, forced to convert, or drove out the native populations. This has been their tactics, yea, a very tenant of their religion for 1,200 years. First they practice Sharia among their own. (already taken that step here, Canada. and Europe), then anyone entering "their" area (starting that, too), then the slaughter begins. Subjugation to Mohamad (their real God) is not optional. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Iran went from secular to theocratic as a direct result of the 1953 US led coup to oust his democratically elected government in order to install the Shah and export oil to western nations instead of nationalizing it for Iran


Iran went from secular to theocratic as a direct result of the 1953 US led coup to oust his democratically elected government in order to install the Shah and export oil to western nations instead of nationalizing it for Iran


Yes, Iran did not exist at all before 1953. You are blind to that which you do not want to see. This is why your opinions are based on dogma rather that facts.Your rebuttal did not even address my statement. And is completely false to boot. "Iran went from secular to theocratic as a direct result of the 1953 US led coup." is false. The correct statement would be "Iran went from theocratic to secular as a direct result of the 1953 US led coup." Iran was a hellhole for women and minorities under the theocratic government. You attempt to portray yourself as a champion of civil rights while you support the exact opposite. Modern liberalism isn't liberalism at all, it's state-ism, the opposite of liberalism.
A democratic majority in Congress voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq. Were you not paying attention? Or just ignoring the history that occurred IN YOUR OWN LIFETIME
And did it happen? No it didn't.

Bill Clinton did not try and start a war with Iraq. He had the no fly zones for northern iraq and southern iraq. Meaning no war planes could fly in those areas. I know I was apart of operation northern watch in Iraq while I was in the Air Force in a Combat Search and Rescue Unit.

The only force we used was to shoot down a war plane if it was to fly in the no fly zones and to destroy anti air missile sites before they shot down one of our jets and that is why my unit was there, to rescue the pilot/pilots. Look it up, and post some links to back up your facts for fuck sake.
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19,998 lives don't matter? Iran, Iraq, etc. were once non-Muslim. The Muslims immigrated there, and when their numbers were great enough, they slaughtered, forced to convert, or drove out the native populations. This has been their tactics, yea, a very tenant of their religion for 1,200 years. First they practice Sharia among their own. (already taken that step here, Canada. and Europe), then anyone entering "their" area (starting that, too), then the slaughter begins. Subjugation to Mohamad (their real God) is not optional. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Like the spanish did to the indians in south america and like europeans did to the indians in north america. it has happened through out history but the lines are now drawn and you don't see killing on that level anymore, not since WWII
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you have no sound logic and I don't know why you created this thread on a cannabis forum. I am done with you, don't reply to me because I am not coming back to this ignorant, homophobic, racist thread ever again.
you have no sound logic and I don't know why you created this thread on a cannabis forum. I am done with you, don't reply to me because I am not coming back to this ignorant, homophobic, racist thread ever again.
durrr I dont low why you would post a political question in a political section, I am the one who is done with you
A democratic majority in Congress voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq. Were you not paying attention? Or just ignoring the history that occurred IN YOUR OWN LIFETIME

One last thing, During Clintons presidency in the midterm elections Republicans took over the upper and lower house in congress for the first time in 40 years. Bush Senior attacked Baghdad during the Gulf war and lied to Saudi Arabia about Iraqi troops on their border to get their support to let hundreds of thousands of US troops into Saudi to squash Iraq in Kuwait which use to be part of Iraq until 1961 and the US started, for the first time, using depleted uranium munitions which the A-10 tank buster plane uses which caused the gulf war syndrome and thousands of deformed babies in Iraq and over a hundred thousand Iraqi civilians were killed in the gulf war. Clinton never ever tried to go to war with Iraq.

Take a history class you moron.
You're stupid if you think the war was a democratic/republican thing. It's all about money. People like you are why this country is so fucked up, because you think there's some sifference between a republican and democrat.
You're stupid if you think the war was a democratic/republican thing. It's all about money. People like you are why this country is so fucked up, because you think there's some sifference between a republican and democrat.

Never said that and I am not a member of any party and I know money controls the world and the most powerful companies lobby and throw money at who they want as their puppet in office to let them further their interests.

You have made so many claims that are lies it is ridiculous and shows you know nothing about history or politics.

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Yes, Iran did not exist at all before 1953. And is completely false to boot. "Iran went from secular to theocratic as a direct result of the 1953 US led coup." is false. The correct statement would be "Iran went from theocratic to secular as a direct result of the 1953 US led coup." Iran was a hellhole for women and minorities under the theocratic government.
I said "Iran went from secular to theocratic as a result of the 1953 US led coup", how did you misunderstand that as "Iran didn't exist before 1953"?

It's false is it? Ever hear of operation Ajax?

So that --> "You are blind to that which you do not want to see." would be all you, buddy. The CIA takes full credit for it.

The 53 coup led directly to the Iranian revolution in 1979

"The Iranian Revolution (also known as the Islamic Revolution or the 1979 Revolution; Persian: انقلاب اسلامی, Enghelābe Eslāmi or انقلاب بیست و دو بهمن) refers to events involving the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was supported by the United States and its eventual replacement with an Islamic republic under the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution, supported by various leftist and Islamic organizations and Iranian student movements."


The revolution led to the theocratic government led by Khomeini