Old Account Doesn't Work!

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Petty Bullshit

New Member
Hello - hopefully you can help - i am able to login to my old account but the site never loads! Or i get a database error or server busy error.

I cleared my cookies and came back to the site and was able to surf as a guest without any problems at all. As soon as I logged in the server hung and returned more errors.

Again, clear cookies - and can surf very quickly as a guest. I created this new account and this new account works GREAT! So it doesn't appear to be my machine, the network connection, or the RIU server so there must be something about my old account that is preventing pages from loading.

Can anyone please help me?
I have been trying this off and on since i created this new account and still have the same problem. This new account works great. My old account either never logs in or returns errors.
Multiple accounts are not allowed on rollitup. The system realizes you have a second account and puts you to "the back of the line"
Multiple accounts are not allowed on rollitup. The system realizes you have a second account and puts you to "the back of the line"

thanks for the response. I realize a second account is against the rules, but this was the only way to ask for help. Besides, the problem occurred BEFORE the second account.

oddly, the second account is very fast, works great and never hangs ... the first (older) account barely can log in and when it does - just creeps along. The only thing i can figure is there is so many posts, profile customizations, subscribed threads, etc.. that all the database queries hangs the system.

Otherwise, both accounts would be experiencing the same problem (the "back of the line" process as you put it) but that isn't the case.

I am at a loss as to what to do next. Any ideas?
My Account started in Jan o8 ..I picked a password..it worked for a few days, then was rejected. (they sent me a number)...I don't want #'s as they are for more private places.. I pm'ed RIU ,fdd.and administrators...all to no reply... 2 months later... What really burns my ass is that I can sometimes get into site, read and reply...only to have my reply get server error... Yeah I've copied, backspaced.reloaded, started again...all with same advice..server..... I'd change my password in the edit section...but then I'll have NO access... want to bet...
email...ya weed...how's things ???? sure is hard to stay loyal here... nothing works when you want it too... I miss your old avatar...:mrgreen:

Hey Twisty - yeah it sure is weird that this new account works like a charm and my old account doesn't. Hopefully RIU can help fix whatever happened.

Luckily, I am currently a sys-admin and have PHP programming experience working on boards like this and short of a database problem or a malicious slow-down type of application - there is no reason for this behavior.

So hopefully, RIU can correct this. Or not - up to him i guess.
Camping out with u, waiting! Yur missed nutt~e' db.~tlb! :)

twisting one up!............. Pass! To the e' with lighter! :)
i have noticed that the posts in here are rarely replied to in here, i bet if it was one of the mod's accounts it would have been sorted by now.

i would be a shame for you to lose that account as you were number 5 in the post score and at level 19 that is some dedication to the people on this site.

i hope that admin will realise that you are a greatly valued member of RIU and rectify this error.

Good luck with it Email
There is only so much that we can do for you, and everything that we can do is taken care as fast as we can.

If we don't respond, it's because we don't have the administrative rights that are required to do what you want. In those cases, only Admin can help.

HTH :mrgreen:
Hey Twisty - yeah it sure is weird that this new account works like a charm and my old account doesn't. Hopefully RIU can help fix whatever happened.

Luckily, I am currently a sys-admin and have PHP programming experience working on boards like this and short of a database problem or a malicious slow-down type of application - there is no reason for this behavior.

So hopefully, RIU can correct this. Or not - up to him i guess.

I don't get any of this shit... you lose all your posts, your facing the wrong way and blurry (stop it!!).... Jimmy was "elite" before the ban and not after (maybe he only paid 1 month at a time) ... I still ...(2 months yesterday and counting) can't get My chosen password back.. pm'd adm.. rollitup and fdd and got 0 reply.. Now why would THEY change my password into a pass number....Fuck I'm old and can barely remember my name at times....now I get #'s...................:confused:
There is only so much that we can do for you, and everything that we can do is taken care as fast as we can.

If we don't respond, it's because we don't have the administrative rights that are required to do what you want. In those cases, only Admin can help.

HTH :mrgreen:

it's cool potroast. i only posted this help request thread a few days ago - i am frustrated but am patient. I have all the time in the world to get to the bottom of this :)

Now the other folks who are waiting for me to respond to their PMs and threads, etc.. may not be so patient! but i'm sure they'll find someone to help them.

i'll update once in awhile - like this - so far .. no luck.
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