Old Account Doesn't Work!

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There's some heavy numbers.... In here for "rep's~posting~and hot growers~'~! Lmfao!!!! At this! There's sumone missing! Though..............
Thats right it's

i was not being unfair, if he/she can't handle the site then he/she should sell up or get more staff who can run the system better. i bet there are people on here in RIU that could do the job or at least help. why is there not a thread like "help wanted. needed someone who knowes the workings of vBulletin software to help rectife RIU"

it would only take a few posts to find someone who could give him/her a hand.
just to put my two cents in... I know next to nothing about how all this magic internet stuff works, but I do know it seems that this problem is not being worked on much. I know it has been going on for a lil while.. Email is a asset and I cant see how he would be viewed any other way.. Endless help in growing and obviously knows the workings of all this other internet stuff. It would deffinatly be encouraging to see post of the "working on problem for you" nature... anyway like I said I dont know a thing about how all this works so I cant really judge how the solution is going. But I hope like hell this doesn't remain a problem for E, if it happens to him seems it can happen to any of us and should be fixed...... I love it here, but if this becomes a pattern I will have to find a home elsewhere.... Im still pro riu but nervous about the future!
In before the lock! And, saving the pages, just in case.

How about addressing this, directly and publicly?
And just a little messed up, wouldn't you agree? Did you visit the link? They're discontinuing the hack at the end of '08. That doesn't mean it's removed from boards where it's been incorporated, it just means that the developers will no longer support it. :|

Sure does make too much sense, doesn't it? Remember Bongjuice's thread complaining of the very same thing? Did you see all the people that jumped his shit?
the symptoms line up pretty well (and I'm not the only one who has experienced this).

but i am often wrong and will happily eat humble pie and apologize if i am mistaken.... IF i am mistaken.
The problem is the COMPLETE AND TOTAL LACK OF RESPONSE from the site admin. When we're talking about people who've given him their money, that's a problem.
Complete lack of response... maybe there is a reason for it. Im here 16hrs a day keeping this server alive while we are in the process of moving to the new ones.
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