Obama pokes at Christianity

You're the real idiot here. Obama isn't a Christian at heart. He just knows, like every other presidential candidate ever has, that only a professing Christian can win the White House (at the present time).

You have know idea what he is or is not and to say you do makes you seem very unintelligent. He has been going to christian church's most of his life.

My minor in College was Political Science and I took 3 times not because I failed it but because I love Political Science and would have majored in it but you can't make much money from it so I majored in Computer Networking/Computer Science.

I don't like any president but do yourself a favor and watch Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States. Oliver Stone would run circles around almost anyone when it comes to the subject of History and the movie platoon was loosely based on his experience as an infantrymen in Vietnam
you're such a racist loser, murdoch.

@panhead , what do you think? is my word just as good as his here, or do you think his sentiments are a tad racist?

I dont get it buck , ive read every post in this thread twice to make sure im not missing something .

Where exactly in t bones post is the racism ?

I really dont get it how you read race into his post & i dont see him beating around the bush trying to sneak a racist comment in .

How do you see racism in that post ?
What the fuck was racist about my suspicion that Obama is not a Christian at heart?

so your fellow ideological colleagues calling him a mulsim kenyan homo are not by racism at all?

their ridiculous, unfounded, and unprovable beliefs are rational?

if questioning the president's religion is not motivated by racism, why don't you go ahead and tell me what exactly it is motivated by, murdoch.
I dont get it buck , ive read every post in this thread twice to make sure im not missing something .

Where exactly in t bones post is the racism ?

I really dont get it how you read race into his post & i dont see him beating around the bush trying to sneak a racist comment in .

How do you see racism in that post ?

what exactly do you think is motivating murdoch to postulate that the president is not really christian and is favoring the muslims?





or something more sinister?
i'm just pointing out your hair trigger sensitivity at anything you perceive to be even remotely "anti-white". you don't seem to have a problem with the out and out racist garbage we have on this forum, but you do seem to flip your shit when the black president says something that fox news wants you tp believe is aimed at white christians.

all you racists rile so easily.

Posting it online for discussion is hardly "flipping out," I just thought it was strange. You are the only one bringing up race, "anti-white?" There was nothing anti white about it, I thought it was, as I stated, a "poke at Christianity." I have valued everyone's opinions on the subject who has posted here, even yours :) thanks for taking the time.
Posting it online for discussion is hardly "flipping out," I just thought it was strange. You are the only one bringing up race, "anti-white?" There was nothing anti white about it, I thought it was, as I stated, a "poke at Christianity." I have valued everyone's opinions on the subject who has posted here, even yours :) thanks for taking the time.
i quoted the entire speech please could you point out the parts where a "poke at christianity" occurred?
thats supposed to be anti christian?

Not as much of a poke if you read the whole thing in context, I really need to not look at anything Fox News reports. Thanks for posting this.

On a further note I hate that there are so many Christian/government things, such as the national prayer breakfast. Will there ever be a non-Christian president??
Not as much of a poke if you read the whole thing in context, I really need to not look at anything Fox News reports. Thanks for posting this.

On a further note I hate that there are so many Christian/government things, such as the national prayer breakfast. Will there ever be a non-Christian president??
not while people like yourself, jump up in arms, over perceived insults, fed to you by say, media like fox news.

EDIT: imagine the shitstorm if he hadn't given easter speech...
so your fellow ideological colleagues calling him a mulsim kenyan homo are not by racism at all?

their ridiculous, unfounded, and unprovable beliefs are rational?

if questioning the president's religion is not motivated by racism, why don't you go ahead and tell me what exactly it is motivated by, murdoch.

I question ANY US political leader's claim of believing in God. I think the vast majority of politicians (white, black, other) profess belief in God because they know an atheist could not get elected (president) in this country, at the present. This does not apply to all politicians, I realize. But to the vast majority, it does.

There's nothing racist about that. You're just pre-programmed to yell "racism", much like the little sheppard boy who yelled "wolf" too many times.

Buck, why don't you try to be objective?
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not while people like yourself, jump up in arms, over perceived insults, fed to you by say, media like fox news.

EDIT: imagine the shitstorm if he hadn't given easter speech...

Wasn't really up in arms, just wanted to see others points of view on it. And yes it would be quite the shitstorm and I would be his biggest fan :)
Wasn't really up in arms, just wanted to see others points of view on it. And yes it would be quite the shitstorm and I would be his biggest fan :)
their point of view on a non issue that doesnt even warrant a "meh"?
the old "i know its a storm in a tea cup but i just wanted everyone to know and give me their opinion on this storm in a tea cup" routine?
what exactly do you think is motivating murdoch to postulate that the president is not really christian and is favoring the muslims?





or something more sinister?

See @panhead, Buck is just plain biased toward declaring anyone racist who does not believe exactly as he does.

I've praised Obama on this web site for his help in advancing the legalization of marijuana. And I've praised him for his executive order on illegal immigrants (although I did wish for a bipartisan bill instead). And I actually admire Obama for his (at least visual) devotion to his family. There's never ever been a single claim (that I've read) of Obama cheating on his wife. He seems to be really devoted to his family, and that's refreshing in politics.

I do have major disagreements with his policies, but that's just because I lean a bit right.

But Buck hates anyone a bit right of center. Buck knows love and hate. Nothing in between.

I've tried to get along with Buck, because I like to get along with everyone. Yes I return trash talk with trash talk, because it's just plain fun. But I always make it known to Buck and everyone else I'm debating with that I might disagree with them, but I don't hate them. That just doesn't compute with Buck.

The bad thing is that he's really smart. I can tell that from his writing style and general knowledge. But he wastes it by being just a turd to anyone who dares disagree with him.

But he's young and green. I hold out hope that he'll one day learn to be as objective and tolerant and he demands the right to be.
Ah not like GW did

Likely the President with the smallest ego and biggest heart in recent memory was Jimmy Carter, while I might differ with him on the need / function of government, I think he is a good man. He was talking decrim. of pot back in the 70s.

The others in terms of ego don't seem to be that much different from one another, some are just better actors.
Doesn't matter there are extremist on both sides and the majority of muslims are not extremist or fanatics and the ones that are mostly live in the middle east. Most in the states, canada, europe are just like everyone else. Islam is the second largest religion so there are probably a billion of them. To lump them into one category would be wrong.
19,998 lives don't matter? Iran, Iraq, etc. were once non-Muslim. The Muslims immigrated there, and when their numbers were great enough, they slaughtered, forced to convert, or drove out the native populations. This has been their tactics, yea, a very tenant of their religion for 1,200 years. First they practice Sharia among their own. (already taken that step here, Canada. and Europe), then anyone entering "their" area (starting that, too), then the slaughter begins. Subjugation to Mohamad (their real God) is not optional. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Give an example and link from a non bias site to back up your claim.
A democratic majority in Congress voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq. Were you not paying attention? Or just ignoring the history that occurred IN YOUR OWN LIFETIME
what exactly do you think is motivating murdoch to postulate that the president is not really christian and is favoring the muslims?





or something more sinister?

If i were forced to speculate i think i'd chose " Other " from the choices you gave , possibly a deep mistrust of all politicans , or being tired of the hypocrisy of politics in general , a race issue or anti muslim issue wouldn't cross my mind from his post .

Why do you think his post has sinister overtones ?
19,998 lives don't matter? Iran, Iraq, etc. were once non-Muslim. The Muslims immigrated there, and when their numbers were great enough, they slaughtered, forced to convert, or drove out the native populations. This has been their tactics, yea, a very tenant of their religion for 1,200 years. First they practice Sharia among their own. (already taken that step here, Canada. and Europe), then anyone entering "their" area (starting that, too), then the slaughter begins. Subjugation to Mohamad (their real God) is not optional. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
what was religions of christian countries before "their numbers were great enough"