Well-Known Member
You're the real idiot here. Obama isn't a Christian at heart. He just knows, like every other presidential candidate ever has, that only a professing Christian can win the White House (at the present time).
You have know idea what he is or is not and to say you do makes you seem very unintelligent. He has been going to christian church's most of his life.
My minor in College was Political Science and I took 3 times not because I failed it but because I love Political Science and would have majored in it but you can't make much money from it so I majored in Computer Networking/Computer Science.
I don't like any president but do yourself a favor and watch Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States. Oliver Stone would run circles around almost anyone when it comes to the subject of History and the movie platoon was loosely based on his experience as an infantrymen in Vietnam