Club 600

Great to know mr Fungus! I'll look in to this because I was never even given an option for a doctor like that. I hope my insurance covers such things, but if not it sounds like i'll be saving up for it. Been dealing with back/hip issues for 10 years now, would be awesome to get some decent relief :)

Sacroiliac, I have the same pain.

OMT changed my life. Please do yourself a favor and find a DO that does neuromuscular medicine and practices OMT, osteopathic manipulative technique. Its like chiropractic work, but much much better. A chiropractor broke my rib a few years, the OMT fixed my hips, lower back, and knees. I trust a DO much more than a chiropractor.

Please look into it, OMT seriously changed my life.

I would always go to the doctors for pain and they would do tests but never actually DO anything for the pain. The OMT doc will ask about your shoes and diet and stress and do adjustments on your spine, jaw, neck etc.

My TMJ is better, my bowels move better, my L knee doesn't hurt so bad. I still have back and hip pain, but were working through it.

I swear to you all, OMT changed my life.
Thing's sure are looking good up. In here these day's! Nice close up bud! @papapayne , they girl's are FIRE!!!!

I'm just about try some Orange Tanjie i think its called, ive heard this and that I out it, what i do know is its some frrrrrrrost shizzle! I'll get a snap up, have to be of the pod as battery's dead for Cam. with the lad playing x-box.....

Going to check on thing's later today, hoping the girl's are looking good, not saw them in couple week's!!!! Still got my Fireball's clone in the tub, on day 16 now and no roots but it still look healthy :-)
Hope the Psychosis is'nt a ball of fuzzy mess, but could do with a good hash run, got some new bag's!

Anyway's I'll pop back in with some pic's later

So.... This didnt post earlier it seems, but still here, so ive been to see the grow, needing a new fan in the tent with the temps being back up but looking o.k

Just a couple quick shots while i Take a few clones

Excuse the pic
Patrt 2
So that didnt work! ( using phone, already spent last 45 mins on this post!! )

Fireballs ( looking green )

New babies Dog, Blue Pitt x Cheese, J.T.R x Cheese
The Dog surfaced with seed case still attached and needed a little help so first leaves are damaged but can already see her dark, fat leave traits :-)

And the Tanjie
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Love de boobies!! :)

Nice plants yall :)

Today is bitter sweet, I had to take cuts but then chop down the mama's :( but I had the best find during the clone process! The blt is COVERED in resin, my fingers felt like I just got done trimming a lb after taking to cuts and it smells like blueberry muffins!! Never seen a plant so resinous in veg before, it's not just little resin heads here and there, the whole stem, stalks just covered in globs of stickiness :D

Also got some new beans to pop today, today was a good day 8-)

Found a friend not far that said I could do a plant at his pad, so 10 space bubble beans dropped into water.
Space bubble= bubble n squeak X spacebomb,,, beans I made back in 2010


Brewing tea for when I transplant some tomato flats.

Here's spacebomb I grew some years back.

Have a good one folks :peace:
Hey all heres a plant that is very worth growing! Throw some of this in some everclear (with some other herbs) to make absinthe! I'm confident you can smoke this herb as well for psychoactive effects

The primary active ingredient:

I'm going to start growing this and making my own moonshine and absinthe here in the next few months, it would be cool if some other people were interested in learning how to make this stuff cuz its kinda uncharted territory.

The legality of absinthe: (Which it "is")

Smoked wormood (Artemisia absinthium) experience report:

Below is the most promising recipe i've seen so far. Many of the essential oils from the herbs included in absinthe seem to be incredibly beneficial to one's heatlh and can all be grown. Then you can distill some moonshine and make straight up 98% home made absinthe! Some of the ingredients are probably far more reasonable to buy than grow, but you can grow most of them very reasonably!

What do you all know about absinthe?

    • Take
    • 750ml 90+% alc.
    • 2oz wormwood
      soak for aprox. 7-10 days
      strain (dont worry about leaving a small amounts in)
    • 2 tbl ea anise & fennel
    • 3-4t bl spearmint (light flavor but goes well)
    • 1 tsp coriander
    • 1/2 tsp caraway
    • 1/4 tsp cardamon
    • 1 tbl angelica root
    • 1 tbl ea anise hyssop & hyssop
    Soak another 7-10 days
    add 750ml water and potstill for BEST results (i will not try it any other way
Hey all heres a plant that is very worth growing! Throw some of this in some everclear (with some other herbs) to make absinthe! I'm confident you can smoke this herb as well for psychoactive effects

The primary active ingredient:

I'm going to start growing this and making my own moonshine and absinthe here in the next few months, it would be cool if some other people were interested in learning how to make this stuff cuz its kinda uncharted territory.

The legality of absinthe: (Which it "is")

Smoked wormood (Artemisia absinthium) experience report:

Below is the most promising recipe i've seen so far. Many of the essential oils from the herbs included in absinthe seem to be incredibly beneficial to one's heatlh and can all be grown. Then you can distill some moonshine and make straight up 98% home made absinthe! Some of the ingredients are probably far more reasonable to buy than grow, but you can grow most of them very reasonably!

What do you all know about absinthe?

    • Take
    • 750ml 90+% alc.
    • 2oz wormwood
      soak for aprox. 7-10 days
      strain (dont worry about leaving a small amounts in)
    • 2 tbl ea anise & fennel
    • 3-4t bl spearmint (light flavor but goes well)
    • 1 tsp coriander
    • 1/2 tsp caraway
    • 1/4 tsp cardamon
    • 1 tbl angelica root
    • 1 tbl ea anise hyssop & hyssop
    Soak another 7-10 days
    add 750ml water and potstill for BEST results (i will not try it any other way
I've been wanting to buy a bottle, but haven't. The ones with a good amount of wormwood are expensive, and get mixed reviews. The ways you drink it seem to be pretty cool. Definitely a drink to experience at some point. I would still probably rather have a bottle of 100yr Grand Marnier.
I've been wanting to buy a bottle, but haven't. The ones with a good amount of wormwood are expensive, and get mixed reviews. The ways you drink it seem to be pretty cool. Definitely a drink to experience at some point. I would still probably rather have a bottle of 100yr Grand Marnier.
Thats why you grow your own woodworm (: It grows pretty quick and like I said, you can smoke it and get "stoned"
Those made my night.

My after smoking dreams are not frightening but they are violent.

I am just Mr. Nice Guy all the time I guess....I suppose that it is a
bit of "Me, Myself, and Irene". Not fun in any case and not leading
to easy rest. It fades like the hiccups, without you really noticing.
