DUDE.... WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!!!! I'm so glad I'm not in misery alone.
My fucking dreams are off the hook after I stop smoking. So I quit on March 4, didn't smoke till March 31 or something. Dreams during that time were insane. Bad shit. Just started to calm down before I smoked again for 3 days in a row or something. Just one fucking hit a day of hash, for 3 days. Wouldn't think it would start all over again... but it did.
Let's see. I've been stoned driving in the snow, and hit someone on a motorbike. Ran from the scene to have detectives waiting at my house for me. I've had 2 close friends be super suicidal, like telling me they're going to do it 'tonight'. I've shot a couple people. I've been arrested 3 times. Once for I don't even know what. The other two times from growing. Once in the USA, once in Spain. Both of those times being busted for growing, the dreams were like 4-5 hours of dream time. Sitting in offices, wondering what's going to happen. Oddly both times it was a female officer talking to me. The first one was real nice and I thought we were becoming friends. The time in Spain, the lady said it would be 4 days before I could even talk to anyone, and that she was rather positive I was going down for 12 years.
Shit there was other stuff. Oh yeah, a female friend called to talk about how her husband has been beating her for the past few years. Another friend heard the conversation, and was drunk, and started making fun of her saying she deserved it... so I beat his head in. Like fucking disturbing, broke his fucking head open with a peice of metal. Um... there was other bad shit too. It's always fucking bad. No big bugs in mine, just horrible people, or me acting horribly. Once I was yelling at my daughter like crazy, like tearing her apart with my words. Fuck it's horrible.
I feel you bro. It's not fucking fun. I don't even want to go to sleep.
Oh... one was really good actually. I was in a brothel or something and all the girls there were famouos actresses I've had crushes on. That was awesome. The rest fucking suck, like horrible.
Good times.