Obama's Critique of Young People Who Want Legal Marijuana

Hmm, 20 years isn't that Iong..expect MM has M proof behind it, there is miIIions who benefit......there is NO way MM is going away in the next 20 years..maybe forever
Funny thing is that 10 million illegal immigrants just got an unprecedented emergency executive order (amnesty) from the man due to Congresses inability to act within a couple of years, but 30 million marijuana citizen users and patients cannot get the required HHS study request out of his DOJ per the law (CSA) within a half century? Considering the abuse of government faced by immigrants vs marijuana using citizens and those associated laws, you just cannot square this bullshit up with any integrity what so ever.


really? you're comparing being able to live here to having slightly less worries over your bag of pot?

really? you're I hbeing able to live here to having slightly less worries over your bag of pot?


Living here isn't how it was, use to be ..notice how onIy Mexicans are sneaking across, the Canadians aren't trying to get in the US---they got it better in many ways Iiving in Canada.

BTW, my bag of pot is worth fighting for...think if booze was iIIega.. heIIo civil war
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Living here isn't how it was, use to be ..notice how onIy Mexicans are sneaking across, the Canadians aren't trying to get in the US---they got it better in many ways Iiving in Canada.

BTW, my bag of pot is worth fighting for...think if booze was iIIega.. heIIo civil war

it's actually only about 55% mexicans, but i still think comparing being deported to a bag of weed is pretty far fucking out there.
WeII Obama would agree with U, why he try to heIp them.....................best part is, most o us here in the US, our forefathers were not born here yet we wanna pretend that we been here forever
Its not our problem that Mexico is so messed up...why the US seems not to care about Mexico yet we care so much what happens haIf way across the worId,..oh yeah, oiI...we need it, pIus we want cheap Iabour costs..so who cares about Mexico, not the USa..Ieast not most of us...we rather spend miIIons on a fence vs heIping them
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The criminal substance prohibition game is an extreme federal felony law that cascades down to and is enforced by every law enforcement officer within every community across this nation accounting for an american citizen being arrested, abused and institutionalized every 45 seconds.

Entering this country illegally is not a felony law and enforcement is conducted only by a specific federal agency with very limited enforcement agents/authority and if caught, which is obviously rare (11mil known), worse case they face the possibility of simply being returned to where they illegally came.

Comparing these two issues is as ignorant as ignoring the former (50yrs now and never addressed) as you champion the latter (addressed with amnesty last by Reagan and Congress). Take a close look at the lobbying groups and politicians pushing both issues if you care to truly understand the issues and problems we face. It's all about the money and there is none to be had in border security. Also a New citizen = new vote & New Felon = no vote.
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The criminal substance prohibition game is an extreme federal felony law that cascades down to and is enforced by every law enforcement officer within every community across this nation accounting for an american citizen being arrested, abused and institutionalized every 45 seconds.

Entering this country illegally is not a felony and enforcement is conducted only by a specific federal agency with very limited enforcement agents/authority and if caught, which is obviously rare (11mil known), worse case they face the possibility of simply being returned to where they illegally came.

Comparing these two issues is as ignorant as ignoring the former (for 50yrs and never addressed) as you champion the latter (addressed with amnesty last by Reagan). Take a close look at the lobbying groups and politicians pushing both issues if you care to truly understand the issues and problems we face.

the only problem with illegals coming here is that they get exploited.
Politics today is all about exploitation of one for the perceived benefit of another. Again the true answers and problems can be found in whom, how and why. If we could only get past the political propaganda fed (D&R) and on to that conversation these games may finally end ...

Regulatory capture is a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating. Regulatory capture is a form of government failure; it creates an opening for firms to behave in ways injurious to the public (e.g., producing negative externalities). The agencies are called "captured agencies".
Actually I have worked with the migrants and they like to buy minivans and take them back to mexico, smash in the panels, pack them full of cocaine, bondo over it, paint them and smuggle it back into the states. They definitely don't get exploited I think you watch too much tv.
the only problem with illegals coming here is that they get exploited.

If you could go to mexico and work for a year. Then move back to the states and live off the money you earned in mexico for five years would you be exploited by mexico?
Exploitation Definition: The act of employing to the greatest possible advantage.

I have no problem with Obama's Immigration Executive order personally, nor have I ever insinuated that. My problem is that he has not removed marijuana from the Controlled Substance Act/Drug Was in the exact same manner, no less simply ask his AG to request the HHS report required by the law.

One of these issues is the greatest civil rights concern of the past half century. We need to correct this so we can begin to heal as a nation. Does that argument sound familiar? Something just doesn't add up here, even if all things were equal. You can still love the man and hate the sin, just call it what it is ...