Funny thing is that 10 million illegal immigrants just got an unprecedented emergency executive order (amnesty) from the man due to Congresses inability to act within a couple of years, but 30 million marijuana citizen users and patients cannot get the required HHS study request out of his DOJ per the law (CSA) within a half century? Considering the abuse of government faced by immigrants vs marijuana using citizens and those associated laws, you just cannot square this bullshit up with any integrity what so ever.
really? you're I hbeing able to live here to having slightly less worries over your bag of pot?
Living here isn't how it was, use to be ..notice how onIy Mexicans are sneaking across, the Canadians aren't trying to get in the US---they got it better in many ways Iiving in Canada.
BTW, my bag of pot is worth fighting for...think if booze was iIIega.. heIIo civil war
BTW, Iots of people have Iost their freedom over a bag of pot
The criminal substance prohibition game is an extreme federal felony law that cascades down to and is enforced by every law enforcement officer within every community across this nation accounting for an american citizen being arrested, abused and institutionalized every 45 seconds.
Entering this country illegally is not a felony and enforcement is conducted only by a specific federal agency with very limited enforcement agents/authority and if caught, which is obviously rare (11mil known), worse case they face the possibility of simply being returned to where they illegally came.
Comparing these two issues is as ignorant as ignoring the former (for 50yrs and never addressed) as you champion the latter (addressed with amnesty last by Reagan). Take a close look at the lobbying groups and politicians pushing both issues if you care to truly understand the issues and problems we face.
The real problem with illegal immigrants is that they try to steal our women-folk.the only problem with illegals coming here is that they get exploited.
the only problem with illegals coming here is that they get exploited.
If you could go to mexico and work for a year. Then move back to the states and live off the money you earned in mexico for five years would you be exploited by mexico?