I recieved this today...

unfortunately...i don't have enough time or energy to do anything there....and I share it with my two brothers....
but none of us use it....
I am hoping one of the kids takes an interest....or maybe one of my girls husbands.../fiance's/boyfriends
excellent hunting and fishing.....I used it pretty much to myself until my mid forties....
Its what I don't get about any of my brother or my kids...
not much interest in the property....its there for the taking....
Thats what ive found unfortunately. Most people who have the land or options in generally dont care and the rest of us without the option will probably never get it.
All my former friends from highschool had a parent or grandparent will them 100's of thousands and they all pissed it away and have nothing to show for it.
Meanwhile people like me with ideas and goals are called dreamers and 3/4 of em will never happen. And my family will leave me debt.
This property was purchased for 800 buck 40 plus years ago....we just recently found out the original seller scammed my dad out of 10 acres due to a road passing thru the property.....my whole life I thought,we owned only one side of the road....found out when the local gov tried to sell for back taxes....and they couldn't since the name on the tax roll didn't own the property but rather my father did.....so we recently got another ten acre's to use....
hey torontoke ..I wish I was in a position....to help you out.....however every time I have suggested to my brothers to do something with the land they always say the same thing....
they want to leave it natural....and undeveloped....
my uncle has two miles of undeveloped shoreline on a big lake in the area....he's in his late 80's....so my cousins....are gonna cash in big time with that land.....since over 500 acres goes with....if they are gonna sever...i can give you a heads up....
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I have never grown there....so not sure how that would turn out....but I have found others guerrilla grow sites there....
walking along the road I would come to a pink ribbon tied to the trees or fence.......follow the trail in....voila plant.....lol
I never even took one,since I figured someone was going to a lot of trouble.....and it was probably one of my cousins....lol
Well if u want to sell it i will scrape together 1600 and you can double up your investment lol
I wont even have a problem sharing lmfao
Mark Twain said it best " Buy land, they're not making it anymore "

If I own a resort I would make it MJ friendly for everyone. That way the cops would have to come there to figure out who is smoking....I bet they never would.
Cal it " Smoke n Toke Resort " A MJ frierndly place. I simply would NOT enforce rules against anyone using MJ. NO BOOZE allowed !
MJ Campfire's
MJ Everything
Thats what my plan was hippy
A mj free for all!
I think the flaw in your plan was the non profit part. Investors want a return on their investment. That is just common sense. I feel your mistake was by trying to make it sort of a charitable deal and less business. You see the two don't sync up really. Private money wants a return...charity doesn't need it.
You need to think more in terms of making money and providing reasonable value for money spent. Unless your Tim Horton's selling a camp for under privileged kids no one want to invest and make zero...you see?
You plan is too much dream...too little reality...no offense meant. If your really serious then you need a whole new attach plan to really attract money. Anyway you know how hard it is to be successful operating a resort...it's a skilled and hard business. you need to be on the game HUGE to attract people and their money. It's not a game, it's real world tough.
Thats what my plan was hippy
A mj free for all!
what about charitable but not a "not for profit"..."some proceeds go to...." that way you show you are trying to make $$ as well as do good deeds.
when you get it up & running, you can always offer "deals" and or discounts later. never show all your cards.
when you show people only that you're trying for a "not for profit"thing, they will turn away. no money for them. if you ever watch "Dragon's Den" or "Shark Tank" think of Kevin O'Leary "how can i make money??!!" is the only questions investors have...unless they are incredibly wealthy.
what about asking a celebrity? they might get behind it but how to contact one? the first one I though of was Woody Harrleson. he's very pro MJ..but Willie Nelson would be incredible and you could hve fund raiser concerts every summer
what about starting a church? they get tax free status and other benefits...haha
Fun ideas rarely make profitable businesses. No one want others just playing with their money.
I've never heard any of this sound like a more than a fun thing to do. That ain't gonna cut it. I got no problem with bantering stuff round for fun, but if this was really a serious idea....it won't work as evidenced so far in it's flop. See, no interest in dreaming.
Your right
Im a dreamer and i wont apologize for it.
Might not ever happen but if it does i will feel even better about it for not only following a dream but also for proving the nah sayers wrong. I never once said i expected an investor to do it for no return thats just common sense. My problem is what rate of return is acceptable.

If everyone stopped dreaming the world would be an even more depressing place.

You know whats funny dishes i was thinking the same thing last week not only about celebs but woody specifically.
Your right
Im a dreamer and i wont apologize for it.
Might not ever happen but if it does i will feel even better about it for not only following a dream but also for proving the nah sayers wrong. I never once said i expected an investor to do it for no return thats just common sense. My problem is what rate of return is acceptable.

If everyone stopped dreaming the world would be an even more depressing place.

You know whats funny dishes i was thinking the same thing last week not only about celebs but woody specifically.
Nothing wrong with a dream. That's the way many things start. But to make it reality you need a solid plan. Then your dream could really happen. Running a business is incredibly challenging and requires a real workable plan.
What resort do you know that uses shipping containers as cottages...I mean really....fun idea...not really practical....sure possible.....but not really feasible.
If your going to serve the public you better be prepared with the services required.
If you just want a camping weekend then your on the right track.
Hey torontotoke....why not find a MJ friendly resort and talk to them about a week or weekend deal for Med patients. Get some resort who is hungry for business to agree to allowing smoking by licensed folks. Maybe hard to do...may not....then offer up the time to folks here to book their own accommodation for that time period. I hate to say it but I bet few would actually make the call and drop the credit card to book. Just sayin...i know people...they talk better than walk.
Even T-shirts are hard to sell here ...lol
Obviously the way ive been going about turning this dream into reality hasnt worked thus far so i cant say your wrong.
Now without jacking this thread with this subject but i think it was the shipping containers that made the idea unique and the fact that it hasnt been done should add appeal.
But mostly the containers are what make the idea even remotely financially feasible. If you know of a way to put up 1000sq ft cottages for under 15 k hey im all ears and id consider it.
I dont plan to rely on riu members to keep the place going and as much as id like to have meetups there and put faces to usernames im not dumb i know most people talk more than they should most wouldnt bother with me and my dream. But thats ok i keep my expectations low and hope to be surprised
Mark Twain said it best " Buy land, they're not making it anymore "

If I own a resort I would make it MJ friendly for everyone. That way the cops would have to come there to figure out who is smoking....I bet they never would.
Cal it " Smoke n Toke Resort " A MJ frierndly place. I simply would NOT enforce rules against anyone using MJ. NO BOOZE allowed !
MJ Campfire's
MJ Everything
what about MJ beer...now caman...
Obviously the way ive been going about turning this dream into reality hasnt worked thus far so i cant say your wrong.
Now without jacking this thread with this subject but i think it was the shipping containers that made the idea unique and the fact that it hasnt been done should add appeal.
But mostly the containers are what make the idea even remotely financially feasible. If you know of a way to put up 1000sq ft cottages for under 15 k hey im all ears and id consider it.
I dont plan to rely on riu members to keep the place going and as much as id like to have meetups there and put faces to usernames im not dumb i know most people talk more than they should most wouldnt bother with me and my dream. But thats ok i keep my expectations low and hope to be surprised
Well that's the thing, if it's not done right, it won't work. You can't half ass a business.
And those shipping container better look EXTRA nice.....or nada. Try talking woman into sleeping in a shipping container...it better be fuckin nice.....like a toilet at least as well...shower...blah blah blah.
sorry but it all seems a " no way " to me.
Anyway there already is a resort offering this....wonder how their doing...ahem ??
I posted the place in your thread.
Well that's the thing, if it's not done right, it won't work. You can't half ass a business.
And those shipping container better look EXTRA nice.....or nada. Try talking woman into sleeping in a shipping container...it better be fuckin nice.....like a toilet at least as well...shower...blah blah blah.
sorry but it all seems a " no way " to me.
Somebody steal your goat or what?
Your coming across more like eyeore than a hippy.
Dont worry about the shipping containers like everyone says im just a dreamer....toilet n showers lol