I recieved this today...

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Somebody steal your goat or what?
Your coming across more like eyeore than a hippy.
Dont worry about the shipping containers like everyone says im just a dreamer....toilet n showers lol
I don't know, I'd rather be raped by the goat than stuck with women that are shower-less and toilet-less. You gotta be young....the goat raping will be easy compared to the thrasthing un-happy ladies dish out.....or we could point out the very clean plastic outhouses that are wonderful at 3 am for woman and bears lol
Although it can an excellent way to see the full moon streak across the compound in in the star light at 3am. Even teenage girls are not the most happy pissing in the woods at 3am....as they get older the happiness goes down hill rapidly


Well-Known Member
Lol come on man...
Im not that young i do realize people need bathrooms. Heres two different shipping container home bathrooms. Im pretty sure any woman id be interested in would be happy with either one but that goat may be picky.image.jpg image.jpg



Well-Known Member
Pretty sure a toilet sink shower/tub and a mirror is less than 15k but i was simply trying to show you they dont end up looking like containers anymore.
I get it that no matter what, you will spit out hate toward the idea but thats ok.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
That's silly to call it hate. I simply know what it takes to do things. I agree they can look great. I've seen complexes of them where folks live in them. But none of them were done for 15k. Plumbing, electrical, HVAC, furnishing's, windows, doors, drywall. light fixtures and switch/outlets, insulation, paint, carpet/flooring, some type of footings or foundation, preparing the area to set it on.....for 15k...i dunt think so.
Listen I'm not trying to rain on the fun.......but to think your gonna pay 2k for steel boxes and then spend 13k to get them up to snuff.....nope.
Price the materials alone to do it even half decent, and your already over 15k
It can be done but for more than that...please no offense meant.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with a dream. That's the way many things start. But to make it reality you need a solid plan. Then your dream could really happen. Running a business is incredibly challenging and requires a real workable plan.
What resort do you know that uses shipping containers as cottages...I mean really....fun idea...not really practical....sure possible.....but not really feasible.
If your going to serve the public you better be prepared with the services required.
If you just want a camping weekend then your on the right track.
well bro hippy I disagree, google shipping container homes, apartments, its a big fad in parts of the world. I could but them for 800, then in vest 10 k in each one and sell for 35k. but the town I lived in wouldn't do it for affordable housing, figured it would be a eye sore. well bs, you can do wonders with those things.
but if you need a mobile unit on the land so its not a fixed building then a mobile home would be best.
there is hippies living in a few on the west coast in communes/? groups of hippy trippers on a chunk of land....
bc is calling you hippy


Well-Known Member
Expo 67 ring a bell??

"Habitat" :)
sure does....though we maybe be dating ourselves....1967 was one of my best years.....

I like dreamers...too...torontoke...so don't give up...just move sideways for a little while until things look different...
Hippy has real world business sense.....though I don't know the hippy.....I can tell he has been in a few board rooms before....(practical business applications)