Well-Known Member
After an hour the wattage was 427 at full power and 177 watts turned all the way down
Oh ok didn't know if you had a small driver for it or a phone charger pretty cool, gonna do the same set up as you for a flower light maybe 6 lights tho gotta order two more and they're 3070s I bought some Kingbrite they're super good customer service for being over seas!
No I used just thermal grease and Ideal cob holders and drilled out the holes and used self tapping screws. Did you even read the whole thread it's only 4 pages long and 66 posts after me lol. I used the holders no paste or soldering, plus easy change out when upgrading cob.@REALSTYLES - I did not see anywhere you going over TIM. Did you use thermal paste?
I did read the entire thread and did not see you mention thermal paste, not thermal grease. That is the reason I asked.
OK now that we are done playing wordsmith games I have a question... Do you all feel its OK to not use thermal paste/glue/gob/whatever when using these style heat sinks + fans? I ask because the Cree design document calls for a layer of TIM being either paste/gob/glue/whatever.
Cree recommends a TIM and vast majority here uses a TIM, what's your point?OK now that we are done playing wordsmith games I have a question... Do you all feel its OK to not use thermal paste/glue/gob/whatever when using these style heat sinks + fans? I ask because the Cree design document calls for a layer of TIM being either paste/gob/glue/whatever.
OK now that we are done playing wordsmith games I have a question... Do you all feel its OK to not use thermal paste/glue/gob/whatever when using these style heat sinks + fans? I ask because the Cree design document calls for a layer of TIM being either paste/gob/glue/whatever.
From post #1
- Misc: solder, shrink tubing, 18ga wire I use solid wire not twisted for my application, because I'm using cob holders that eliminates having to solder wire to cobs, wing nuts and #8 x 1/2" self tapping screws, thermal grease
A point of your question. You asked "because the Cree design document calls for a layer of TIM being either paste/gob/glue/whatever." Vast majority of people there uses a TIM, too.aha - i missed that - thanks churchhaze!
and i was not making a point - I was asking a question!
A point of your question. You asked "because the Cree design document calls for a layer of TIM being either paste/gob/glue/whatever." Vast majority of people there uses a TIM, too.
Why would ask whether we feel "OK to not use thermal paste/glue/gob/whatever when using these style heat sinks + fans" when neither Cree nor anyone here suggested so?
A point of your question. You asked "because the Cree design document calls for a layer of TIM being either paste/gob/glue/whatever." Vast majority of people there uses a TIM, too.
Why would ask whether we feel "OK to not use thermal paste/glue/gob/whatever when using these style heat sinks + fans" when neither Cree nor anyone here suggested so?
Thanks bicit - and for the record I asked this question because I am building a fairly large light and ever since my younger days building computers I always hated dealing with that blasted thermal paste and was wondering if I could simply forgo it.
hey Rstyles this is a great way of giving back man thanks in the first place.Now it's time to cut the power cord and save the end for the fans power supply
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Yes I did I'm gonna get some wagos and ditch the wire nuts lol.hey Rstyles this is a great way of giving back man thanks in the first place.
i just wanted to ask if you wire up the power cords of the drivers together with the main power cord ?
this is what it looks to me... i was not sure if i could do that.