I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

Is that how you really see the bay of pigs incident?
Batista was a corrupt ruler who shat on his people. Cuba was becoming a haven for the u.s. syndicate.i.e. lansky,luciano,trafficante.
We put those hundreds of brave cubans on the shore waiting for help, and then left them there. Nice of us.
I agree. That is why his regime fell to Castro's forces. We did fuck the Bay of Pigs operation, no question. That is why I qualified it as half-hearted. Kennedy fucked it up.

I was responding to another post implying U.S. influence in Latin America was malevolent. I was looking specifically for what the poster meant by mentioning Cuba.

Had things gone just a little different in Cuba, it would be a territory like Puerto Rico, or even a state by now.
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Without reading everyones posts in this thread I will reply...

I also think bush is not that bad. As humans we all make mistakes but when 9/11 happened everyone was ready to go to war. Maybe 1 out of 10 people werent for the war, if even that many. Everyone wanted to go to war and once we figured out that america cant just go kick ass like we did in the gulf war, everyone wants to pull out of the war. We might have jumped the gun but it was what most of us wanted. I have a good amount of friends who are in iraq or have been to iraq and my girlfriends brother is about to go for his 3rd tour. I do believe we really shouldnt have gone to iraq since the war was supposed to be aimed at going for osama and all but we did it and as americans i believe we should support our president 100%. It makes us look weak when we talk down on our president in my opinion.

Just my opinion.
I do believe we really shouldnt have gone to iraq since the war was supposed to be aimed at going for osama and all but we did it and as americans i believe we should support our president 100%. It makes us look weak when we talk down on our president in my opinion.

Maybe thats what the Germans from Nazi Germany thought too. Do you guys know what fluoride does? Its actually a poison, but they aren't going to tell you that. I believe we should think for ourselves instead of being lead like ignorant sheep to the slaughter house. I believe we should question everything our gov't does especially when we know they are poisoning us.

YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water

The REVOLUTION has begun!


ahh damnit, you make sense about the germans but i still support bush and will support any of our future presidents.... I LOVE AMERICA
ahh damnit, you make sense about the germans but i still support bush and will support any of our future presidents.... I LOVE AMERICA
Have you actually looked at what he has done to this country? Have you looked at what he's done to Iraq. Have you questioned his actions concerning our liberties, Habeas-corpus, renditioning, torture, etc. If you can honestly say that you've examined all these areas and still applaud Bush, then there is no hope for you.
Have you actually looked at what he has done to this country? Have you looked at what he's done to Iraq. Have you questioned his actions concerning our liberties, Habeas-corpus, renditioning, torture, etc. If you can honestly say that you've examined all these areas and still applaud Bush, then there is no hope for you.

Yes I have looked into what he has done to Iraq but what do you suggest? We just pull out and leave them how they are now? That would make it worse then it was when we got there. I am one that agrees that we should have never invaded Iraq but I also feel that since we did we must now do our best to get them on the right track or atleast the best we can.

As president he is going to catch hell for everything that goes wrong. So many people applause Bill Clinton but what did he really do for our country? Its easy to blame someone for anything that goes wrong. As for politics, I dont really study them like I should I guess but as an american I will support any president we have ... republican or democrat.

If Bush wasnt elected president on his first term and 9/11 still happened things probably would have ran the same track ... maybe a little differant but im pretty sure some things would have been the same as they are now.

A discusion like this will go both ways forever. There will always be people who support and people who disagree. Thats the good thing about our country, you can say what you want.


Do you bleed red, white and blue too? :mrgreen: God bless America! (We sure need some blessings)

Have you actually looked at what he has done to this country? Have you looked at what he's done to Iraq. Have you questioned his actions concerning our liberties, Habeas-corpus, renditioning, torture, etc. If you can honestly say that you've examined all these areas and still applaud Bush, then there is no hope for you.

Whats up MedMan? :mrgreen:

I honestly don't think he has done the research that every American should look into. Also, some people can't accept reality and they deem the gov't ease dropping, fluoride being a poison, torture, Habeas-corpus and etc as "conspiracy theories". So, because some people are like.....(should I say it?).... sheeple, they just follow the flock and go with the consensus. Anything that might object to the consensus is simply marked as "conspiracy theories" because its easier that way (some people are just lazy or aren't interested enough). I'm sure there are speople that would call the 'Patriot Act' a "conspiracy theory" too.. HAHA :lol:

The reason I drop my links all the time is to inform people on the subjects that are very real, and what I believe to be extremely pertinent infomation. (I wonder how many people I have somewhat enlightened?:mrgreen:)

:lol: Anyways, thats why I do what I do, and I leave the links for the mainstream media watchers. I give the people that come to RIU alternative views on subjects and facts! You can't blame the sheeple for being sheeple. Education is key!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Feel free to point out any false information in these vids...

Sometimes people are ignorant that can't fathom the presented information because its overwhelming and its not presented on everyones favorite source of information- aka the MainStream Media (MSM)

"don't believe some shit on youtube...don't be a fucking idiot. some of that stuff has truth to it, but find the REAL truth for yourself."

Feel free to point out the stuff that isn't true. Whats source of info do you find the "REAL truth" in, since you know all about "truth". I hope you know the mainstream media lies to you because ~90% of the mainstream media is monopolized by 6 HUGE media companies.

Some of this infomation is rather shocking, but if you want truth, than go try and find any false information that I have presented. :mrgreen:


Who do you believe?

The MainSream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911blogger.com

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 - Sprword.com
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 - Sprword.com

(The Money Masters) The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda - Sprword.com

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

Check out this too, after you watch the latter vids... (I just came across this news vid and I haven't had a chance to verify the info, but I bet they are correct.) YouTube - Plans Against Dissidents "A widespread awakening is taking place. Especially,the truth about 911, and the reasons for the Iraq war are unfolding. blah blah blah.... Operation- Garden Plot"

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Hey We Tarded, I will have to take a look at some of these videos ... I hope im not the one refered to that you want to find the false info. If anything looking at these videos will help my day go by a little faster :)

Do you bleed red, white and blue too? :mrgreen: God bless America! (We sure need some blessings)

Whats up MedMan? :mrgreen:

I honestly don't think he has done the research that every American should look into. Also, some people can't accept reality and they deem the gov't ease dropping, fluoride being a poison, torture, Habeas-corpus and etc as "conspiracy theories". So, because some people are like.....(should I say it?).... sheeple, they just follow the flock and go with the consensus. Anything that might object to the consensus is simply marked as "conspiracy theories" because its easier that way (some people are just lazy or aren't interested enough). I'm sure there are speople that would call the 'Patriot Act' a "conspiracy theory" too.. HAHA :lol:

The reason I drop my links all the time is to inform people on the subjects that are very real, and what I believe to be extremely pertinent infomation. (I wonder how many people I have somewhat enlightened?:mrgreen:)

:lol: Anyways, thats why I do what I do, and I leave the links for the mainstream media watchers. I give the people that come to RIU alternative views on subjects and facts! You can't blame the sheeple for being sheeple. Education is key!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Say, we. have you gotten a chance to peruse LINK TV yet. Gives you new insight into other countries and how the people actually live. I'd reccommend it for all that have an open mind. For those that don't, maybe it would help, to open your minds. This is a small world and we need to start thinking globally. Mankind will never be one as long as there is one starving child on the planet. I'm really unsure about one world government, especially as it works now, but a true peoples government might be great. We need a government that allows human creativity, protects human fraility, and allows people to basically do what they want as long as they don't infringe on others rights, like corporation do now, etc.
Hey We Tarded, I will have to take a look at some of these videos ... I hope im not the one refered to that you want to find the false info. If anything looking at these videos will help my day go by a little faster :)

Most of this information is correct but since some of it goes against public consensus than most people will call it false. For example, I believe(and ~1/2 of the population) WTC7 was brought down by bombs that were planted by a demolitions company/team. But, my latter "theory"- WTC7 falling at free fall speed because it was "pulled"/detonate- is considered a "theory". So this is why I say ~90% is fact and the ~10% theory/speculation. By me saying that WTC7 was blown up by and inside job falls into the 10% cateogory of "theories"..

BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

^^^^ I personally don't buy into this garbage!^^^^ I don't believe WTC7 fell at free fall speed because of "office fires". The "official" report of the collapse of WTC7 was that office fires ruined the integrity of the steel and collapsed the building, and anything else is "conspiracy theories"..

Say, we. have you gotten a chance to peruse LINK TV yet.

I'm really unsure about one world government, especially as it works now, but a true peoples government might be great. We need a government that allows human creativity, protects human fraility, and allows people to basically do what they want as long as they don't infringe on others rights, like corporation do now, etc.

I haven't been spending as much on the computer because I have been spreading the word other ways. I joined a local militia and thats been taking up some of my time, along with warm weather. I'll keep the linktv.com window up and play with it when I have more time. Thanks for the referral. :mrgreen:

I believe the best thing for a just gov't is people that are willing to stand up to the corruption! "With a populace full of sheep, the gov't will turn into a pack of wolves." I believe that unless people make enough noise and stand up for what they believe in, than any gov't will turn to crap because the utter rich/"elites" will continue to strive for more power and money.

Its up to the people to stand up for what is just. As history shows, gov'ts are like diapers, the longer you leave them alone, the more they will fill up with shyt. Until you can take the greed from man, there will always be a need for checks and balances. Its time WE, the people, start checking and balancing OUR gov't!

We Tarded, I had to up-Rep you for the global warming video...

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

I was so tired of hearing what al gore had to say about it and this video is pretty good. still watching it but like it alot so far.

I'm glad you like it :D And thanks for the +rep :mrgreen:

Just so you know. Not all of the information presented in that movie is up to date. The guy used a graph that was ~10 years old (or something like that). But the notions from this film are far more accurate than Al Gores depiction/"The Inconvenient Truth".

So, this film has a couple flaws, but the major premise is there. Al Gores depiction is WAY off, its very far from the truth! Co2 does not change climate, but rather climate changes co2 levels..

YouTube - Great Global Warming Swindle ABC Debates Part 2/9

^^Watch this if you want to see a couple of the movies minuscule flaws.^^

You can read this too https://www.rollitup.org/politics/57385-lmfao-weather-channel-founder-sue.html if you want to learn more about "global warming"..:mrgreen:

The REVOLUTION has begun!


So We, do you go out in the boonies and play soldier or what. I had enough of that when I was in the service. At least I'm glad to see you are learning to use a firearm. Never know when that training will be needed. What state are you in? I thought only Michigan actually had a militia, but those guys are pretty wierd. I'll stand with the people when the people get their shit together, no flim flam militias for me, not saying your's is, just that most that I've read about have some radical at the helm and are moulding young minds into hate machines. If I looked around and thought my nieghbors were forming a militia, I'd be inclined to ask what their goals were.
So We, do you go out in the boonies and play soldier or what. I had enough of that when I was in the service. At least I'm glad to see you are learning to use a firearm. Never know when that training will be needed. What state are you in? I thought only Michigan actually had a militia, but those guys are pretty wierd. I'll stand with the people when the people get their shit together, no flim flam militias for me, not saying your's is, just that most that I've read about have some radical at the helm and are moulding young minds into hate machines. If I looked around and thought my nieghbors were forming a militia, I'd be inclined to ask what their goals were.

No esoteric goals. No hate mongering, just enlightenment and peer reviews. No running around playing soldier. No radicals at the helm. No "flim flam militia". No need to know what state I'm from. No tin foil hats here.

Rather, just community enlightenment and ready for self preservation! We have a plan of action should martial law be implemented and they try and put us in FEMA camps or whatnot. So, its basically its a community watch that is prepared and armed against a rogue gov't just in case we need to protect our way of life. Most of us are men that care about our families and our rights!

Live free or die!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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Ron Paul is NOT Nader!!!!!

Ron Paul has an IMMENSE groundswell of support.

Ron Paul still has MILLIONS in reserve. (Money that came from supporters not big biz!)

Ron Paul does NOT FUND his own campain.

Ron Paul has NEVER voter against the Constitution!

The first time I ever saw Obama was on Oparh YEARS before he said he as running. SHE held him up as a great leader, she said he should be PRESIDENT! Now I had never heard of him, but my what a SOOTHING VOICE he has.He's young, AND he's half black so you JUST KNOW HE"S FOR THE LITTLE GUY! LOL!!!
And he says he's bringing change. Oh well, CHANGE! Why didn't you say so?

My WHOLE LIFE I've been WAITING for a politician to PROMISE shit will CHANGE! LOL

RON PAUL!!!!!!!


RON PAUL!!!!!!!
Ron Paul is NOT Nader!!!!!

Ron Paul has an IMMENSE groundswell of support.

Ron Paul still has MILLIONS in reserve. (Money that came from supporters not big biz!)

Ron Paul does NOT FUND his own campain.

Ron Paul has NEVER voter against the Constitution!

The first time I ever saw Obama was on Oparh YEARS before he said he as running. SHE held him up as a great leader, she said he should be PRESIDENT! Now I had never heard of him, but my what a SOOTHING VOICE he has.He's young, AND he's half black so you JUST KNOW HE"S FOR THE LITTLE GUY! LOL!!!
And he says he's bringing change. Oh well, CHANGE! Why didn't you say so?

My WHOLE LIFE I've been WAITING for a politician to PROMISE shit will CHANGE! LOL

RON PAUL!!!!!!!


RON PAUL!!!!!!!


Its looks like someone has been doing their research as well:mrgreen:

Thanks a lot! You just made my day :D (+REP because you know about RON PAUL)

Help spread the word to your community!

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Ghandi

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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do you think maybe she'll be his running mate?

now i'm really scared.

You have been really sardonic lately... Whats going on UTI?

Usually your full of eloquent semi-pertinent information. Lately you have been.... errrr.... sardonic. Whats new with you Under? :confused:

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Usually your full of eloquent semi-pertinent information. Lately you have been.... errrr.... sardonic. Whats new with you Under?
i've become busy and slightly bored with the same ol' same ol' of the political discussions that do little more than attempt to glorify or demonize one of the two sides of the completely irrelevant upcoming presidential election. i can only continue for so long before i tire of struggling against the ignorance of the pro-socialist/anti-freedom stance of mindless nouveau-liberals. it sometimes seems futile to argue with those who can't seem to look beyond immediate desires to the endless path we are creating for ourselves. when i get a bit too weary of this foolishness, i tend to temporarily retire my delusions of normality and relax as the demented foole that i am.

i'm not some puerile post-pubescent punk nor am i a jaded retiree, living on past glories. i'm just an aging hippie who has resigned himself to working the rest of his unnatural life because he knows nothing else. my derision comes from years of busting ass to attain some little bit of well earned comfort and is aimed at those who seem to feel that such sacrifice is somehow a source of great evil in the world.

we will return from under the ice in due time, refreshed and once again ready to bore you with bits of the real world. we are seldom gone completely and are always watching.:mrgreen: