you see one good one a year, two if you're lucky and i don't think ive seen one this year.
that film was beyond terrible and at no single point did i feel any kind of emotion. they are robbing a living the cunts.
can't wait for the irishman, gonna be the last great movie. i called it
I've not seen a good one yet this year, 'Focus' is ok, Will Smith isn't bad and the twists to each scam are pretty good.
It's all about the scams to be honest, all the scams together are rolled up into the plot which turns out to be one big massive scam.
Last year there was quite a few belter's though, 'Dallas Buyers Club' was easily the best.
The weight that Matthew McConaughey lost for that movie was incredible, there's a scene where he's laid on a hospital bed fucked up and he looks about 8 stone wet through.
Jared Leto did an amazing job playing Rayon the tranny too, brilliant performance.