CXA3590 Build Plan

Some call it copying....others call it plagiarizing.

Plagiarizing is when you take someone elses work and put your name on it. I've made it pretty clear what parts of my design i stole from positivity.

Whether it's plagiarism or copying, or something else... it will still grow plants.
Am I telling anyone to follow my ideas? HELL NO, baby goats.

You feel threatened for some reason.
Doer, did you bother to find the amortization cost of using 1000W hps lamps?

Mister MBA?

You're the one pushing forward with the LED idea when you were advised to just get HPS for right now. The reason you were given this advice? Because we understand the concept of amortization cost.. and don't see the point of designing something for 2-3x the price of HPS that can't even beat it. Something that can't even outperform will never recover the costs!