

Well-Known Member
I confess that a long time ago when I was like 16 or so I masturbated in my room and had an orgasm. Pretty much while my hand was around my penis and there was semen all over my hand, my mom opened my door and walked into my room telling me to come downstairs for dinner. She never mentioned it again but yeah that happened.
I ALWAYS knock on my kids' doors. For this exact reason. Wonder who it's most embarassing for?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Yeah I never understood if a bent tap was a sign of accomplishment or a mature hour. I mean if you clean the shit out of your backyard do your taps bow down in respect ?
Waaaait a minute... nobody said anything about my back yard. Getting cleaned. Ahem. Your fridays sound interesting.... lol


Well-Known Member
i confess im to much of a pussy to slit my wrist proply

i have tried to end it a few times

then one day i realized life is full of pot holes u got to get over it and killing yourself just is pointless

life is soooo fucking beautiful man im probably the youngest member on here but ive experienced alot more then other's my age

do fun shit like throwing bottles at signs on the hwy

call a sex hotline and say the most fucked up shit like "man my pinkie is soo hard after watching that one arby's commercial im getting blue knuckles just thinking about that samich"

get drunk and try to run down a mountain

you gotta find some enjoyment in life

if anything then just watch a tv series on netflix

do something so your not thinking about killing yourself

but i hope to christ your not a emo or im gonna look like a real jackass on here then i already am

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Except for those times when I took their bedroom doors away :) Privacy was something you earned at my house.
That's funny, one of my friends would always threaten his kids by saying "go to your room! No phones, games, or tv!! Im even gonna yank the light bulbs out too!"
He never got mad at me when I laughed. He would just laugh too


Well-Known Member
Except for those times when I took their bedroom doors away :) Privacy was something you earned at my house.
On an occasion or two, not only was the bedroom door gone, but only a mattress, bedding and one change of clothes remained. EVERYTHING had to be earned back at that point . Oh and electronics were gone for good. Mine had to buy that shit on their own from then on. Privacy, is a privilege as well. One of mine bucked these rules and learned the hard way. The other one, respects the rules, never had any problems in that arena. Different kids.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Confession: I am getting a little bored with smoking weed. And I don't like smoking less, then tolerance goes too low and I get too wasted and become useless. Considering just not toking, packing up the grow, and just being annoying in general because I get a little jumpy as a non smoker. But it sounds like fun right now. Shit. Turning into a square. And I don't mind.