Well-Known Member
pretty dry just smoked roach guts in my vape havent been out in months moving sucks
We kissed and made up as soon as it was over. I was chicken-neckin' and everything, Heheheheeee, keep cool seamaiden
nope not me, I could see a few things you could do but not a lot.I've been saving my stems and seeds, hoping to make some edibles with the stems. Who is it here that knows a lot about cooking with it.. is that Charfizcool? Now I'm forgetting who told me how to do it. Shit hell.
Why does my memory go to fuck when I'm dry?
You can boil water with the stems in it for 4-5 minutes and make tea.Well.. Charf, at least you're memorable. Who's the person who seems to know exactly what to do with all these extra partses? I hate how my memory fucks up when I don't have any weed.
I've been saving my stems and seeds, hoping to make some edibles with the stems. Who is it here that knows a lot about cooking with it.. is that Charfizcool? Now I'm forgetting who told me how to do it. Shit hell.
Why does my memory go to fuck when I'm dry?
Yeah, bigtitty, I'm saving my seeds, just in case, ya know? But the stems I was just throwing away, and then I realized, Hey, I might be able to extract something from them. I'll look up how to make the oil. I haven't got very much in the way of the stems, but maybe I can do the math so I can use what I have.i dont know what you would do with the seeds to get high other than plant t hem lol
but you can make ganja oil out of stems or do a butanbe extraction although i wouldnt do just stems in the butane ive madse edible oil out of straiught stems and it came out pretty good and a really light green color just chop thm reall good and make oil like you normally would i dont measure when i make oil i just kinda eyeball it so whatever feels right if its not as strong as you want add more and recook or if you have a bunch of trim to make butane honey oil you can chop the stems real good and pout it in there too but mix with a bunch of trim