Boob's !!!!

Five years ago his coming August I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I had an operation to remove the cancer, chemo and radiotherapy and I have been on medication for he last five years, which they now want to extend to ten years.
I have been extremely unhappy with the way I look, having uneven breasts is not pleasant so today I saw my breast surgeon who is going to give me some new boob's :clap: I cannot wait to have this done and hope it will be done for the summer so I can wear nice tops that don' make me look lob sided, I have decided to go a tad smaller in size with of course an uplift, which will make all the difference o the way I look.
I am not vain person but I have to say I have been fairly miserable since my body was mutilated, all be it to save my life. What are your thoughts on cosmetic surgery?
I'm sorry you went thru this. My wife of 42 years had her's removed and is on the anti estrogen pills for 5 years.
If this is what you need do it, do what ever makes you happy and I'll be good with it. :)
God Bless
Ty is a nice guy

I'd trust him to babysit my daughter


im ty "THE" guy111

not ty is a nice guy

nor ty the baby sitter

lol jk m8

i guess i have to say something fucked up to keep the ratio going
i let a chick piss in my mouth one time and to say the least: i aint doing that shit ever again
I'm sorry you went thru this. My wife of 42 years had her's removed and is on the anti estrogen pills for 5 years.
If this is what you need do it, do what ever makes you happy and I'll be good with it. :)
God Bless
Thank you, and I'm sorry your wife has had to go through this to, its a horrible experience and I don't think I will ever be the same person again, but I need to do this for me just to try and get a little bit of the old me back. Thank you for your kind words and I wish your wife all the best for the future xx