doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

I love sweating copper :)

Made my first hydro system with copper:


Hmmm....I stayed away from copper. I felt the Cu ion might migate into the feed. Salt corrosion, etc.
Then later I find Cannabis, needs Cu.

So, another myth blown.
When I started taking zinc supplements, I read that I needed to increase my Cu uptake because Zn depletes Cu!

I have been giving my girls Cu and they seem to love it. It is also good for making citrus fruit sweeter.

Cu is a natural antibacterial on top of everything else. That is why they used it in doorknobs and railings.

Lesson over. Quiz on Monday. Have a good weekend :)

Mr. Mo
Hey PC, any of the crew plumbers?...or maybe I should say 'ditch diggers'?..oh & i might need to borrow your metal detector...
Hey PC, any of the crew plumbers?...or maybe I should say 'ditch diggers'?..oh & i might need to borrow your metal detector...

there's no certified ganja plumbers in the yellow pages? :bigjoint:Hope it all gets solved for you jj with no problemos. Seems like tmb has a good background.
I'm holding my breath until they install the meter. If (& I mean IF) it doesn't leak I'm good to go. But if it does leak (most likely), I need to be prepared to act quickly....
With the age of your house, the main has probably already been replaced at least once. My first house was built in 1952 and the water main had to be replaced in 1990. That is when I learned how to sweat copper. When I was done I could spray my water hose across the street!

The fun part of old houses is the old gas valves in every room. So safe!
With the age of your house, the main has probably already been replaced at least once. My first house was built in 1952 and the water main had to be replaced in 1990. That is when I learned how to sweat copper. When I was done I could spray my water hose across the street!

The fun part of old houses is the old gas valves in every room. So safe!
This house still has the old ceramic insulators un the basement from the original wiring..
This is the original farm house from when this was a 100 acre olive orchard. then In the 1950's they dozed under the olives & built the neighborhood around it & Sacramento swallowed it. My water line goes out to the side not the front & they built a duplex next door since then....:roll:
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My first house was built on an easement. The lot was 45 feet wide and 250 feet deep. I also owned the land going to the middle of the street. The house was 1000 square feet with a 300 square foot screened in porch that had been enclosed in the 60s. The cool part was the 20' x 40' detached garage with a mechanic's pit!

I wanted to build a new house but the codes would have made me build a house that was 30 feet wide and 100 feet long. We moved instead.
Those kits are made to cover a portable 10x20 carport frame & convert it into a greenhouse. Everything just snaps together, no tools necessary. you can put one of these together in about 1hr...
When you put your plants outside depends on what your intentions are, Light dep, full season. or you could hang lights inside....12-3-2013 stripped for winter 002.JPG
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