has anyone successfully lowered their opiate tollerance?

Yeah it's just as bad in Flor. They really cracked down on the pain mgmt centers and H use has skyrocketed.
I tried most of the tolerance attenuation tricks. Pure DXM, ultra low dose naltrexone, etc. I've yet to see an actual reversal but they do slow the progression of tolerance.
Yeah it's just as bad in Flor. They really cracked down on the pain mgmt centers and H use has skyrocketed.

Stupid dea. They recheduled hydro and we will all reap the destruction. I recall nixons little act at the mexican border, zero tolerance for pot, early seventies i think. Domestic and imported crank use soared and heroin, then being imported to the other coast went viral, as they say now.

People wanting to get high is a balloon, squeeze a part of it and some other part inflates. Only this time those in pain get fucked.
Stupid dea. They recheduled we will all reap the destruction. I recall nixons little act at the mexican border, zero tolerance for pot, early seventies i think. Domestic and imported crank use soared and heroin, then being imported to the other coast went viral, as they say now.

People wanting to get high is a balloon, squeeze a part of it and some other part inflates. Only this time those in pain get fucked.
Well the feds can only tax a portion of pain mgmt centers incomes while they can obfuscate 100% of the heroine dealer's income.

It's cynical talk but i hate to see people in pain when treatment is readily available.
I believe you mean confiscate. The heroin dealer needs to obfuscate the source of their income. Tor and a VPN is a good way to obfuscate your identity.
Millions of hydro users will be cut out. Some if the pain folks will go to heroin. Some of the recreational ones will, and hydro will go to six or seven bucks each. The dea will claim another heroin epidemic and get mote funding, destroy more fields, make more enemies of folks who just want to feed their families and somewhere in there is a new, defeatable time release hydro that is far more dangerous but will circumvent the one month prescription limit, all the while legit doctors will have more problems, more paperwork and get to treat fewer oeople, raising the cost if healthcare.

Cant have folks climbing out iof their exiztential ennui every so often with a yellow pill, now can we?

Fucking insanity.
im actually trying myself to get off opiates. i take methadone and hydro 10mg together to feel any kind of "high". But idk about u guys that want to keep taking these damn pills thefor se pills will fuck up your life. i kno this is an old trend but there are ppl a lot of them addicted to them bitches. i use to spend so much money on them on the street. when i look back i kno damn well i couldve used that money for other shit that i needed. i just wanna stop taking them
thats why im studying up on ayahuasca supposedly it can help with addiction and depression etc... im more for the natural substances that actually grow from the earth that was meant for us. fuck all these man made chemicals. just take shrooms or smoke weed to get high. idk thats just my opinion tho
Just do a slow taper off the M then taper off the hydros. The m will take a very long time, it's half life is extremely long. I did a very fast taper off only 50mg M and it took me 6 months, it took another 6 months before I started to feel normal again. Hydros only took about 5 or 6 weeks. Don't try to rush the M taper. Cut your dose by 20% or less each time and wait until you feel comfortable before cutting your dose again. It usually takes about 5 to 14 days between each dosage cuts. If done right withdrawal symptoms should be minimal. Some people will have worse symptoms than others. At the end of your taper try to get ahold of some benzos, clonidine, and something for diarrhea. Go to the Bluelight Forum, lots of info on opiate withdrawal and tapering. GL
Just do a slow taper off the M then taper off the hydros. The m will take a very long time, it's half life is extremely long. I did a very fast taper off only 50mg M and it took me 6 months, it took another 6 months before I started to feel normal again. Hydros only took about 5 or 6 weeks. Don't try to rush the M taper. Cut your dose by 20% or less each time and wait until you feel comfortable before cutting your dose again. It usually takes about 5 to 14 days between each dosage cuts. If done right withdrawal symptoms should be minimal. Some people will have worse symptoms than others. At the end of your taper try to get ahold of some benzos, clonidine, and something for diarrhea. Go to the Bluelight Forum, lots of info on opiate withdrawal and tapering. GL
im actually trying myself to get off opiates. i take methadone and hydro 10mg together to feel any kind of "high". But idk about u guys that want to keep taking these damn pills thefor se pills will fuck up your life. i kno this is an old trend but there are ppl a lot of them addicted to them bitches. i use to spend so much money on them on the street. when i look back i kno damn well i couldve used that money for other shit that i needed. i just wanna stop taking them
Not to play down your use,but you're nowhere near the troubled waters you think you're in if you still get any effect at all from such a low dose..
Chewing up 15-20 hydro's in the a.m.,to get out of bed,that's gonna be trouble..at this point youll have a runny nose for 3 days..just stop,lol its simple now,won't be for much longer...
I've been in both situations,so voice of experience here..get some movies,call into work..it'll be OK by Sunday.
thats why im studying up on ayahuasca supposedly it can help with addiction and depression etc... im more for the natural substances that actually grow from the earth that was meant for us. fuck all these man made chemicals. just take shrooms or smoke weed to get high. idk thats just my opinion tho

Natural? There are trace amounts of every semi synthetic opiate in opium. Hydro and oxy especially. Most of the opiates out there can be considered "natural"
Not to play down your use,but you're nowhere near the troubled waters you think you're in if you still get any effect at all from such a low dose..
Chewing up 15-20 hydro's in the a.m.,to get out of bed,that's gonna be trouble..at this point youll have a runny nose for 3 days..just stop,lol its simple now,won't be for much longer...
I've been in both situations,so voice of experience here..get some movies,call into work..it'll be OK by Sunday.

This is correct. Even 40 mg oxy a day wont arouse the demon more than some craving, a little runs and watery eyes,,, for most anyway.

That is the point if never elivating g the dose just to get high. Just put them aside when they dont work anymore.

It isnt a perfect system but it worked for many years for me.

Now i am limited to about 20 mg twice a month, special occasions like a cold rain storm with a fire and book, maybe before a small party.

Oh well, better than nothing. And fucking forget having a cigar on them, instant face in the toilet for me.
Usually depends on long and how much you've been taking.[/QUOTE.....Im at a point in my life where i do need them to function. To me thats enough to want to quit. I have a family and even tho theyre well taken care of I'd rather quit now while Im ahead just for my health sake ya kno.. So Im going to eat these shrooms and call it a day.
currently doing it now with success! On prescription meds and they are just becoming ineffective. I am glad to help I know how hard it can be but it doesn't have to hurt!
Watch your benzo use bro. Careful careful especially when pulling down from opiates, its real easy to swap habits and the benzo addiction is far worse to come off of.

But if you go that way, steer clear of alprazolam.
OMG clonopin was the worse. I went cold turkey and found out what psychotic feels like. took months to get back to normal if you can call it that. Just got my appetite back and aiming on gaining weight back. I would take an opiate withdrawal over benzo any day but would not have though that was possible before the benzo with draw. Good old weed was my saving grace! I blew through 3 ozs a month after stopping benzo. I am now back to about 28-42 grams a month depending on strain. Indicas helped me more than sativa