has anyone successfully lowered their opiate tollerance?

yea i cant fuck with heroin. for one ill never use a needle and 2 ill never snort shit lol pharmacueticals are good cause i know whats in them . it sucks when people need pain meds and cant get em! happens too often around here. drug seeking junkies ruined it for honest in pain people.
yea i cant fuck with heroin. for one ill never use a needle and 2 ill never snort shit lol pharmacueticals are good cause i know whats in them . it sucks when people need pain meds and cant get em! happens too often around here. drug seeking junkies ruined it for honest in pain people.

I take a more compassionate approach. Addiction is a health issue and I think it's all too easy to dismiss "junkies" and "seekers". I also know it's really easy to get that label which can further alienate people from the proper medical care.

The studies that Canada carried out, providing heroin to users who failed traditional maintenance therapies showed excellent results. People that hadn't been able to obtain housing, found housing. People that couldn't hold down jobs, became employed. Folks health improved across the board. It's a different approach. Imagine how much time/crime is prevented when one isn't constantly seeking the next fix? It's a full time job, and a lot of work.

I also feel for people that go down the rabbit hole from prescription drug use. Starts off helping, ends up harming.

But damn does it suck to be under medicated. There are days I've considered breaking my own rules, as the pain was driving me insane and anything that would aid in the escape would have been welcomed.

Just my thoughts, not judging your viewpoint
im very compassionate. i myself have not been turned down for pain killers when i have needed them. but i see people who have and its a shame. addiction is terrible and iv not been addicted myself but my whole family has been shredded by not just heroin but also liquor and crack. friend just died from booze at like 34. its crazy and so sad! i am all for a heroin center dosing people. methadone is trash. anyone who knows me and is addicted, knows i will never judge them. its an everyday struggle and i feel for them.
wow i never knew anyone else just wanted to be on oxycodone all day forever! i wish they just came out with some new type of oxycodone where there was no tolerance at all and its like the feeling of the first few times you ever took oxys that youll never get back no matter how hard you try. anyone else think every other drug sucks compared to these? has anyone had better euphoria with coke or mdma?
wow i never knew anyone else just wanted to be on oxycodone all day forever! i wish they just came out with some new type of oxycodone where there was no tolerance at all and its like the feeling of the first few times you ever took oxys that youll never get back no matter how hard you try. anyone else think every other drug sucks compared to these? has anyone had better euphoria with coke or mdma?

Millions of people have wanted to be on oxycodone all day everyday, that's one reason why there are so many that do, lol. Most will end up regretting it though...

I think you can get much better euphoria from other things... but it depends on personal preference and set & setting.
3 hours of bliss,4days of sick...i did the cost/benifit analysis,and it dont work for me..i dont even want to take an opiate,but i dont judge those who do..i only judge unsafe use,which everyone should imo...
wow i never knew anyone else just wanted to be on oxycodone all day forever! i wish they just came out with some new type of oxycodone where there was no tolerance at all and its like the feeling of the first few times you ever took oxys that youll never get back no matter how hard you try. anyone else think every other drug sucks compared to these? has anyone had better euphoria with coke or mdma?

Care and vigilance, constant vigilance can keep you enjoying opiates for thirty years. Oxy, i believe is the worst, i hold that it is more addicting than heroin.

Space them, never up the dose, and a new clue, dont dose more than once a day. Enjoy the anticipation. You can anticipate a wonderful Sunday morning, some lox, cream cheese, onion and capers, a bagel and a mimosa, and 40 mg of oxy.

Then hold off

Probably be a year before i can do that again.
Low dose of DXM, idk if it reduces it but it really keeps it at bay. Take 60-100mg DXM before opiate use or by itself if you're trying to just reduce tolerance, it works for me anyway. Look it up.
DXM is great for any tolerance issue.

Opiates are very addicting although they've never been my cup of tea personally. At first it's great, then I keep going and become super irritable and itchy.. Go off on someone or something, or do it internally.. Look like shit.. Then I'd rather not be on them and I lost a bunch of money. I'll do them if they're there though.
Couldn't judge someone just for that. I know I've had drug addiction problems, just never really with opiates.
This is 100% accurate. Years of abuse imcreasing tolerance and a small dose of DXM greatly reduces the tolerence. In this case more is not better, 50-125mg is enough for most users.

Low dose of DXM, idk if it reduces it but it really keeps it at bay. Take 60-100mg DXM before opiate use or by itself if you're trying to just reduce tolerance, it works for me anyway. Look it up.
has anyone here ever actually lowered their opiate tollerance? i remember when i would split oc20s and get sprung for the whole day off half a pill it was insane. now it seems every time i take an opiate all that happens is all negative effects and no euphoria at all. there is no sweet spot if its to low i dont feel anything and if its to high i just get dope sick instantly. i just want to be on oxycodone all day for the rest of my life anyone feel the same way?
i stopped herion with opiate substitutes from the doc and they was hard as rock to get off.........fools do the jewels bro :)
OP. It doesn't get better or back to how it used to be ever. I'm just 90 days clean of opiates myself. I quit cold turkey which was not a good idea. Two seizures later and about a month of hell the worst is over . Now I find lots of pot. And lsd helped and continue to help. I do wish I could go back to 14 y/o and never take those big pink darvocets.
OP. It doesn't get better or back to how it used to be ever. I'm just 90 days clean of opiates myself. I quit cold turkey which was not a good idea. Two seizures later and about a month of hell the worst is over . Now I find lots of pot. And lsd helped and continue to help. I do wish I could go back to 14 y/o and never take those big pink darvocets.
it does get better and back to normal but it takes time...youve only been clean for 90 days.

its when you stop thinking about it ,then it gets back to normal.

its only because your withdrawing alittle that you think about it.....once the withdraw has totally gone ....then you wont think about it and you'll just think normal thoughts like " what sauce am i having on my sandwhich" rather than " man i feel poorly , i need some pills".

it does get better and go back to normal eventually.........your just at the mercy of cold turky untill it does. :)

gooooood luck ;)

herion kills period ;)
iv met recovering junkies that have to live with the pain because the temptation is too much, and they know i feel for them! specially spinal cord / nerve shit. thats a crazy struggle right there. imo if you have legit pain, even with risk of addiction you should dose.
I'm in that camp. I will take opioids for a short term if the pain is truly unbearable but being on them on a chronic basis will lead to disaster.
What about junkies who are in actual pain?
If you are in legit pain then you have to take that risk, have a strong will to be honest about your needs and get medicated. There are other things you can take to reduce inflammation like fish oil and MSM.
I have a buddy who was on 3 30mg roxys a day for his disk problems and complained that they did nothing. I instructed him to take 75mg of pure dxm every 3 days and now he's onlyon one a day and doing fine. Just like with any drug, if you burn out your receptors then your tolerence will go skyhigh.
it doesnt get worse then that! torture! i have a tremendous respect for you! it takes serious self control to not take your NEEDED painkillers when youre in pain all the time but taking them can lead to other serious shit. when you stop after that month your pain must be thru the roof the 1st week?

oh yea i use the word junkie loosely! more for someone that steals n robs to feed their habbit, not meant towards good folks that struggle with addiction.
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oh yea i use the word junkie loosely! more for someone that steals n robs to feed their self, not meant towards good folks that struggle with addiction.
Yeah "junkies" in your terms need to be in an institution with strictly monitored dosing and counseling until the self discipline is built.
180 ods in mass last 4 months, something needs to be done. cops carrying narcain isnt working...makes me wish they would flood the streets with percs again lol so many needles nowadaze its really scary! when you move into a house and the walls are filled with dirty needles wtf
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