Sharpton paid to keep quiet about lack of black TV programming: suit

which part of your agreement with former KKK grand wizard david duke do you feel is totally not racist?


I have no idea how David Duke feels about anything. All I know is that I have a low opinion of Al Sharpton (like many reasonable people, black and white), and that you sir told me that Duke shares that opinion. I'll take your word for that.

But that doesn't make me a supporter of, or an apologist for, the KKK, or of/for David Duke.

I'll bet both you and David Duke believe that murder is wrong. And many other things the same as well. So does that make you a KKK supporter just because you happen to believe something the same as Duke? Of course not.

The KKK sux. Period.
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You're hopeless Buck. You take parts of peoples' posts, and try to make it seem something other than the meaning of the entire post. Good tactic. You should have been a lawyer.


It didn't take you long to figure out Buck. He is a liar that loves to lie and make up fantasies. He would get destroyed in a court room ,but he has the lying part down.