The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Few questions lads if ya dont mind,

Best mate got spotted in the car and nicked n raided. Found with ounce of coke and few oz of benzo plus 6 plants in veg and a few ounce in a jar next too scales baggies and around 5k in cash. Got no previous so how long can he expect? Will he get to do half the sentence if a good boy inside? Hows that work like as his solicitor IMO is shit every time he calls he just gets told hell phone back in 5 minutes.

Also id of had a visit by now if they'd got anything from his phone right? We didnt talk by text but wattsapp on the iPhone although pretty sure the convo was closed. Wondering will they look deep if they've already got so much evidence and will be plenty of texts already on the phone asking for stuff? Id o thought id of been raided ages ago because of him dealing with coke they'd wanna wrap coke dealers up before his out n lets em know to move anything.

Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
all depends what sort of lights he was vegging 6plants with in the car lol

i dunno ninja but hes deffo fucked thats for shore the benzo with the coke, weed next to scales n baggies, 5k cash.

dont sound too good does it, if you where his best mate n together alot and your growing at ya home i would deffo be getting my para on.

shouldnt joke it aint funny but does sound like he had a brain fart that day, rolling about with oz's of coke n benzo whilst wherever the car was registered to or whatever had a grow,cash,weed,scales,baggies at it.
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Well-Known Member
Lol nah he knows his going away just wondering what sort of sentence to expect. He was dropping someone a few grams of coke and old bill spotted it. Was deffo silly to have it all at home and he knows that but one those ones where you think itll never happen to you.

Id of thought though that they'd already come mine if they had anything? Been weeks now like.


Well-Known Member
Lol nah he knows his going away just wondering what sort of sentence to expect. He was dropping someone a few grams of coke and old bill spotted it. Was deffo silly to have it all at home and he knows that but one those ones where you think itll never happen to you.

Id of thought though that they'd already come mine if they had anything? Been weeks now like.
if its been wks then you would think you will be fine no? depends i think mate on the judge really on the sentancing, as for what you do of the sentance i think that then depends on the length of sentance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he was raided before xmas like i say he'll have enough messages and evidence already to be done for dealing they won't have to look deep.

Suppose even with coke its still just a lottery and depends on the mood of the judge.


Well-Known Member
Bloody ell man sounds like he's asking for it but with no previous and if he got good character and can get refs he shouldn't do too bad if he's white lol the cokes the main one that might just tip it over the edge an get him a spanking


Well-Known Member
think the coke n the benzo together but seperate will be a fucker n oz's of, its blatant class A dealing to a fair level with them amounts.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah was an own goal having all that in one place and where you live. Like i say though just didnt think itll ever happen. Course his regretting it big time now but no point crying over spilt milk ay.

What we all growing anyway? Got a power kush freebie coming up a week in flower but tbh it looks abit shit lol thin side branches for some reason and growing all real close, think i might let it stretch a little bit.

Apart from that got some blue cheese and liberty haze a week from seed what ill be doing under the 600w. Doing 3 more grows then packing growing at home in. He who dares Rodney lol


Well-Known Member
Just the usual cheese lol got a 2.Jakes dream ready for flipping got a sour kush x deep blue as well which smells really nice....might be getting my hands on a cookies cut too soon can't wait for that

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i did see they'd proven a link to mental illness on the telly last night. can;t refute the figures tbh
No they didn't, I took the time to read the actual study last week, here's the link.

It's utter bullshit, they used subjective 'questionnaires' (with the only 2 variables being "Skunk like" or "Hash like") and rejected anybody who already tested positive for 'organic psychosis'.

Not to mention 140+ refused to take part.

No real cannabis or testing was ever used, It's a hearsay anecdote at best.
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Well-Known Member
No they didn't, I took the time to read the actual study last week, here's the link.

It's utter bullshit, they used subjective 'questionnaires' (with the only 2 variables being "Skunk like" or "Hash like") and rejected anybody who already tested positive for 'organic psychosis'.

Not to mention 140+ refused to take part.

No real cannabis or testing was ever used, It's a hearsay anecdote at best.
Same as most of the "studies" the daily fail and other arse wiping rags come out with, they deliberately skew the facts to fit what they have been told to promote ( i.e. drugs are bad m`kay?) and 99% of the public believe it because if its in the news it must be true lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Each time the subject comes up it reminds me of this disclaimer that has been printed on the first page of every video game booklet since the mid 90's, back when mothers thought that video games CAUSED epilepsy.

10978517_835714293130479_6930522245629176498_n .jpg

Now if we apply the same common sense disclaimer to psychosis and illicit drug use! :idea:


Well-Known Member
lol delusions and hallucinations, like there were no planes on 911 and the govmint r after us, yeah call it psychosis or call it waking the fuk up imo, the only real prob ive found with weed is if you smoke psychosis itself u end up mad till u stop


Well-Known Member
Feel like a mass murderer today, all those cuts an mums wasted ffs, oh well at least ill hyave some flowering plants to look at now lol