FOX News Overuse of the Word "Thug"


Well-Known Member

I wanted to point something out. About 6 months ago I went crazy with posts of Thug Music and I was tweeting at News outlets with Rap Lyrics and for some reason there are people who think I think I am a Thug.

I have lived in poor places and smoked Marijuana in states where it is illegal (I was using Religiously), and I have been to trap houses to get it, but I never called myself a "Thug" until I was trying to make this point about the News.

So I want to clear this up. When I started saying "I'm a Thug" and sharing only Rap Music with no Regina Spektor or TSOAF in between, that was because everyone on the news was calling a football player a thug. Not the Football player that beat his wife, but the guy who yelled at the Camera and said "Keep my name out of your mouth" or something like that. After he said that, the News went crazy. I think they counted on the Daily Show and said FOX News used the word "Thug" SIX HUNDRED TIMES in one day. And the guy they were talking about graduated from Cornell and played professional football.

So I started tweeting at all the news outlets with Rap Lyrics and Music Videos and posting the song "I'm a Thug" everywhere. And I am not saying it is because of me, but I watched Bill O'Reilly for like 2 months after that and he probably only used the word "Thug" once the whole time I was tweeting at him.

I still listen to Rap Music, but I also listen to plenty of other stuff. I also watch Sa Neter TV7 and all that, but watching these things or listening to this music does not make me think I am a thug and it is not the only category of things I listen to. I was literally just making a point because of how often they were calling regular people thugs. I bet if they watched Sa Neter TV7 they would say "Those Thugs" and not even try to hear them out.


Well-Known Member

I wanted to point something out. About 6 months ago I went crazy with posts of Thug Music and I was tweeting at News outlets with Rap Lyrics and for some reason there are people who think I think I am a Thug.
I just want to pause here to say how hopeful I am that this will be amusing in an actual funny way. Go ahead Fin, you have my attention.


Well-Known Member
If I explain something to people who misunderstood it, I am not withdrawing anything. If I explain something to you and you get a new perspective on it, that does not mean I changed, it means you learned.


Well-Known Member
Last thing. Just because I show you 50+ Religions, and new ideas all the time, does not mean my mind is changing all the time. I hardly ever talk specifically about what "I like" or "I want" and I usually tend to talk generally about history or the world. So, that is probably why people think I switch. For example, some trolls have said "You switched from Marijuana to Bitcoin" but no, I never stopped smoking Marijuana and now I have been using both for years. I did not "switch" you just saw me do something you had not seen me to before, LOL.


Well-Known Member
LAST last thing. I have had trolls tell me "I don't want you to be my Baba" or "I don't want you to be my Guru" and I just want to point out that I do NOT want to be your Guru. I have done nothing but tell everyone to become their own Minister, I share over and over "Become a Polytheistic Minister". I am not trying to be over anyone, I want to empower YOU not me.


Well-Known Member
our very own beloved uncle ben explains why he uses the word "thug" so much. it's because he can't say a certain word that begins with the letter "n".

For the record, this morning I was threatened with a ban for not being politically correct by using the "thug" word. You see, it's OK for a black to use it but if a white does, noooooooooo. So, if I go, it's now public record as to why.

Political correctness is alive and well in RIU, as is censorship and hypocrisy.