Started my first grow room come along for the ride.

Real room or Tent for first grow?

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Ok so I learned a lesson in flow tectonics a few days ago that I'd like to share. Our world is full of filters. Oil and gas filters for your car. HEPA filters for everything these days. RO/DI filters for your groom. Sediment filters for your tea.Your lungs filter out all kinds of crap..... Think my liver may not work as a beer filter like it used to.

But whatever you do, beware of using inline filters for your recirculating hydro systems when using bene tea's.
Thought it would be cool to add a couple of inline water filters. To catch any sediment every few weeks or so.

Those tampon sized filters are a grow room for bacteria and the like.
I had no Idea how fast they'd clog up until one day after work I came home to find a room full of listless drooping plants suffering from water starvation.
I cleaned them out with brush and H2O2 and they appeared as new.
IMG_0388.JPG IMG_0399.JPG
However a couple days later same dirty shit!
Don't use these MoFo's in your system!
I have them in my room as well, set to the off setting as I use hps, gotta beat the heat. However already got one in the bathroom, its like a mini sauna in there. And as for the mowie wowie, mhmmbongsmilie:leaf::hump:

Trying to use the heater maintain night time temps but am finding it maybe is not needed.
Tinkering with Co2 report later.
I was thinking the unit was heat or a mini split heat pump,but than figured the mini would be mounted close to the ceiling
I still have bags and bags of dry organics ferts we were using for our out door grow and making tea(36 hour bubble time)
We never saved the tea for later use our thinking was it goes bad in a matter of hours?Have you looked at the tea with a micro scope to see what is in there BB?
I was thinking the unit was heat or a mini split heat pump,but than figured the mini would be mounted close to the ceiling
I still have bags and bags of dry organics ferts we were using for our out door grow and making tea(36 hour bubble time)
We never saved the tea for later use our thinking was it goes bad in a matter of hours?Have you looked at the tea with a micro scope to see what is in there BB?

Bubble mine for 40-48 hrs and the first and last couple hours real aggressively with a bad ass turbo R. Thomas mini compressor.
Makes a hell of a frothy mix. Kind of earthy smelling.
I keep it in the garage fridge in a 2 gal carboy for a week but no longer .
I've read the colder temps make the biolife inactive keeping it from boing bad but regardless the stuff goes bad in a week. I add a cup or two each day.

I'll have to bring a few samples to view under a scope at the lab at work to confirm this. Interesting though I never thought of challenging the validity of the useful lifespan. I do however believe that the stuff is helping my plants but I've nothing to compare it to as this is my first grow using the stuff. It does gunk up the reservoir however and forces my lazy ass to change the rez every week. I use the leftover tea and the rez change water on my fruit plants and houseplants and they seem to dig it too.
The tea sure goes along way for low cost.I added a handful of earth worm castings and a splash of black strap to each batch,than poured a 16oz cup on top of my 7 gallon pots of super soil (sub cool style) than would water with well water until the next batch was ready in 36 hours.Plants were doing pretty good,head high bushes on september 10th or so.
Never did see the final product...rippers came over before sunrise and chopped them all down!
The tea sure goes along way for low cost.I added a handful of earth worm castings and a splash of black strap to each batch,than poured a 16oz cup on top of my 7 gallon pots of super soil (sub cool style) than would water with well water until the next batch was ready in 36 hours.Plants were doing pretty good,head high bushes on september 10th or so.
Never did see the final product...rippers came over before sunrise and chopped them all down!

Sucks about the rippers man. A-holes deserve to be shot. I effin hate thieves!

My tea has been a varying hodge-podge of stuff. But working well.
Earth worm castings
Ancient Forest
Grandma's black strap molasses

Great White
Sub Culture B

But plan on using once this once I've used up the other stuff (Might take a while) as a little goes a long way
OG Biowar and Mycogrow
Earth worm castings
Grandma's black strap molasses
Well its not exactly a pro op deal as I had marginal hopes of success after reading so many noob's stories of cloning peril. I still surprised myself with the mini-cloner I built and started 10 days ago. This cloning shit is easier than I had read. This was just a trial to see if I could do it. I picked 5 random trimmings and popped them in. Split stem and 45'd em, dipped in Clonex gel, added 2 drops of Superthrive and 2 drops of Rapidstart to the RO/DI water. I added a liter or so from my reservoir a few days ago to top it off. Bad move made em yellow from the bloom nutes. Still 10 days and I got me some rooted clones.
IMG_0413.JPG IMG_0414.JPG IMG_0416.JPG IMG_0417.JPG
Too bad I'm tossing them all this one looked like a keeper.
Going to keep playing with the clones to dial it in for later grows.

Your Brow on the grow,
Beer Belly
How did you make the spray rig?when I made my clonner back a few years the thing leaked all over the floor.
@fandango (one of my favorite albums) By the numbers
1) Buy 2 of these 15 quart Hefty containers16'L x 10'w x 6"h with the locking clips on the side.

2) Drill holes and glue in grommets for the air lines on one end. I used a silicone product. Insert 1/4" airline and a couple of one way air check valves.

3) Then I glued 2 air bars from wally world with some 5 min epoxy to the bottom of the same container with the grommets. Then ran a hose connecting the 2 air bars

4) Attach the air bars and check valves via some 1/4" air lines

5) Prepare the lid's
a) Drill 12 1-3/4" evenly spaced holes in one lid
b) cut out the depressed rectangles out of the other lid
c) I stuck them together back to back with some heavy duty 2 sided tape but silicone or glue should work
IMG_0294.JPG IMG_0295.JPG

6) Drill a few (6-8) 1/4" vent holes in the top (other container) and a hole in the top for thermometer. (also added one to the rez (bottom) half via another grommet filled with silicone to monitor the water temp.

7) Stuff a few clone gel dipped cuttings into the 2" neoprene collars insert into lid add water to about 1/2" from bottom of stem.

8) plug in the air pump and grow See next post

Hope this helps bro
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Ok so the bitches are on day 15 after 12/12 flip. Read somewhere that the first week of flip don't count??
IMG_0420.JPG Groom
IMG_0422.JPG Sativa dominant FP pheno
IMG_0426.JPG Auto Mango Ryder chubbing up a bit
IMG_0410.JPG Broke a couple of stems last week. Let them lay and they are still thriving and putting on budlets.
Lots of head tops so I did a little bottom snipping to encourage top potential.

No hurry on this grow so a little growth retardation from snipping is ok by me. Some folks never snip during flower for potencies sake and slowed growth. I say no worrries cuz this is a learner grow for me. A 420 experiment.


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9) add cuttings ... these are cutting that have sat in a bucket for 2+ hours. I'm testing this to see how ? fragile these cuttings really are.

10) cut at 45 degree angle then split stalk perpendicular and dunk in Clonex rooting gel
11) Use 2 or 3 drops ea of Superthrive and GH Rapid Rooter in the 15 quart container holding maybe (10-12 Quarts). Aprox 2 to 2.5" from the top of the uncovered lower container.
IMG_0434.JPG IMG_0433.JPG
Must add micro additives, ? x 12oz per day to the Beer Belly full OG hybrid IMG_0436.JPG storage tank, while waiting a week :clap: :weed: for roots?? Clone subjects came from a bag of bottom trimmings I literally pulled out of the trash. Limp biscuits

Made roots for me last time see what this next batch will do .................
9) add cuttings ... these are cutting that have sat in a bucket for 2+ hours. I'm testing this to see how ? fragile these cuttings really are.

10) cut at 45 degree angle then split stalk perpendicular and dunk in Clonex rooting gel
View attachment 3353993
11) Use 2 or 3 drops ea of Superthrive and GH Rapid Rooter in the 15 quart container holding maybe (10-12 Quarts). Aprox 2 to 2.5" from the top of the uncovered lower container.
View attachment 3353996 View attachment 3354006
Must add micro additives, ? x 12oz per day to the Beer Belly full OG hybrid View attachment 3354008 storage tank, while waiting a week :clap: :weed: for roots?? Clone subjects came from a bag of bottom trimmings I literally pulled out of the trash. Limp biscuits
View attachment 3354018

Made roots for me last time see what this next batch will do .................

Thanks the beer belly cloner
Ok got the cloner blue print now the official plug and play version bye BB...I have a couple of old school domes going that work ok but take too much timing and attention for my schedule,so the BB set up is going to work out great.
I just noticed you are running 4 LED lights on a mover over 8 plants,have you estimated the dry weight of each girl there?
Bro your looking at 8 weeks on all but the auto. Id say she will be done in 4 maybe 5. Also the BB cloner is overpowered and should be for sale on ebay:) but the best part about all of it is your Lagunitas IPA overpowered storage tank. Thats recycling of a good beers' bottle right there.:joint:
Ok so the bitches are on day 15 after 12/12 flip. Read somewhere that the first week of flip don't count??
View attachment 3353883 Groom
View attachment 3353884 Sativa dominant FP pheno
View attachment 3353886 Auto Mango Ryder chubbing up a bit
View attachment 3353891 Broke a couple of stems last week. Let them lay and they are still thriving and putting on budlets.
View attachment 3353894
Lots of head tops so I did a little bottom snipping to encourage top potential.
View attachment 3353895

No hurry on this grow so a little growth retardation from snipping is ok by me. Some folks never snip during flower for potencies sake and slowed growth. I say no worrries cuz this is a learner grow for me. A 420 experiment.
I seee you have a lot of autos. I have a couple going right now and I don't know much about them. Right now they are about 3 1/2 weeks old in k cups. I was told I got to transplant right away because as soon as the roots hit the cup it will stop expanding and I'll just end up with a cola the size of my thumb. If that is the case I might as well keep them in the k cup because I know the roots have already hit the cup

I seee you have a lot of autos. I have a couple going right now and I don't know much about them. Right now they are about 3 1/2 weeks old in k cups. I was told I got to transplant right away because as soon as the roots hit the cup it will stop expanding and I'll just end up with a cola the size of my thumb. If that is the case I might as well keep them in the k cup because I know the roots have already hit the cup

I planted all my beans into Rapid Rooters and transferred then after 10-15 days.

Actually I only have 1 auto and she started showing flowering 2 weeks before I flipped the others. The auto seemed like a runt.
This is my first experience with an auto but its pretty cool. An Auto Mango Ryder free seed from Herbies. She has a ok size cola and buds growing everywhere, down to where the stalk comes out of the hydroton clay rocks. She is now at 69 days since I dropped her bean. And 57 days since I transplanted with 3 nodes. She's still budding and showing no signs of finishing real soon but I got my eye on her. She's got a great smell too!
IMG_0439.JPG IMG_0440.JPG IMG_0442.JPG
All the rest are still stretching and tossing up budlets everywhere. I think I really underestimated the size of the Fruit Punch (x5) and the Incredible Bulk (x2) I may have to get in there and do some aggressive trimming.
IMG_0443.JPG IMG_0445.JPG What a difference the Method Seven Glasses make!

If I was you I'd transplant those autos very soon. They are small but the roots need lots of room to grow. Happy roots more shoots!

Your bro on the grow.
Beer Belly