Started my first grow room come along for the ride.

Real room or Tent for first grow?

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From my brothers studies with autos ,vs my auto. Roots hitting the bottom of container or anything hard will induce the flowering. Remember roots still grow during flower. I had mine in a one gall, 2 roots hit the sidewalls and made it to the bottom so it started to flower, said fuck it, threw her in a 5 gallon, kept her under 24 hour veg light for another week then threw her in my flower room with the restof the ladies. She is big but probably not much yeild.
@marquezmurder Interesting notion about the roots hitting the wall. My auto was put into a 10" net pot along with the rest of my crop. Me knowing jack shit about autos I veg'ed her along with the rest. She was a slow starter and I did not see her flower until maybe 6-7ish weeks after I dropped her bean. Had some root issues early on with all my plants until I started introducing bene tea (thanks for the advice @legallyflying) and got my roots in order. Maybe that's what induced her??? IDK but I'd like to test this theory could make for some bigger autos if you controlled the root development to veg longer. Just a thought.
Told you that shit is the BOMB.
Just brewed 10 gallons myself and dosed these guys.


I'm no weed god or anything but you would be soo surprised how many people just don't fucking listen to advice from people that just may know a thing or two about growing quality bud.
Hot house grow! WTF!

Came home late today and peeked in the groom. Steam quickly coated my glasses. 100 degree heat and super high humidity smacked me in the face! WTF is going on?? I noticed that my groom controller was blank. Did it die I thought? I've been having some issues with the wired monitor I hoped to have fixed with a new cord coming tomorrow. My ladies were all looking limp biscuit and hurting. I quickly checked the plug where it was connecter and sure enough it had tripped, or was it un plugged? I didn't pay much attention as I scrambled to get it back to normal. Not sure why?? Its one of those Shock Buster plug in GFCI adaptors
It somehow triggered itself off. Can't see my low-ish AMPS from misc stuff doing this. It does not have an anchor screw like it should. Maybe the vibrations from the oscillating wall fan on the same wall (close) helped unplug it. I'm gonna see if I can add a screw to anchor it or else replace it with a real hard lined GFCI.

From the looks on the analog timer on my control reservoir went out mid day so my girls had high temps and RH +80 for only a 1-3 hours. I soaked 'em good before lights out and they all seemed back on track. We'll see in the next 30'ish days if they were abused or notshock.jpg Who knows what the heat stress will do to my bitches??
[/QUOTE]Just brewed 10 gallons myself and dosed these guys.

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I'm no weed god or anything but you would be soo surprised how many people just don't fucking listen to advice from people that just may know a thing or two about growing quality bud.[/QUOTE]

Fucking-a bro I like the way you roll! Seems like you got your shit tight. Why would I not take free advice? Too much bogus intel on these and other forums. I know to look for what works.........LOL I still feel like a fag when its " Tea Time" guess I need some dry biscuits to make it official and send up my rainbow flag.

Off to the pub for a little sauna grow stress relief!
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Told you that shit is the BOMB.
Just brewed 10 gallons myself and dosed these guys.

View attachment 3358742

I'm no weed god or anything but you would be soo surprised how many people just don't fucking listen to advice from people that just may know a thing or two about growing quality bud.
Bro your room is looking alot nicer than when i last saw it (bare bone). And your right, I wouldnt be here today if I didnt listen to the people who know whatsup. Good looking out
@marquezmurder Interesting notion about the roots hitting the wall. My auto was put into a 10" net pot along with the rest of my crop. Me knowing jack shit about autos I veg'ed her along with the rest. She was a slow starter and I did not see her flower until maybe 6-7ish weeks after I dropped her bean. Had some root issues early on with all my plants until I started introducing bene tea (thanks for the advice @legallyflying) and got my roots in order. Maybe that's what induced her??? IDK but I'd like to test this theory could make for some bigger autos if you controlled the root development to veg longer. Just a thought.
Im probably gonna sprout the same ruderallis seeds in different pots do a solo cup, a one gal and a 3 gal, for shits and giggles a 5 gal. Same everything.

my auto now i was very dilligent about her first transplant, roots barely visible on walls. Then i went 1 week to long in the 1 gal i feel. Silly me getting lazy
Well, now you have the first real taste of growing.....

Lah de dah..I'm going to check my plants...HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

My favorite grow room fuck ups of all time...

5. Contactor failed to close and my lights stayed off for 2 days.. thus flipping all my veg plants and clones.

4. Got lazy and didn't calibrate my cheap ass ph meter. Hmm why are my plants yellow? Ooh 6.7 ph

3. years ago panicked about hydro slime.. dosed 2x the amount of physian...killed 18 one month old plants.

2. was just be lazy. Fucking over growing..didn't check the flower room for 4 days. Day 4.. opened the door and to my utter horror..ALL DEAD in week 6. Tiny piece of perlite stuck in float valve.

1. And the number one grow room fuck up (and the reason I rarely get high anymore). Filling my Rez with a 3/4" waterline that I installed right where the water service enters the house. Hmmm, I'll smoke a bowl. Hey, I'll go upstairs while this fills. Man I'm hungry. I'm going to ride my bike to get some lunch. It's sunny, I'm riding my bike, pretty women are wearing skirts. I order my food, read the paper. The food arrives and I take my first bite. Then....FUCK!!!!! The water is STILL on.

I race on my bike home, open the door and can hear the water running. I run downstairs and there is literally 3" of water in the entire basment. Powers strips floating in water, trays of clones floating around like little boats, drywall soaked 1' up the walls, and a huge pile of laundry that most have weighed 100 pounds.

So I spent the rest of the sunny day dealing with that mess.

What can I say. Shit happens, make checklists, follow them and don't be lazy :)

Cheers mate. I'm off to do some training. Lets see a picture of these plants.
Well, now you have the first real taste of growing.....

Lah de dah..I'm going to check my plants...HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

My favorite grow room fuck ups of all time...

5. Contactor failed to close and my lights stayed off for 2 days.. thus flipping all my veg plants and clones.

4. Got lazy and didn't calibrate my cheap ass ph meter. Hmm why are my plants yellow? Ooh 6.7 ph

3. years ago panicked about hydro slime.. dosed 2x the amount of physian...killed 18 one month old plants.

2. was just be lazy. Fucking over growing..didn't check the flower room for 4 days. Day 4.. opened the door and to my utter horror..ALL DEAD in week 6. Tiny piece of perlite stuck in float valve.

1. And the number one grow room fuck up (and the reason I rarely get high anymore). Filling my Rez with a 3/4" waterline that I installed right where the water service enters the house. Hmmm, I'll smoke a bowl. Hey, I'll go upstairs while this fills. Man I'm hungry. I'm going to ride my bike to get some lunch. It's sunny, I'm riding my bike, pretty women are wearing skirts. I order my food, read the paper. The food arrives and I take my first bite. Then....FUCK!!!!! The water is STILL on.

I race on my bike home, open the door and can hear the water running. I run downstairs and there is literally 3" of water in the entire basment. Powers strips floating in water, trays of clones floating around like little boats, drywall soaked 1' up the walls, and a huge pile of laundry that most have weighed 100 pounds.

So I spent the rest of the sunny day dealing with that mess.

What can I say. Shit happens, make checklists, follow them and don't be lazy :)

Cheers mate. I'm off to do some training. Lets see a picture of these plants.

LOL I about peed my pants laughing. Thinking about how silly shit happens when you get forgetful or just complacent. Just thinking about how I almost sank my boat because I forgot to put the plug in!!! My traumatized son still will not go fishing with me. I now keep a checklist attached to the keys. Like the old saying if it fucks, flys or floats rent it.

Growing lessoned learned. Don't trust anything electrical or it will surely screw up on you! Checklist being developed please add anything to the list I may have overlooked.
  1. Plants& roots for bugs, deficiency, readiness - daily
  2. REZ Water temp - daily
  3. Rez Water PH - daily
  4. Rez water level - daily
  5. Rez Nute levels - daily
  6. Dehumidifier condensate removal pump - daily
  7. Humidifier water - daily
  8. CO2 tank & room level - daily
  9. All plugs and sockets - weekly
  10. Extraction fan & carbon filter - weekly
  11. Air Pumps and chiller - weekly
  12. Water pump filtration - weekly
  13. Lights and timers - AR
  14. Security stuff - AR
  15. Air intake filter - monthly
  16. Hydro system (leaks) - AR
  17. Groom temps - daily
I will also be making a tighter schedule for all things related to the grow for my next batch o ladies that'll include:
  • Feeding plan for seed to harvest
  • Tea schedule
  • Grow schedule
  • Lighting schedule
  • Training schedule
  • Temp schedule
  • CO2 schedule
  • Water Schedule
  • Maintenance Schedule
Sure there may be a bunch of stuff I've forgotten.
Please feel free to chime in all help is appreciated.

Your bro on the grow
Beer Belly :weed:
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Pretty long list. Mine is kind of differen as ph and ppm and stuff I just glance at and say.. yup that's about right. Doesn't change that much. Plus I have data populated spreadsheets for that.

My list is more like:
Overhead lights in flower room off.
Bucket lines and float valves clear.
Doors locked
gates locked
alarm armed

Etc etc etc.

And as far as nutrient schedule, temps,co2...blah blah blah.. here is the mother fucking definite guide to great buds..
You will notice it bucks quite a few popular "conventions" you will find on the forums. But you can take this to heart.. you do one run following popular advice and then give this schedule a try and see what happens.

PS. Don't share this with dick heads, people running CFLS, or people that think trimming their plants is removing the "solar panels" of the plant.


  • CCH2O-Recommendations-Graph.jpg
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they're still looking great man. just a couple things for you to think on. one is that if you want a more solid construction for the tops of those buckets they make 5 gallon bucket lids with built in net pots in six or eight inch nets. i used the cut out net pots at first but with the constant removal of the lids for cleaning and rez changes they eventually got cracks and the plants eventually fell right into the rez. so i ended up having to tie the whole plant to the ceiling, floating suspended in the air, dangling into the rez. then i moved to the built in lids and I've never had a problem.
the other thing is they're looking pretty full, and seem to be getting heavy. when are you planning on netting/trellising them? or are you? i don't want to see em fall over on ya lol. cheers bud. :)
they're still looking great man. just a couple things for you to think on. one is that if you want a more solid construction for the tops of those buckets they make 5 gallon bucket lids with built in net pots in six or eight inch nets. i used the cut out net pots at first but with the constant removal of the lids for cleaning and rez changes they eventually got cracks and the plants eventually fell right into the rez. so i ended up having to tie the whole plant to the ceiling, floating suspended in the air, dangling into the rez. then i moved to the built in lids and I've never had a problem.
the other thing is they're looking pretty full, and seem to be getting heavy. when are you planning on netting/trellising them? or are you? i don't want to see em fall over on ya lol. cheers bud. :)

They already have the 10" net pot bucket lids.
I initially started the new plants with drip irrigation for a couple of weeks.
I then cut some holes in some lids that fit over the top to keep the evaporation from the pots lower. These are also painted black inside to keep the light off to help prevent algae. I also wrapped the buckets in a self adhesive foam insulation and switched the hose to a white one to help keep water temps lower. They don't fluctuate now.
@Alienwidow I also installed trellising board's with hook eyes every foot or so. I put them at 2 different heights in on both sides of the room to add support when needed. I have not used them yet as I want them to go as long as possible without any help to strengthen the stalks. Not sure if this is good or bad but that's the plan for now.
Cheers bro
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is this a hookerless grow.? are you dancin those ladies all day with out bustiers
They already have the 10" net pot bucket lids.
View attachment 3362227
I initially started the new plants with drip irrigation for a couple of weeks.
View attachment 3362230
I then cut some holes in some lids that fit over the top to keep the evaporation from the pots lower. These are also painted black inside to keep the light off to help prevent algae. I also wrapped the buckets in a self adhesive foam insulation and switched the hose to a white one to help keep water temps lower. They don't fluctuate now.
View attachment 3362231
hey man, thanks for the re cap. i thought i saw some cut out earlier and mistakenly thought you were insert netting them. i like smaller net sizes, more room for roots to grow.
Ok, I'm the interest of time I'm going to distill about 7 years of hydro experience on you in about three paragraphs.

Oh post about the pump when it arrives, you are going to be very very impressed.

So the hydro thing...Sterile rez sounds great on paper. I mean you add your sterilization (h2o2,bleach, hydro sparkle, that dutch master shit) whatever, and it's supposed to be cool and the gang.

And depending on where you live and what your water is like..and if you have well water...beware, you can get bacteria in your water. It's a cyanobacteria that doesn't need light, it doesnt need air, the shit is nasty. And if you scrub your buckets with scotch bright, bacteria can live in those scratches and I have read peer reviewed journal articles that found that bacteria firmly attached to substrates can withstand 6x the usual disenfectent.

Once I got this stuff I tried EVERY FUCK ING THING. Everything. From bleach to physian name it. all the while there are plenty of folks saying "yeah dude, h2o2 is all you need".

finally I came across a thread on beneficial bacteria. There are several but there is a huge one here. Heisenburg tea. I tried it and wow! I mean wow. I had plants on the brink of death and after about a week they were fucking exploding!

I spent many many many hours researching this shit and I have subscriptions to several online journals (environmental science related). It has been shown time and time again that beneficials ward of disease, increase uptake and increase yield.

They won't reproduce in water, but they do live about a week.
It's simple really, a little molassis, a handful or two of ancient forest, and a scoop of myco powder. Bubble the fuck out of it... with your POS pump, and add to the rez. Once a week

In terms of the mycorhizal powder there are all.kinds available. Hands down the best by a long shot is ogbiowar. Get it..biological warefare. bio war was started by a biologist and grower over at thc farmer. He ordered the spores and mixed it himself. thc farmer makes rhis place look like a CFL grow in terms of the depth of knowledge. Anyways.. people were buying it by messaging him and the results were awesome. So much he started an ebay website...and BOOM His business exploded. Now it is in retail stores.

You can buy it directly from his website. Google og biowar. (whispering) use the code thc farmer at check out and you get it damn near wholesale.

Follow the instructions on his website. It's kind of a pain in the ass but whatever. It WORKS. I have pictures but I'm too lazy to dig them up.

If you Google beneficial tea or he sine burg tea you will find scores of people that are high fiving each other over this stuff.

Oh yeah ...notch that water down a couple 67 Degrees :)

Happy growing mate. Serious clean and professional looking setup. Very very nice

ok I just ran into this starting reading about heisinburg tea lol