Fuck the police


Active Member
Unless you are running 10+kW, don't pay your bill, or steal your electricity, you'll be fine.

They can't arbitrarily just bust in (from what I know) because of high usage. Two, or even four 600w bulbs is miniscule. Could simply represent a space heater or two.

Pay your bill, and don't be paranoid. Per my avatar that @ayr0n made for me, I'm not legal either ;)

Thank you so much. And yes I was reading about a drug bust and the only reason they got caught is because they were stealing their power. How many lights do you run?


Active Member
Again, that's great and I'm glad that you have that taken care of. What happens if the lights go out and the carbon scrubber is no longer active? Do you have a backup source of power in the event that you lose electricity for a period longer than a few hours?

By closed room do you mean a sealed room?
Yea it's sealed. Most people mess up because they conect their fan to their carbon scrubber and then put the air outside but if it only gets scrubbed once you can still smell it if you push the air back in the room you'll scrub it more than once so it gets rid of the smell completely. And yea I have a generator that's big enough to keep my carbon scrubber running in case power goes out


Active Member
I don't worry about the electricity as much as I worry about the heat I'm giving off. Especially if you live where it snows. How do you look if your house is the only house that doesn't have snow on only one corner of your Roof In a perfect square? I run a 400w HPS and It gives off a shit load of heat, I cant imagine 600w... or even 4 600w. I know around me a few people get busted by helicopter IR vision. They say grow tents block the IR because of the material inside but they still detect the heat that leaks out of the tent. And as far as electricity goes, pay your bill. Hope it helped.


Well-Known Member
Yes, and 4000w running 12 hours a day can only be so many things. Places where Smart Meters are common are not new to residential grow ops.
Better do some more research. Old school meters only read Kw, the new smart meters can't directly tell what is running, but they can use the info to figure out what's running based on the electrical draws of the appliance.
Paranoid much????? :wink:

I have been on a smart meter for years!! Every time I flip the light switch in my garage 1500+ watt's worth of lights come on and that is every day. Every morning the hot tub and pool pump turn on for the day. There is NO WAY the electric company can tell what you have turned on in your house!!! I get into tier 4 and 5 every month and no one is knocking on my door because I pay the bill on time every time!!!

There are plenty of people out there that use enormous amounts of electricity daily and no one is knocking on those doors either!!
Like I said.. Telling someone about your garden or letting the odor out is how you get busted along with heat signatures.

"A smart meter is usually an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing.[7] Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Unlike home energy monitors, smart meters can gather data for remote reporting. Such an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) differs from traditional automatic meter reading (AMR) in that it enables two-way communications with the meter."


Active Member
I don't worry about the electricity as much as I worry about the heat I'm giving off. Especially if you live where it snows. How do you look if your house is the only house that doesn't have snow on only one corner of your Roof In a perfect square? I run a 400w HPS and It gives off a shit load of heat, I cant imagine 600w... or even 4 600w. I know around me a few people get busted by helicopter IR vision. They say grow tents block the IR because of the material inside but they still detect the heat that leaks out of the tent. And as far as electricity goes, pay your bill. Hope it helped.
Lol you should fix that and I don't worry about heat because my air duct that leads the heat outside is right next to my dryer that puts heat out. And the duct is stretched so long that it doesn't come out very hot at all.


Active Member
Paranoid much????? :wink:

I have been on a smart meter for years!! Every time I flip the light switch in my garage 1500+ watt's worth of lights come on and that is every day. Every morning the hot tub and pool pump turn on for the day. There is NO WAY the electric company can tell what you have turned on in your house!!! I get into tier 4 and 5 every month and no one is knocking on my door because I pay the bill on time every time!!!

There are plenty of people out there that use enormous amounts of electricity daily and no one is knocking on those doors either!!
Like I said.. Telling someone about your garden or letting the odor out is how you get busted along with heat signatures.

"A smart meter is usually an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing.[7] Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Unlike home energy monitors, smart meters can gather data for remote reporting. Such an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) differs from traditional automatic meter reading (AMR) in that it enables two-way communications with the meter."
So why should I have a smart meter?
The po po can detect and easily find out from your electric company of how much power you consume.
Just make sure you have proper wiring


Well-Known Member
Paranoid much????? :wink:
No. It's fact, look into it. The way it was explained to me, by a tech at our local power company, is the smart meters are almost like having an oscilloscope hooked up to your power supply. As certain devices are turned on/off the power signal varies and produce different wave forms which can be attributed to certain appliances, not specific appliances, IE: whirlpool model #75632 washing machine, but they will know it was a washing machine running. The smart meters are recording and reporting all your usage, that's the point of the smart meter, so the elec comp. knows when the highest times of power usage are in what areas so the can control distribution more efficiently. I'm not saying it's recording the actual devices in use but they can generally tell what's going on with the new meters if they want to look into it.


Well-Known Member
No. It's fact, look into it. The way it was explained to me, by a tech at our local power company, is the smart meters are almost like having an oscilloscope hooked up to your power supply. As certain devices are turned on/off the power signal varies and produce different wave forms which can be attributed to certain appliances, not specific appliances, IE: whirlpool model #75632 washing machine, but they will know it was a washing machine running. The smart meters are recording and reporting all your usage, that's the point of the smart meter, so the elec comp. knows when the highest times of power usage are in what areas so the can control distribution more efficiently. I'm not saying it's recording the actual devices in use but they can generally tell what's going on with the new meters if they want to look into it.

Have you ever used an Oscilloscope? I have and there is NO WAY the electric company can say what you have connected to the grid! And if they could, they would not be knocking on your door for using lights, fans, heaters or air conditioners!!

I have been connected to a smart meter for over 10 years (multiple houses) so I have a good idea how they work. You haven't lived till the power company feels you have used enough electricity for the day and remotely cuts off the power to your A/C in the heat of the day!! Yay California!!!

Even if the OP did not pay his bill, the cops won't be knocking on his door, however the electric company will come out and cap the meter lugs until he pays up!!!


Active Member
Are police able to see the heat through my house or just the air the hot air I push outside?
they will use IR to see passed your walls, yes.... they see anything that gives off the slightest amount of heat. your body doesnt give off that much heat and they can see every living body that walks in that house if they wanted to (i spent 5 years in iraq, ive actually DONE an IR scan on buildings and this is possible, dont believe anyone that tells you its not. cops use the same tools as the navy seals to spot heat signals)... this is done by helicopter so its waaaaaay more random. i assume they fly over a well known area and they just start scanning and if they see something fishy they WILL investigate. dont worry so much about the electricity, you got this.... buy a grow tent to hide yourself from IR (infrared radiation) and buy a fan with filter to cool your tent from the inside that way no heat leaks out and mask the smell of your grow. my silent fans, the humming that comes off the fans can give you away as well... if all else fails but a shotgun buck shot rounds and go out like a G saying "FUCK THE POLICE" :clap::finger: good luck bro

source: i live down south, enough said... we're beyond paranoid here, aint nothing wrong with that.


Active Member
BUY*** silent fans, the humming that comes off the fans can give you away as well... if all else fails but a shotgun buck shot rounds and go out like a G saying "FUCK THE POLICE" :clap::finger: good luck bro

source: i live down south, enough said... we're beyond paranoid here, aint nothing wrong with that.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Have you ever used an Oscilloscope? I have and there is NO WAY the electric company can say what you have connected to the grid! And if they could, they would not be knocking on your door for using lights, fans, heaters or air conditioners!!

I have been connected to a smart meter for over 10 years (multiple houses) so I have a good idea how they work. You haven't lived till the power company feels you have used enough electricity for the day and remotely cuts off the power to your A/C in the heat of the day!! Yay California!!!

Even if the OP did not pay his bill, the cops won't be knocking on his door, however the electric company will come out and cap the meter lugs until he pays up!!!
I'm not saying they are going to cut your power or report you, but SOME power suppliers have the tech to know what you are running and when. Look into it a little more, there are research papers online that talk about the advancement of the technology and how it IS currently possible to tell what is running in someones house and how some people want to implement it country wide, to supposedly make power distribution more efficient. My best friends sis-in-law works for the local power company, they know now who's using more power than is considered "normal" without the smart meters, they don't care as long as they get paid. Only time any of this will be a issue is if the law wants to look into it more.


Well-Known Member
General tips to growing in illegal places:

1. Absolutely, positively control any smell. Carbon filters are good, sealed room is good, both are better.

2. IR imaging can only see heat from bodies inside tents, not buildings. Use the excess heat from your grow to heat your house in winter. This saves money, too! No way to tell what system was used, heat is heat.

3. Blowing heat out of a window in the winter is suspicious, out the dryer vent is not.

4. Smart meter is for telling the utility company about usage patterns, which allows them to tailor their supply (generation plus purchases) to the load more efficiently.

5. PAY YOUR POWER BILL ON TIME. The best way to end up on the power company's radar is to get shut off notices with high numbers.

6. Growing pot might be illegal, but stealing power is potential a federal crime, if the local persecutors want to make a big mess of your life. The power company can figure out who and how much almost as fast as you can hook it up.

7. Run your op on the flip as much as possible to minimize usage spikes. This is safer and easier on your electrical system, as well as generally cheaper and easier to control temps, etc. If you have demand billing, this is mandatory.

8. Consider water chilling your op; using a separate water circuit to cool cannot carry smell, and the units look like the AC our heat pumps they are converted from. The initial cost can be higher than AC, but the benefits really add up in terms of flexibility and cost savings.

Y'all feel free to chime with power saving tips, because the less power used, the less you pay- or worry.


Well-Known Member
6. Growing pot might be illegal, but stealing power is potential a federal crime, if the local persecutors want to make a big mess of your life. The power company can figure out who and how much almost as fast as you can hook it up.
I would never advocate stealing power, but my friends sis-in-law said in the years she has worked for the power company she has never heard of them prosecuting anyone personally they caught stealing power, only if it was a business, and they thought they could recoup some losses. She said it's one of those deals where it would cost them more to prosecute then to just go fix the problem and start billing again. She also knows of no service men calling in tips to the police if they stumble on someones grow, most of them don't give 2 shits, they are more likely to personally blackmail you..