Fuck the police


Well-Known Member
I would never advocate stealing power, but my friends sis-in-law said in the years she has worked for the power company she has never heard of them prosecuting anyone personally they caught stealing power, only if it was a business, and they thought they could recoup some losses. She said it's one of those deals where it would cost them more to prosecute then to just go fix the problem and start billing again. She also knows of no service men calling in tips to the police if they stumble on someones grow, most of them don't give 2 shits, they are more likely to personally blackmail you..
Good to know, though that wouldn't happen around here. Being legal is nice!


Well-Known Member
Good info guy's!!!

I pull air from the garage through the lights and into my veg room where it is pulled into the flower room before being pushed back out to the garage via the carbon filter/fan. Basically all the heat goes into my already heated garage! I haven't given my Cop neighbor a walk through yet but I am sure it is coming.

It's nice to be legal!!! :mrgreen: