The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I've had a few bits of.the old lemon cake remember? The 1st lot I didn't like but the second lot was sound didn't taste as greasy....I'd make cookies nice n small to yam down in one lol or I'd have a go at making toffee I think or some sort of sweet.
mate i dont remember yday most week let alone time ago, my lemon cake could be well greasy cause i would use 200g of butter instead of the 100g it said lol

make toffee ghet n remember my sample lol


Well-Known Member
I think the last one u used kief? Maybe that's why it tasted better? Yeh I'll have a pop at toffee tempos might be a bit tricky buy I'll have a need to learn how to make canna butter 1st


Well-Known Member
I think the last one u used kief? Maybe that's why it tasted better? Yeh I'll have a pop at toffee tempos might be a bit tricky buy I'll have a need to learn how to make canna butter 1st
no that was 50g of hash i used on that good batch, just low grade pollen from the dn but it worked well, fucking wax would be killer tho! n making the butter is the easiest thing you can make mate.


Well-Known Member
Yeh that's right mate was hash u used was a lot easier on the old stomach lol...say to make 500g of butter how much weed or trim do u use? Its gotta be strong like


Well-Known Member
Yeh that's right mate was hash u used was a lot easier on the old stomach lol...say to make 500g of butter how much weed or trim do u use? Its gotta be strong like
500g of butter is quite a bit mate, for it to be super strong you would need alot of gear i dont no about concentrates but weedy butter for it be strong id put in 4-5oz of good trim and a half maybe a oz of popcorn, that would be strong butter tho mind whitey material if you eat too much lolol

but same as ya dabs it would last! 500g of butter you could make alot of edibles.

also you lose weight in the cook so for 500g end product you would put in alot more than 500g of butter, ghee n coconut oil mix's well thats what i used on that hash run.

when i read about people saying it take a hour or 2 to kick in thats just bullshit or weak butter, literally 10-20mins after you eaten the strong shit your fucked and just keep getting more n more fucked lol cause when you eat it, it release's into your system alot slower, and you know you made a good batch when you wake up still stoned! not groggy but full on wake up still stoned out ya nut lmao
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Well-Known Member
Yeh I'm with ya mate cuz to make toffee you need shit loads of butter but then I'd cut em into tiny little squares so its just a little portion but mongols ya that's what I'm after


Well-Known Member
Yeh I'm with ya mate cuz to make toffee you need shit loads of butter but then I'd cut em into tiny little squares so its just a little portion but mongols ya that's what I'm after
thats what you want really if its weedy butter cause its rank so the smaller the better, but with butter made from hash/extract you could really get ya bake on n make something tasty cause u just carnt taste no nasty weed flavour.

i love toffee tho so the idea of canna toffee sounds good to me, theres vendors on the dn makin jellybabies tho i quite fancy a few of them.


Well-Known Member
Yeh man or jelly beans fuckin ell I'd end up on a whitey for sure....the yank are killing it off with edibles as well as u can imagine the fat cunts....they got these things called chewba chews I think...sativa indica and a hybrid range lol talk about smashed it.....Yeh using oil would make it potent but I vohkdnt use it its far too precious u gotta smoke that shit lool....I've seen a nice chamber and vac pump for £250 might get it when i crop?


Well-Known Member
Yeh man or jelly beans fuckin ell I'd end up on a whitey for sure....the yank are killing it off with edibles as well as u can imagine the fat cunts....they got these things called chewba chews I think...sativa indica and a hybrid range lol talk about smashed it.....Yeh using oil would make it potent but I vohkdnt use it its far too precious u gotta smoke that shit lool....I've seen a nice chamber and vac pump for £250 might get it when i crop?
yeah them chewca chews been out for years now, fuck ive even seen they do canna infused cornflakes in some dispensarys lmao no joke lol


Well-Known Member
Lmao thats the breakfast of winners right there man imagine pouring your kids a bowl by mistake actually it be nice n peaceful lolol...then yanks always take things tons whole new level don't they and beyond


Well-Known Member
Lmao thats the breakfast of winners right there man imagine pouring your kids a bowl by mistake actually it be nice n peaceful lolol...then yanks always take things tons whole new level don't they and beyond

yeah you carnt really knock the yanks for how they accepted weed in so many states etc its a money thing tho more than a free the weed shit lol and that money will hopefully make the rest of the world follow money talks n all that....


Well-Known Member
Yeh that's the one they see the pounds and follow suit just hope its sooner than later....I think Colorado made something like 50 mil too much in tax and have to pay most of it back crazy money ...just shows everyone loves a smoke


Well-Known Member
Yeh that's the one they see the pounds and follow suit just hope its sooner than later....I think Colorado made something like 50 mil too much in tax and have to pay most of it back crazy money ...just shows everyone loves a smoke
yeah i read that too and then they where all screwed with what to do with the cash, the ''War'' on drugs was lost a long time ago, useage and availabilty has just increased year after year for many a year lol

all should be legal, ffs if booze is so legal and is pretty much one of the worst then i why not???


Well-Known Member
True that mate drugs are easier to get than ever before fuckin England tho we medevil as fuck....would be nice tho to grow with no worries of doing time for a plant or the para that comes just after u chop lol thats the worst


Well-Known Member
Not a star wars fan but that hoodie is pretty slick ....well I'vl
e not long woke up and I rekon the Mrs has been beating me in my sleep...both sides of me ribs theyve had a kickin loo it fuckin kills
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