The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
apparently he's totally chipper about it said he'd had a class day ?!? Couldn't make this shit up. I should pitch it to channel 4
fuck it then mate hit him with some 2-cb n microdots next time lol

its done don hes alive n kicking n apperntly ''chipper'' oldboy lol

as for the brown ups??? aint even seen em? but the yellows are everywhere its the new stamp id be inclined to say they just couldnt handle the 220s more than a myth of copys when the stamp is so new.......
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Well-Known Member
been watching that bates motel last few days blasted threw it and almost finished season 2 now, that pyscho fuck gets some nice fanny think i need to start killing some peeps lolol


Well-Known Member
Yer probably right man they'd probably gone at em a bit hard. Considering .1 is a full dose .22 is gonna hurt you. Daft smoggies....
thats it mate 220mg is way too much for many, i do agree tho that many are copied but usually copied to a similar strength them 50 bugattis i got me pal last week he said they where not the same stamp as he first had but where lovely all the same from that stealthbomber from germany, when me mate asked for em i told him they where a old stamp n wasnt shore if they could be got anymore.

same as the mandy fucking el the price of it nowday is crazy some doing it less than 10er a gram??? that carnt be proper shit shorely, then u got others selling the pure white mandy at 30-40s??? fuck that ill just take a dutchie thats been lab tested at strenght.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye methalone or mdxa or some shit grey rocks. About a third strength. Like phet to proper Imo.

Mandy is too easy to be greedy with. A measured dose is a much better plan. A 200 mg clog dancer'll do me haha


Well-Known Member
aye methalone or mdxa or some shit grey rocks. About a third strength. Like phet to proper Imo.

Mandy is too easy to be greedy with. A measured dose is a much better plan. A 200 mg clog dancer'll do me haha
yeah way too many rc's passed of as them sorta drugs nowdays, fuck it im sticking to the proper,crack,benzos n maybe some opium nowdays lol

night all.....


Well-Known Member
dont beat yaself up mate, he was a adult n you where wrecked yaself but keep that shit to yaself n peeps you know can handle it, could have been alot worse Don the cunt could have died.
lol, don't beat yaself up don......the cunt could have died, wtf ha ha can you reassure me sometime mate lol, imo if yer over 45 and u ask for class As off younger lads then call ya friends get ya cameras and film his last moments daft cunt should know better ha ha pretending hes fine so ya give him more another time, cabaret imo, glad hes breathing tho tbf


Well-Known Member
have fans got really cheap all of a sudden or is that some chinky set ya house alight fleabay jobby lax? a rvk 6'' high power cost like 70-80quid last time i brought one anyway, was from a shop tho prob cheaper online.

agreed tho them rvk's will run for years n years loud tho with no speed controller mind, ive personally not heard much bad about the sd silents either apart from they aint all that silent in the larger versions lol me old man has a few just small one's tho and they are very quiet.
It's the same make n model Gary got a yr ago....could only find it when Gary posted the link so bookmarked it..she's amazing, chinese yes,godzilla proof... Yes


Well-Known Member
Easy lads how's it going?
Relax that blue fan u got is a good bit of kit I got one a cpl years ago and I'm still using it with no probs, I've recommended it to a few ppl, I think ice also has one 1, They ain't no shitty chinky product either, they are Swiftair

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
fuck me yorkie that's steep lad. shame you can't get regs. a male out of that would be a prize
Aye it's that stuff of legends weed I told you about a couple of years ago with the dodgy email payment process.
Turns out he takes PayPal and is legit, tracking number the lot.
English lad too, from Oldham.

Can get regs, I'm having a dabble with these fems before trying to buy bulk regs to hunt with if proper.
It seems they have a decent offer on fem 100's but not reg 100's, we'll see yet.
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