is sex with unconscious people rape?

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Well-Known Member
Well it isn't taxation or a disability check and I don't see how white store owners are having to sell things to black people.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Talk to rob Roy about just about anything and pretty soon he will compare something to rape.

What is property and who can own it?

Why do you like other people to work for you under threat of violence ? Is that the "will of the masses" ? Are you a "more equal animal" ?

I think you contradict yourself and rather than admit that, it is easier for you to deflect and conflate. Sad...very sad.


Well-Known Member
Gentlemen, the term you are floundering around for is consent.

If Uncle Buck told the bad man, it would be okay for him to release the gerbils even if Buck had passed out from over inhalation of a pile of dung, then he would have given him prior consent. Not rape.

If on the other hand, a person had passed out because he had hyperventilated over the fact his government welfare check had not arrived yet and he was assaulted at a laundromat by a man in a blonde wig drinking a home brew that is likely rape. No consent given.

Are you related to Sarah Palin? I see a similar thought process and word salad conflagration, mixed with "I'm the only hard working homophobe that has earned an honest dollar" thing going here.
Just sayin.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Are you related to Sarah Palin? I see a similar thought process and word salad conflagration, mixed with "I'm the only hard working homophobe that has earned an honest dollar" thing going here.
Just sayin.
Hello there. I am not related to Sarah Palin, but thank you asking. I give you points for the avatar and the exciting entry into the ring.

However if you want me to hand you your ass, the line starts over there behind that guy in the blonde wig with a young girl in his military duffle bag he's trying to sneak on base.


Well-Known Member
Hello there. I am not related to Sarah Palin, but thank you asking. I give you points for the avatar and the exciting entry into the ring.

However if you want me to hand you your ass, the line starts over there behind that guy in the blonde wig with a young girl in his military duffle bag he's trying to sneak on base.
i like dadioski..he's real. so is his avi.
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