
i only read the first page of this. so you think you deserve someone, ahem, hotter? why is that? have you somehow become more worthy for any specific reason? have you won the lotto or something? i tell ya, pretty is nice, but at the end of the day, there has to be more than that to keep your interest. you can only fuck for so long. eventually you'll have to talk to her. if her head is empty, you'll be wanting to dump her too. has she changed so much since you got together, or is it just you? this may sound funny, but have you talked to your mother about this? do you have any friends, just friends, that are women? talk to them about this. you may just find out that you're not as deserving as you seem to think you are. my opinion is that you're a jerk!!
Who thinks cheating is ok?

I am in a long term, unhappy relationship with a young kid involved.

I just want out, but have nowhere to move out to, and fear emotionally destroying my partner. I have tried a few times to end it, and it always ends up with me feeling bad and rationalizing my thoughts and saying it'll be ok.

Damn even last week she found a pof account open (just made it recently and haven't met anyone on it yet) and there was never any mention of breaking up. Or being angry. I mean this could have been my golden ticket.. full on row, it's over, blah blah.. it would have been messy but t least it would have happened, which is what I want.

But no, Just questioning why I had it, crying, and neediness.

The hardest part of it all is the reason I want out. It's simply because she isn't hot enough. Shes about a 6 out of 10. very very average to borderline below average. I just feel like I'm missing out on the "game" and trying to "level up" . I'm all about self development and realizing your potential, and I know for a fact I deserve a far more attractive life partner. cruel but true.
This monogamy bs is noting but a western social fabrication that goes completely against our biological needs.

I feel so fucking trapped and am considering just cheating. The only con of cheating in this situation to me is the deception of the new girl. I would hate to flirt and bag a date with a great looking fun girl only for her to eventually find out I was playing her . It has to happen when I don't have a place of my own.

wtf to do guys

so. basically pros and cons of current gf

- not attractive enough
-no connection
-sex is there but meaningless
-have a 4 yr old kid
-live together /nowhere to go


- cooking /cleaning
- no drama
-worships me , I can do no wrong.

can you see how hard this is?

I guess I need to emotionally man up and accept that i'm going to have to hurt her a great deal in order to fulfil my own desires.

Love doesn't always last and you can't protect her forever. The longer you leave it, the worse it will get.
Who thinks cheating is ok?

I am in a long term, unhappy relationship with a young kid involved.

I just want out, but have nowhere to move out to, and fear emotionally destroying my partner. I have tried a few times to end it, and it always ends up with me feeling bad and rationalizing my thoughts and saying it'll be ok.

Damn even last week she found a pof account open (just made it recently and haven't met anyone on it yet) and there was never any mention of breaking up. Or being angry. I mean this could have been my golden ticket.. full on row, it's over, blah blah.. it would have been messy but t least it would have happened, which is what I want.

But no, Just questioning why I had it, crying, and neediness.

The hardest part of it all is the reason I want out. It's simply because she isn't hot enough. Shes about a 6 out of 10. very very average to borderline below average. I just feel like I'm missing out on the "game" and trying to "level up" . I'm all about self development and realizing your potential, and I know for a fact I deserve a far more attractive life partner. cruel but true.
This monogamy bs is noting but a western social fabrication that goes completely against our biological needs.

I feel so fucking trapped and am considering just cheating. The only con of cheating in this situation to me is the deception of the new girl. I would hate to flirt and bag a date with a great looking fun girl only for her to eventually find out I was playing her . It has to happen when I don't have a place of my own.

wtf to do guys

so. basically pros and cons of current gf

- not attractive enough
-no connection
-sex is there but meaningless
-have a 4 yr old kid
-live together /nowhere to go


- cooking /cleaning
- no drama
-worships me , I can do no wrong.

can you see how hard this is?

I guess I need to emotionally man up and accept that i'm going to have to hurt her a great deal in order to fulfil my own desires.
This dude sounds young as shit...thinks he 'deserves' hotter but can't even afford his own place. He's gonna go mess around and knock up some other ugly broad and have another kid he can't afford.
Have fun explaining to your kid when they're older that you and mommy didn't work out 'cause you just felt you deserved to fuck hotter bitches...
OP, I used to be like you, a selfish oxygen thief. You will never be happy in any relationship. It's not her it's YOU! 100 people pointed this out to you already. Man the fuck up accept it. Treat this girl with the respect she deserves. Give your 300% to her even if you feel she deserves only 10. It won't be long till you come to a realization that you were the cunt. And your life will be better, your kids life will be better and you might just realize that your 6/10 is actually a 10/10.

^^ This I Know cause I was there.