
Who thinks cheating is ok?

I am in a long term, unhappy relationship with a young kid involved.

I just want out, but have nowhere to move out to, and fear emotionally destroying my partner. I have tried a few times to end it, and it always ends up with me feeling bad and rationalizing my thoughts and saying it'll be ok.

Damn even last week she found a pof account open (just made it recently and haven't met anyone on it yet) and there was never any mention of breaking up. Or being angry. I mean this could have been my golden ticket.. full on row, it's over, blah blah.. it would have been messy but t least it would have happened, which is what I want.

But no, Just questioning why I had it, crying, and neediness.

The hardest part of it all is the reason I want out. It's simply because she isn't hot enough. Shes about a 6 out of 10. very very average to borderline below average. I just feel like I'm missing out on the "game" and trying to "level up" . I'm all about self development and realizing your potential, and I know for a fact I deserve a far more attractive life partner. cruel but true.
This monogamy bs is noting but a western social fabrication that goes completely against our biological needs.

I feel so fucking trapped and am considering just cheating. The only con of cheating in this situation to me is the deception of the new girl. I would hate to flirt and bag a date with a great looking fun girl only for her to eventually find out I was playing her . It has to happen when I don't have a place of my own.

wtf to do guys

so. basically pros and cons of current gf

- not attractive enough
-no connection
-sex is there but meaningless
-have a 4 yr old kid
-live together /nowhere to go


- cooking /cleaning
- no drama
-worships me , I can do no wrong.

can you see how hard this is?

I guess I need to emotionally man up and accept that i'm going to have to hurt her a great deal in order to fulfil my own desires.
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Now bear in mind I'm a goat, and therefore have several nannies to keep me busy and my opinion may be somewhat tainted....

If you like the kid, just poison her. If the kid is 'meh', poison them both. If you havnt got the balls for that, poison yourself.

Or you could always just go out and meet a girl, tell her your situation, fool around and then fess up to the missus.
Then, after the long, drawn out misery of the breakup, the legal wranglings over custody and alimony, the hoop jumping, egg shell walking and generally depressing collapse of your life into a shadow of what you have now.....

...poison yourself.
well thankfully I am not married to her, so poison won't be required. I could move out with little difficulty, guess I should just start saving for a few months rent.
that's one fear I have, what if I do it, and I end up even less happy.
Who thinks cheating is ok?

I am in a long term, unhappy relationship with a young kid involved.

I just want out, but have nowhere to move out to, and fear emotionally destroying my partner. I have tried a few times to end it, and it always ends up with me feeling bad and rationalizing my thoughts and saying it'll be ok.

Damn even last week she found a pof account open (just made it recently and haven't met anyone on it yet) and there was never any mention of breaking up. Or being angry. I mean this could have been my golden ticket.. full on row, it's over, blah blah.. it would have been messy but t least it would have happened, which is what I want.

But no, Just questioning why I had it, crying, and neediness.

The hardest part of it all is the reason I want out. It's simply because she isn't hot enough. Shes about a 6 out of 10. very very average to borderline below average. I just feel like I'm missing out on the "game" and trying to "level up" . I'm all about self development and realizing your potential, and I know for a fact I deserve a far more attractive life partner. cruel but true.
This monogamy bs is noting but a western social fabrication that goes completely against our biological needs.

I feel so fucking trapped and am considering just cheating. The only con of cheating in this situation to me is the deception of the new girl. I would hate to flirt and bag a date with a great looking fun girl only for her to eventually find out I was playing her . It has to happen when I don't have a place of my own.

wtf to do guys

so. basically pros and cons of current gf

- not attractive enough
-no connection
-sex is there but meaningless
-have a 4 yr old kid
-live together /nowhere to go


- cooking /cleaning
- no drama
-worships me , I can do no wrong.

can you see how hard this is?

I guess I need to emotionally man up and accept that i'm going to have to hurt her a great deal in order to fulfil my own desires.
you should end it and take care of your child ... give her a chance to find someone better then you while she still young.. why did u even get with her and make a child with her
why does anyone ? I was attracted to her at one stage obviously. where are all these relationships that last an entire lifetime? 6 years is a long fkn time, way long enough to realise you could and should be doing better. is it shallow,'s nature, it's evolution. we are hardwired to desire attractive mates. If you lose an attraction the urge is to replace it , but the moral bs that society has invented makes it a very hard thing to do
Now bear in mind I'm a goat, and therefore have several nannies to keep me busy and my opinion may be somewhat tainted....

If you like the kid, just poison her. If the kid is 'meh', poison them both. If you havnt got the balls for that, poison yourself.

Or you could always just go out and meet a girl, tell her your situation, fool around and then fess up to the missus.
Then, after the long, drawn out misery of the breakup, the legal wranglings over custody and alimony, the hoop jumping, egg shell walking and generally depressing collapse of your life into a shadow of what you have now.....

...poison yourself.

I saw that lovely shotgun, so now you are an honorary 'murcan, why don't you put, brad out of our misery.

She is the one that deserves better than you. You should get a good life insurance policy on yourself, make your kid the beneficiary, and then accidentally die.
so, lets say you meet a girl, who is like a 3 out of 10. damn ugly. but the nicest person ever and worships you (because she has to). SHE deserves better? I don't think wanting out of a relationship because of attraction issues is shallow. I was in a bad place in my life when I became attached to this girl. months became years.. then came a kid and bam. 4 more years of "meh".

we all have reasons why we want to leave relationship, it usually boils down to sexual or emotional reasons. but no.. she deserves better.. lol..
shes an ok woman.. not a good one. Like I say, not a head turner, lazy, dull, boring, overly reliant on her mother . Theres many more reasons why I want out. I COULD stand to stay with her if she were a few points higher on the attraction scale. that's all im saying. I can still support the kid
I understand what you are saying and going through. We don;t live forever, and nobody deserves to be stuck in a miserable, unfulfilling relationship, even if it's for a kid. The kids know and it really isn;t fair to them. It is also not fair to her. I bet she is a wonderful woman and deserves someone who will love her equally.

Move on. Just know that YOU will never see the beauty in anyone and will always be looking for greener pastures. You will live the life of a swinging dick and die alone. It's ok, settling down is not for everyone.

Love your kid and make sure she doesn;t keep you from your child just to spite you.

Good luck. It;s ugly out there in the dating world.
I understand what you are saying and going through. We don;t live forever, and nobody deserves to be stuck in a miserable, unfulfilling relationship, even if it's for a kid. The kids know and it really isn;t fair to them. It is also not fair to her. I bet she is a wonderful woman and deserves someone who will love her equally.

Move on. Just know that YOU will never see the beauty in anyone and will always be looking for greener pastures. You will live the life of a swinging dick and die alone. It's ok, settling down is not for everyone.

Love your kid and make sure she doesn;t keep you from your child just to spite you.

Good luck. It;s ugly out there in the dating world.
damn bro... that was beautiful ..... applause...
I understand what you are saying and going through. We don;t live forever, and nobody deserves to be stuck in a miserable, unfulfilling relationship, even if it's for a kid. The kids know and it really isn;t fair to them. It is also not fair to her. I bet she is a wonderful woman and deserves someone who will love her equally.

Move on. Just know that YOU will never see the beauty in anyone and will always be looking for greener pastures. You will live the life of a swinging dick and die alone. It's ok, settling down is not for everyone.

Love your kid and make sure she doesn;t keep you from your child just to spite you.

Good luck. It;s ugly out there in the dating world.

thanks, and yeah you could be right. Maybe settling down is not in my genes. Maybe I just need to find the right person. One thing for sure is there will never be another kid until at least 6 years of any future possible relationship.

Or maybe ill wus out and still be here this time next year, well guys thanks for the oppinions except dynaryders moronic reply. I just needed to vent
shes an ok woman.. not a good one. Like I say, not a head turner, lazy, dull, boring, overly reliant on her mother . Theres many more reasons why I want out. I COULD stand to stay with her if she were a few points higher on the attraction scale. that's all im saying. I can still support the kid
if I was her brother... id beat us ass.... and take whats in your wallet... every other week
I think we may have had this conversation about a year ago in PM, no? I know you don;t want to hurt her, and that is very noble. However, you ARE hurting her by not being fully committed to her. Think about that. Let her go. The pain fades and you will both be happy soon enough.

May I suggest a vasectomy? I got mine at Planned Parenthood for about $400. Jogged home. I suggest this in love. If it weren;t for the stars aligning just right and god mercifully sending me the angel that is my wife, I would NEVER have been married. I hope the same happens for you...... and her.