Herb & Suds
Well-Known Member
Scott w\Walker would destroy OUR Nation...
Which is why a republican candidate won't win the white house until the party updates its platform
The United States is a secular country
It's weird conservatives are the ones to get all uppity about individual freedom and personal responsibility then lobby the government to criminalize itYou keep telling yourself that, those of us old enough have heard it time and time again. Then the impossible happens and whoops, eight years of a Republican in the White House.
I'm an anti-theist, my disgust and position on partial birth abortion has nothing to do with religion. Anyone defending it is a piece of shit of the highest order. You can argue 12 weeks, 20 weeks, whatever, that shit is heinous.
my disgust and position on partial birth abortion has nothing to do with religion.
my disgust and position on partial birth abortion has nothing to do with religion.
all of you idiots claim not to be religious and then side with religious interests in everything without fail.
Watch a couple fo vid's some night before dinner with the Mrs. (but you won't)
It is a hideous and demented thing to do to the most innocent on the planet.
Ripped limb from limb & vacuumed out to be dumped in the trash.
Religion has nothing to do with it - respect for life and human decency would be a good place to start.
Who's body are we defending here?
I've watched a video and the later term abortions I've heard the screams of pain in a recording.Watch a couple fo vid's some night before dinner with the Mrs. (but you won't)
It is a hideous and demented thing to do to the most innocent on the planet.
Ripped limb from limb & vacuumed out to be dumped in the trash.
Religion has nothing to do with it - respect for life and human decency would be a good place to start.
Who's body are we defending here?
It's weird conservatives are the ones to get all uppity about individual freedom and personal responsibility then lobby the government to criminalize it
So weird..![]()
The subject of abortion being an emotional one brings many inconsistencies. You see lefty loons that favor late term abortions want to make it illegal for the mother to have a glass of wine. They will also argue fpr double homicide when a pregnant mother is killed, but refuse to admit abortion is more than ridding the body of parasitic cells. There are those on the right that argue to make it illegal while claiming individual freedom and telling us prohibition doesn't work.At some point, personal freedom must be extended to the infant.
I assume you support a charge of murder for an individual that kills a child 10 seconds after birth, but you support that killing if you can just keep its head in the birth canal long enough to get 'er done?
It's a moot point, ban was upheld by SCOTUS in 2007.
it's a medical procedure.
Scott w\Walker would destroy OUR Nation...
He will get his butt handed to him in the general election.
What would be revealed about her that isn't already? She's been in the public spotlight for more than 2 decadesIf Hillary wins the primary we'll have a pub prez. There will be so many skeletons revealed in the primaries that she will be unelectable.
What would be revealed about her that isn't already? She's been in the public spotlight for more than 2 decades
I wouldn't vote for her, but imo, she's a stronger candidate than any current republican planning on running by a pretty big margin
That's pretty much how the primaries work for either sideYou are a political junkie posting in a politics section. You know way more than the average voter. It's the average voter that will have their eyes open to what a vile person she really is. Especially if Biden is also running. Those two petulant children will try to out do the other, then completely reverse course after the primary and try to sell the winner.
me worried ? It matters not to me personally because who ever gets voted in I will be perfectly fine. It is other people I'm more concerned about. I actually care about others well being.London.
Sounds like you are worried. You should be, because I think the Dems are already digging there own hole come 2016. We will have to wait and see, its kinda early.
Watch a couple fo vid's some night before dinner with the Mrs. (but you won't)
It is a hideous and demented thing to do to the most innocent on the planet.
Ripped limb from limb & vacuumed out to be dumped in the trash.
Religion has nothing to do with it - respect for life and human decency would be a good place to start.
Who's body are we defending here?
me worried ? It matters not to me personally because who ever gets voted in I will be perfectly fine. It is other people I'm more concerned about. I actually care about others well being.
Now do I think Scott Walker has a chance in the general election. HELL NO