How to have grow rooms wired to handle more electricity


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about how to go about having someone rewire one of the rooms in my house to handle more electricity right now that rooms on a 15 amp circuit I've been able to run a little over 2000w in there with only occasional problems but I'm looking to expand so how many amps should I have to run 5000w and how much do you think an electrician would charge me for this work?
Depends on a lot of things, from local codes to how long of a 'homerun', and what does that run have to pass through. Just the materials to do that is a few hundred, also depends on wire. You can probably get a free estimate from a local electrician.
It is relatively easy to do if you have room on your electrical box for additional breakers. The hardest part would be running the new wire and replacing all the existing electrical. I just left the existing electrical in my room and ran two seperate 12-2 20 amp circuits to the room and mounted the outlets on 2x4s so they can one day be removed. And I can still use the 15amp circuit the room is wired on. As far as cost goes, breakers are under 10$, 250ft of 12-2 is about 65$. Gfci breaker outlets are 10$ so say 10 of those if you did two circuits, 100$, The electrician would be the expensive part, probably at least 500$-1000$.
Expect a grand for a real electrician, or give him a plant or 2. (I would take it). I was an electrician, and that is pretty close to what it would cost for a professional job (2 -20 amp circuits with 4 - outlets)
Electricity means safety first always. Very smart to hire a pro even if it sounds simple. Make sure your fire alarm works and have a battery operated back up. Even if it's 99.9% safe that .1% is a disaster. 2 thumbs up for thinking ahead. :-)
Thanks everybody I'll have to work on getting dat money together dissent realize it would be so expensive @Jimdamick LOL ya maybe I can find a stoner electritition who will accept bud as payment
You've been getting away with murder running 2000 watts on a 15 amp circuit. I bet if u felt those outlets they are hot as hell. I recommend running as much equipment on 220v as you can. (Ballast, ac, dehumidifier) it's much cleaner power.

Hire a electrician if you are
1. Tryin to stay to code without having an inspector come in
2. Don't want or feel the need to do it yourself. Or have any doubts on what your doing.
2000+ watts on a 15 amp breaker is overload, for certain. Depending you your type of breakers, they should have been tripping and if your wiring is the old fabric coated Romex type, then I would be VERY nervous about it.. To run 5000+ watts, do what everyone is saying and hire the right electrician. Depending on your location, either get a 420 friendly electrician or, if you're in a 420 friendly area, make sure you use a trusted source electrician or you have a good reason why you need that kind of wattage. Side Note: I truly do keep reef tanks and grow coral...these need a lot of Metal Halide and T5 power and it makes a perfect "reason" for having that type of power if you're asked.

Bottom line: get a couple of trusted quotes and spend a couple grand so you can sleep well at night. Hindsight is 20/20 and if you're running 5k watts, the extra couple grand will be a long gone, rear view afterthought very shortly. A house fire will ruin your life and, possibly kill someone.....

How much amperage do you currently have directed to your residence?
Sounds like you got a fire waiting to happen..2000w works out to 16+A on a 15A circuit...not good!
For 5000W get 240 wired in, just to keep the number of circuits down. I just ran a single 240V 30A line to my room and it will handle 5 1000W lights( assuming a 5A draw). A 120V 15A circuit shouldn't run more than a single 1000W which will draw appx. 11A. For safety reasons, circuits shouldn't be loaded past 80% of their rating, so no more than 12A on a 15A breaker.
I was wondering about how to go about having someone rewire one of the rooms in my house to handle more electricity right now that rooms on a 15 amp circuit I've been able to run a little over 2000w in there with only occasional problems but I'm looking to expand so how many amps should I have to run 5000w and how much do you think an electrician would charge me for this work?
My room had two plugs in it .I replaced the one completely with a new run to run one 1000w and my fan and actually ordered another 1000w yesterday so now I have decided to run another one as the other plug in the room goes to the stove and microwave (in my cold cellar believe that)
I just went to home depot and got some 14\2 wire and a 15 amp breaker(check brand) and ran a direct line.. Just drill holes in your walls haha...but I would seriously unplug shit from your outlet..I had the stove one tripping and no lights even running off it just a portable heater and osciliatng fan
My room had two plugs in it .I replaced the one completely with a new run to run one 1000w and my fan and actually ordered another 1000w yesterday so now I have decided to run another one as the other plug in the room goes to the stove and microwave (in my cold cellar believe that)
I just went to home depot and got some 14\2 wire and a 15 amp breaker(check brand) and ran a direct line.. Just drill holes in your walls haha...but I would seriously unplug shit from your outlet..I had the stove one tripping and no lights even running off it just a portable heater and osciliatng fan
Thanks sounds more simple than paying an election 800$ to knock holes I'm my wall
14/3..get 14/3! IDK why i keep seeing 12/2,14/2,etc, recommended, you want the ground on there, especially since we're working with water around this electricity. A GFCI breaker, or outlet wired first in series, is also another level of protection.
no doubt if u want better n more power, drop a single 240 line in to the room, with like 4 outlets on the end, its wut I did in my room. They got 240v timers for a reason :)
14/3..get 14/3! IDK why i keep seeing 12/2,14/2,etc, recommended, you want the ground on there, especially since we're working with water around this electricity. A GFCI breaker, or outlet wired first in series, is also another level of protection.
All my wire is 14\2 in my house and it works so idk what ur saying lol..I'm no electrician but all my wire is 14\2
To do 5 lights I suggest a 60 or 100 amp sub panel. Always better to leave room for more. you got inline fans, dehumidifiers, wall fans, shit starts to add up. An electrician is going to charge you at least a grand if you expect everything done for you.
Just installed my new two new ones one for each light..u can see black to breaker..ground to where the rest of them all..and same goes for the white..its pretty simple..just be careful lol


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Just installed my new two new ones one for each light..u can see black to breaker..ground to where the rest of them all..and same goes for the white..its pretty simple..just be careful lol

This is a good example of why not to get electrical advice on a cannabis forum. Your wiring is just plain dangerous, and unprofessional.

- Jiji