Sky Mall's Crash And Burn

I never read the things. I figured that they all were full of germs from vomiting passengers. I try not to touch anything on planes - except myself; when I think of you.

I can't see the Sky Mall name going away though. It has too much recognition - it even made it into Breaking Bad, though in a way that kind of highlited the ridiculousness of the items that SkyMall offered. I can see it being rebuilt with a different sort of merch. Something not so over the top on the ridiculous scale.
They got shit like this in their mag,yet wonder why they are going bankrupt lmao :::I'll take a dozen bigfoots plz pfffft::::

Yup. But maybe somebody will class it up and make a go at it. This would buck the current trend of buying up classy brands and running them into the ground. On the other hand I could also see it hitting the scrap heap. Air travel is the last bastion of dead brands in a lot of ways. I remember when Annhueser-Busch pulled the plug on Eagle Brand chips. The last place you ever saw them was on airlines. Strange, fickle market.

If they did try to class it up they might end up irrelevant. Perhaps the ridiculous products were the only reason people picked it up in the first place - like a Nieman-Marcus catalog. I have a hard time believing that air travelers are a motivated audience. Captive yes, but not really inclined to buy things.
Yup. But maybe somebody will class it up and make a go at it. This would buck the current trend of buying up classy brands and running them into the ground. On the other hand I could also see it hitting the scrap heap. Air travel is the last bastion of dead brands in a lot of ways. I remember when Annhueser-Busch pulled the plug on Eagle Brand chips. The last place you ever saw them was on airlines. Strange, fickle market.

If they did try to class it up they might end up irrelevant. Perhaps the ridiculous products were the only reason people picked it up in the first place - like a Nieman-Marcus catalog. I have a hard time believing that air travelers are a motivated audience. Captive yes, but not really inclined to buy things.

we need @Rob Roy to chime in here.

i like their shit..except for the really goofy off the wall crap..there are always 4 or 5 things i could seriously use and intend to purchase but never do..they are like the brookstone of the sky..does their catalog get sent to homes? would think with everyone "partnering" these days they would get the passenger manifest and mail/email.
we need @Rob Roy to chime in here.

i like their shit..except for the really goofy off the wall crap..there are always 4 or 5 things i could seriously use and intend to purchase but never do..they are like the brookstone of the sky..does their catalog get sent to homes? would think with everyone "partnering" these days they would get the passenger manifest and mail/email.
Maybe we should tell em: People that look at your mag on the plane and intend to buy something , forget all about it when they get off the plane to their destination. Put this shit in the DMV or something when we have to sit there for 4 hrs all pissed off, this Christmas bigfoot might cheer em up. (drive mall):P:eyesmoke: ok Im frosted, I need a weed nap.
we need @Rob Roy to chime in here.

i like their shit..except for the really goofy off the wall crap..there are always 4 or 5 things i could seriously use and intend to purchase but never do..they are like the brookstone of the sky..does their catalog get sent to homes? would think with everyone "partnering" these days they would get the passenger manifest and mail/email.

Maybe we should tell em: People that look at your mag on the plane and intend to buy something , forget all about it when they get off the plane to their destination. Put this shit in the DMV or something when we have to sit there for 4 hrs all pissed off, this Christmas bigfoot might cheer em up. (drive mall):P:eyesmoke: ok Im frosted, I need a weed nap.

No, I don't think they send them to homes. I think that their gimmick was being distributed by the airlines. But people were encouraged to bring them home and often did. Catalog distribution is a major cost or a mail order place. I wonder what the airlines' 'cut' was for distributing the things. I doubt that they did it for free. Other than that, your costs are a warehouse, warehouse and admin staff... And a whole lot of money spent by upper mgmnt going on junkets to test $85K personal submarines.
I usually find myself peeling it out of the seatback. Usually just to daydream about shit I don't need. Never bought nothing. Took 10 flights last year. My ability to not spend money I don't have on shit I don't need is pretty strong. Imagine that's a problem for them. On one of the flights they made an announcement that there was a passenger with a peanut allergy, so no shitty peanuts. Made me think, " well, what about the peanuts I packed?" Never seen anyone go into aanaphylactic shock before. Figured at 35k probably not the place to see it. I ate the pretzels.
I usually find myself peeling it out of the seatback. Usually just to daydream about shit I don't need. Never bought nothing. Took 10 flights last year. My ability to not spend money I don't have on shit I don't need is pretty strong. Imagine that's a problem for them. On one of the flights they made an announcement that there was a passenger with a peanut allergy, so no shitty peanuts. Made me think, " well, what about the peanuts I packed?" Never seen anyone go into aanaphylactic shock before. Figured at 35k probably not the place to see it. I ate the pretzels.

so you mean to tell me your right to eat peanuts was stripped because someone had a peanut allergy on a FLIGHT?

excuse that case, that person needs to bring their own oxygen..i'm dead serious.

i bought my seat (usually 1st) and i have the right to eat anything in those confines..if that person is that allergic, that they have to be worrying about the recycled air? bring you're own.

what do they do IRL? everywhere they go? they tell people not to eat peanuts?

i've never heard of such a thing.
The flight attendant seemed to be put off by it too. The announcement was more of a "sorry to inform you" than a "please cooperate". First time flying Southwest. Not a fan of the no assigned seats. I like to pick my seat. Not have it dictated to me by when I check in.
If Skymall becomes a dollar store it would be a huge hit.

these fucking places are popping up every where

The flight attendant seemed to be put off by it too. The announcement was more of a "sorry to inform you" than a "please cooperate". First time flying Southwest. Not a fan of the no assigned seats. I like to pick my seat. Not have it dictated to me by when I check in.

ew has no 1st..have you ever tried Spririt?:lol: